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Human Development and Family Studies

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Administered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Total credits required: 120. The human development and family studies curriculum prepare graduates to pursue careers in helping professions with employment opportunities in government, non-profit, and private agencies, as well as continue on to graduate studies programs. 

Student Learning Outcomes

The following set of learning goals was established for the bachelor's degree in Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS). Upon completion of the undergraduate degree in HDFS, students will:

Learning Objective 1: Lifespan Developmental Understanding: Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of human development and families across the lifespan.

Learning Objective 2: Applied Research and Practice: Students will learn to apply research findings in their work with individuals and families, enhancing their ability to understand and address real-world challenges in the field. 

Learning Objective 3: Promotion of Well-Being and Resilience: Students will learn strategies to promote and support well-being and resilience in diverse contexts, such as mental health, relationships, and personal development. 

Learning Objective 4:  Professionalism, Ethics, and Cultural Responsiveness: Students will develop skills for successful professional practice, ethical decision-making, and cultural responsiveness in the field. 

A minor in human development and family studies is available; see requirements under Human Development and Family Studies, Undergraduate Minor.

Human Development and Family studies

Human Development and Family Studies Core: 33-34 credits

HDFS 1020Human Development3
HDFS 1100Freshman Learning Community Orientation1
or HDFS 1110 New Transfer Student Seminar
HDFS 2200Introduction to Professional Practice3
Select one Individual Development course from:3
Child Development
Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Young Adulthood Through Later Life
HDFS 2490Family Studies3
HDFS 3690Research Methods in Human Development and Family Studies3
HDFS 3860Human Services Management I3
HDFS 3870Trauma-Informed Practice3
HDFS 4200Advanced Professional Practice3
HDFS 4910Internship8-9
Total Credits33-34

Supporting Courses in HDFS 

Select 27 credits from:27
Consumer Issues
Child Development Practicum
Children’s Literature
Family Communications and Relationships
Human Sexuality
Personal Finance
Field Experiences: Human Development and Family Studies
Happiness Across the Lifespan
Income Tax Planning
Social-Emotional Development and Guidance
Programming for Children in Early Care and Education
Inclusive Teaching and Interaction Strategies
Family Stress, Abuse, and Resilience
Death as a Part of Living
Aging and the Family
Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
Children, Families, and Public Policy
Family Partnerships in Early Childhood
Families Through a Social and Cultural Lens
Human Services Management II
Independent Study: Human Development and Family Studies
Additional courses not used in the “Individual Development” section can also be used as Supporting Courses.
Total Credits27

Communications and Library: 10 credits

ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
One of the following:3
Communication and U.S. Diversity
Interpersonal Communication
Communication and Conflict Management
Family Communications and Relationships
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Total Credits10

Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines: 9 credits

STAT 1040Introduction to Statistics3
Select two courses (6 credits) from the HDFS approved list of Science and Math courses6
Total Credits9

Social Sciences: 9 credits

Select from HDFS list of approved social sciences courses.

Humanities: 6 credits

Select one course from:3
Moral Theory and Practice
Ethical Issues in a Diverse Society
Select one additional course (3 credits) from the HDFS approved Humanities list3
Total Credits6

Electives: 26 credits

Elective course options may include additional HDFS courses.

Total credits: 120 credits

U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement: Students fulfill the U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement by choosing three credits of coursework from each of the university-approved lists.


Social Sciences: 9 credits. Coursework designed to help students develop an understanding of the principal methods of studying human behavior and an understanding of the structure and functioning of institutions.

AESHM 4210Developing Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential3
AFAM 3300Ethnic and Race Relations3
FDM 1650Fashion, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society3
FDM 3620Cultural Perspectives of Global Dress3
FDM 4670Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products3
AMIN 3100Contemporary Topics in American Indian Studies3
AMIN 3150Archaeology of North America3
AMIN 3220Peoples and Cultures of Native North America3
Anthropology (ANTHR) - except 2020
Economics (ECON)
FSHN 3420World Food Issues: Past and Present3
INTST 2350Introduction to International Studies3
LING 2190Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 4710Language and Reading Development in Children3
Political Science (POLS)
Psychology (PSYCH) - except 131
Sociology (SOC), including Criminal Justice (CJ)
WGS 2010Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 2030Introduction to Lesbian Communities3
WGS 3010International Perspectives on Women and Gender3
ENVS 3200Ecofeminism3
WGS 3270Gender and Sexualities in Society3
WGS 3280Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood3
WGS 3460Psychology of Women3
AFAM 3500Women of Color in the U.S3
WGS 3850Women in Politics3

Humanities: 6 credits. Coursework designed to assist students to develop an understanding of human cultural heritage and history, and an appreciation of reasoning and the aesthetic value of human creativity. 

AESHM 3420Aesthetics of Consumer Experience3
AFAM 2010Introduction to African American Studies3
AFAM 3340Africana Religions3
AFAM 3470African American Literature3
AFAM 3530History of African Americans I3
AFAM 3540History of African Americans II3
FDM 3540Fashion History I: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century3
FDM 3560Fashion History II: Mid-19th Century to the Present3
AMIN 2100Introduction to American Indian Studies3
AMIN 2400Introduction to American Indian Literature3
AMIN 3460American Indian Literature3
ARCH 2210Histories and Theories of Architecture to 17503
ARCH 4200Topics in American Architecture3
Art History (ARTH)
American Sign Language (ASL)
Classical Studies (CLST)
DANCE 2700Dance Appreciation3
DANCE 3600History and Philosophy of Dance3
DSNS 1830Design in Context3
ENGL 2010Introduction to Literature3
ENGL 2250Survey of British Literature to 18003
ENGL 2260Survey of British Literature since 18003
ENGL 2270Survey of American Literature to 18653
ENGL 2280Survey of American Literature since 18653
ENGL 2370Survey of Film History3
ENGL 2400Introduction to American Indian Literature3
History (HIST)
HSPM 2600Global Tourism Management3
MUSIC 1020Introduction to Music Listening3
MUSIC 3020Masterpieces of Music and Art in Western Culture3
MUSIC 3040History of American Rock 'n' Roll3
MUSIC 3830History of Music I3
MUSIC 3840History of Music II3
Philosophy (PHIL)
Religious Studies (RELIG)
THTRE 1060Introduction to the Performing Arts3
THTRE 1100Theatre and Society3
THTRE 4650Theatre History: Ancient to 19th Century3
THTRE 4660Theatre History: 19th Century to Present3
WGS 2010Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 3360Religion, Sex and Gender3
WGS 3380Feminist Philosophy3
WGS 3450Women's Literature3
WGS 3700FStudies in English Translation: French Topics on Women and Gender Studies3
or WGS 3700G Studies in English Translation: German Topics on Women or Feminism
or WGS 3700R Studies in English Translation: Russian Topics on Women or Feminism
or WGS 3700S Studies in English Translation: Hispanic Topics on Women or Feminism
WGS 3740Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean World3
World Languages and Cultures (ARABC, CHIN, FRNCH, GER, GREEK, RUS, SPAN)

Human Development and Family Studies, B.S.

HDFS 10203HDFS 24903
HDFS 1100 or 11101HDFS Individual Development Course3
LIB 16001Gen Ed: Science Course3
ENGL 15003Gen Ed: Social Sciences Course3
Gen Ed: Social Sciences Course3Elective Course3
Gen Ed: Humanities Course3 
 14 15
HDFS 22003Gen Ed: Communications Course3
ENGL 25003Gen Ed: Science Course3
STAT 10403PHIL 2300 or PHIL 23503
Gen Ed: Social Science Course3HDFS Supporting Courses6
HDFS Supporting Course3 
 15 15
HDFS 36903HDFS Supporting Courses6
HDFS 38603Electives9
HDFS Supporting Courses6 
 16 15
HDFS 38703HDFS 49108
HDFS 42003Electives6
HDFS Supporting Courses6 
 16 14

 Total number of electives will vary. A minimum of 120 credits are required to graduate.


 See the list of HDFS General Education approved courses.


ISU requires 3 credits of U.S. Cultures & Communications coursework and 3 credits of International Perspectives coursework.


This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student’s situation. Student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point considerations affect credit hours per semester.


Study Abroad opportunities are available in fall, spring, and summer. Advance planning is critical to avoid adding an additional semester to the graduation plan. Be sure to talk to an adviser if you plan to study abroad.

The Human Development and Family Studies minor can be earned by successfully completing the following for a total of 18 credits. All minors consist of at least 3 credits taken at Iowa State. All minors must have 9 credits in courses 2000 or above, of which at least 6 credits are in courses numbered 3000 or above. The minor must include at least 3 credits not being used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement. 

HDFS 1020Human Development3
HDFS 2490Family Studies3
Four of the following:12
Child Development
Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Young Adulthood Through Later Life
Family Communications and Relationships
Human Sexuality
Field Experiences: Human Development and Family Studies
Happiness Across the Lifespan
Family Stress, Abuse, and Resilience
Research Methods in Human Development and Family Studies
Death as a Part of Living
Aging and the Family
Human Services Management I
Trauma-Informed Practice
Children, Families, and Public Policy
Families Through a Social and Cultural Lens
Human Services Management II
Independent Study
Total Credits18


More information on the variety of graduate programs offered through the Department of Human Development and Family Studies can be found here: