Mary Gresham, Interim Director of the School of Education
The School of Education at Iowa State University is committed to engaging in rigorous and socially meaningful research. We are preparing leaders and practitioners across the P-20 continuum who support rich, equitable learning opportunities for all students. Supporting public education as a cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant, and just society, the School of Education strives to be a national leader in educational theory, policy, and practice, as we honor the land-grant tradition and the broader mission of the university to serve the people of Iowa.
Undergraduate Study
The School of Education provides the professional education coursework to support the completion of the Educator Preparation Program. Program completers can then be recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Education Examiners. Majors offered in the School include Elementary Education (K-6), and Early Childhood Education-Unified (birth through third grade, inclusive). The Early Childhood Education-Unified major is an interdepartmental program administered by the School of Education and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. In addition, the School of Education offers the secondary major in Education. This secondary major is available to candidates pursuing English Education, History/Social Sciences Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, and World Languages and Cultures Education.
Undergraduate students who are interested in teaching at the secondary level (5-12) or at the K-12 level major in a specific discipline and either pursue the secondary major in Education or complete additional required educational coursework in the School of Education and the department to complete the Educator Preparation Program. K-12 and secondary education programs include: Agriculture Education, English Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Health Education, History-Social Sciences Education, Mathematics Education, Music Education, Physical Education, Science Education (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics), and World Languages and Cultures Education (French, German, and Spanish).
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
All Educator Preparation Program candidates must complete the professional core coursework (information found under each program) and required pedagogy and field experience coursework for their program. In addition, all prospective teachers are required to meet general education requirements as a part of their preparation. They must complete studies in the following general education groups. General education courses may be found in many departments. Credits listed are minimum requirements. Specific departments and/or colleges may require specific coursework to meet these requirements or additional credits. Credits used to satisfy these general education requirements typically satisfy department and college general education requirements:
For Educator Preparation general education requirements, please see this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/nye3ue752tivi9t4xbpjxv9zq6wgsrln
Early Childhood Education – Unified
The curriculum in Early Childhood Education – Unified prepares graduates to teach young children and work with their families. This program leads to careers working with young children (both those who are typically developing and those with special needs) from birth through third grade, inclusive. Program completers who apply for licensure are recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. Individuals who are licensed may be employed by either public or private agencies or schools to teach in early childhood classrooms (preschool through 3rd grade) or in home-based programs. The program is an interdepartmental major administered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and the School of Education. For more information about the program, see Early Childhood Education - Unified Curriculum https://hdfs.hs.iastate.edu/find-your-major/early-childhood-education/.
Students who enroll in the early childhood education – unified program must apply to and be accepted into the Educator Preparation Program prior to enrolling in advanced courses. Admission requirements can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/educator-prep-program/admission/.
Early Childhood Education majors must complete all of the required degree curriculum. This can be found at: http://catalog.iastate.edu/collegeofhumansciences/earlychildhood_education/
Candidates must receive a minimum of a “C” in all education (EDUC), human development and family studies (HD FS), special education (SP ED) courses and all content-specific pedagogy/methods courses required for program completion and endorsement completion.
Candidates must receive a minimum of a “C-” in all major department courses/content courses required for teacher program completion and endorsement completion (content coursework).
Candidates can pursue an additional endorsement in K-8 reading. Information about this endorsement can be found at:
Contact an Early Childhood Education academic advisor for additional information.
Elementary Education
The undergraduate curriculum in elementary education leads to the Bachelor of Science degree. The curriculum in elementary education is designed for candidates preparing to teach at the elementary school level. This program leads to careers in working with school-aged children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Program completers who apply for licensure are recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. Individuals who are licensed will be qualified to teach in elementary classrooms in either public or private schools. Elementary Education majors must complete all of the required degree curriculum. This can be found at: http://catalog.iastate.edu/collegeofhumansciences/elementaryeducation/
Candidates must receive a minimum of a “C” in all education (EDUC), human development and family studies (HD FS), special education (SP ED) courses and all content-specific pedagogy/methods courses required for program completion and endorsement completion.
Candidates must receive a minimum of a “C-” in all major department courses/content courses required for teacher program completion and endorsement completion (content coursework).
In addition to pursuing a degree in Elementary Education, candidates are required to pursue an endorsement in at least one additional area. Candidates will be prepared to teach students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade in this area. Endorsements in the following areas are available for elementary education majors:
- K-8 English/language arts
- K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL)
- K-8 Health
- K-8 Mathematics
- K-8 Science
- K-8 Social studies
- K-8 Special education (Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-8)
Candidates can pursue additional endorsements in any of the above listed areas and in the following areas:
- K-8 Reading
- K-12 Coaching
Information about these additional endorsements can be found at: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
Contact an Elementary Education academic advisor for additional information.
Elementary education majors must satisfy a world languages requirement for graduation. Students must complete two years of a foreign language in high school or one year of a foreign language in college.
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
K-12 and Secondary Education
Students wanting to pursue K-12 or Secondary Teacher Education major in the content area in which they want to focus. They then pursue one of two options depending upon their program: 1) complete the secondary major in Education or 2) complete additional coursework required to complete the Educator Preparation Program. Program completers who apply for licensure are recommended to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Secondary Major in Education
A secondary major in Education at Iowa State University prepares candidates to teach at the middle school and high school levels. K-12/Secondary Educator Preparation Programs eligible to pursue the secondary major in Education are:
- English Education
- History/Social Sciences Education - History
- History/Social Sciences Education - Political Science
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education – Biology
- Science Education – Chemistry
- Science Education – Earth Science
- Science Education – Physics
- World Languages and Cultures Education – French
- World Languages and Cultures Education – German
- World Languages and Cultures Education – Spanish
Secondary majors in education must complete all of the required degree curriculum. This can be found at: http://www.catalog.iastate.edu/collegeofhumansciences/educationsecondary/
Additional Endorsements and Minors
Candidates pursuing the secondary major in Education have the opportunity to pursue additional endorsements and minors:
- K-12 Coaching Endorsement
- K-12 English as a Second Language Endorsement
- 5-12 Reading Endorsement
- Additional Science Endorsements
- 5-12 Physical Science
- 5-12 Basic Science
- Additional Social Sciences Endorsements
- 5-12 American Government
- 5-12 Anthropology
- 5-12 Economics
- 5-12 Psychology
- 5-12 Sociology
- 5-12 Speech and Theatre Endorsement
(See https://education.iastate.edu/future-students/find-your-major/endorsements/ for additional information)
- Learning Technologies Minor
(See https://education.iastate.edu/find-your-major/learning-technologies-minor/)
Specific program requirements can be found within each department that houses the endorsement. Information on K-12 Coaching, K-12 English as a Second Language, and 5-12 Reading can be found at: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
Curriculum in secondary major in Education
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be eligible to student teaching (EDUC 417), candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and content specific coursework.
- Decision Point 2 - Requirements Students Must Meet Prior to Student Teaching. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/arvh7dvr3z35548rod5sso2g5throo6f
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer.
Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
All Educator Preparation Program candidates must complete the professional core coursework (information found under each program) and required pedagogy and field experience coursework for their program. In addition, all prospective teachers are required to meet general education requirements as a part of their preparation. They must complete studies in the following general education groups. General education courses may be found in many departments. Credits listed are minimum requirements. Specific departments and/or colleges may require specific coursework to meet these requirements or additional credits. Credits used to satisfy these general education requirements typically satisfy department and college general education requirements.
Educator Preparation General Education Requirements
- Natural Sciences: 6 credits
- Mathematics or Statistics: 3 credits
- Social Sciences: 9 credits
- Humanities: 6 credits
- Communication Skills: 9 credits that must include ENGL 150 and 250 or an equivalent
- Library Skills: LIB 160 for 1 credit
- Other:
- HD FS 102 or PSYCH 230
- One course in American history or government
- One course that develops interpersonal or group presentation skills
NOTE: Specific majors will provide approved options to meet these requirements.
Secondary major in Education Requirements for English Education Candidates
Educator Preparation Field Experiences:
EDUC 280L Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Secondary Education – 0.5 credits
EDUC 380A Pre-Student Teaching Experience II: Core Experience – 2 credits
EDUC 480 Pre-Student Teaching Experience III – 2 credits
ENGL 417E Student Teaching: English and Literature – 16 credit
Educator Preparation Professional Core Coursework:
EDUC 203 A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating – 1 credit
EDUC 204 Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary – 3 credits
EDUC 303 Introduction to Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 333 Educational Psychology – 3 credits
EDUC 395 Teaching Disciplinary Literacy – 3 credits
EDUC 403 Intermediate Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 406 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary – 3 credits
SP ED 401 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education – 3 credits
Educator Preparation Pedagogy/Methods Coursework:
ENGL 396 Teaching the Reading of Young Adult Literature – 3 credits
ENGL 397 Practice and Theory of Teaching Writing in the Secondary Schools – 3 credits
ENGL 494 Practice and Theory of Teaching Literature in the Secondary Schools– 3 credits
EDUC 426 Principles of Secondary Education – 3 credits
Please check departmental information in regards to specific content coursework requirements.
Secondary major in Education Requirements for History/Social Sciences Education Candidates
Educator Preparation Orientation Course Requirement:
EDUC 219 Orientation to Teacher Education: FCS, History, Math, Science and World Language and Cultures Majors – 1 credit
Educator Preparation Field Experiences:
EDUC 280L Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Secondary Education – 0.5 credits
EDUC 380A Pre-Student Teaching Experience II: Core Experience – 2 credits
EDUC 480 Pre-Student Teaching Experience III – 2 credits
EDUC 417 Student Teaching – 16 credits
Educator Preparation Professional Core Coursework:
EDUC 203 A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating – 1 credit
EDUC 204 Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary – 3 credits
EDUC 303 Introduction to Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 333 Educational Psychology – 3 credits
EDUC 395 Teaching Disciplinary Literacy – 3 credits
EDUC 403 Intermediate Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 406 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary – 3 credits
SP ED 401 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education – 3 credits
Educator Preparation Pedagogy/Methods Coursework:
EDUC 498 Methods of Teaching History/Social Sciences – 3 credits
EDUC 426 Principles of Secondary Education – 3 credits
Please check departmental information in regards to specific content coursework requirements.
Secondary major in Education Requirements for Mathematics Education Candidates
Educator Preparation Orientation Course Requirement:
EDUC 219 Orientation to Teacher Education: FCS, History, Math, Science and World Language and Cultures Majors – 1 credit
Educator Preparation Field Experiences:
EDUC 280J Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Mathematics Clinic – 1 credit
EDUC 380A Pre-Student Teaching Experience II: Core Experience – 2 credits
EDUC 480 Pre-Student Teaching Experience III – 2 credits
EDUC 417 Student Teaching – 16 credits
Educator Preparation Professional Core Coursework:
EDUC 203 A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating – 1 credit
EDUC 204 Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary – 3 credits
EDUC 303 Introduction to Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 333 Educational Psychology – 3 credits
EDUC 395 Teaching Disciplinary Literacy – 3 credits
EDUC 403 Intermediate Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 406 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary – 3 credits
SP ED 401 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education – 3 credits
Educator Preparation Pedagogy/Methods Coursework:
EDUC 497 Teaching Secondary School Mathematics – 3 credits
Please check departmental information in regards to specific content coursework requirements.
Secondary major in Education Requirements for Science Education Candidates (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics)
Educator Preparation Orientation Course Requirement:
EDUC 219 Orientation to Teacher Education: FCS, History, Math, Science and World Language and Cultures Majors – 1 credit
Educator Preparation Field Experiences:
EDUC 280L Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Secondary Education – 0.5 credits
EDUC 380A Pre-Student Teaching Experience II: Core Experience – 2 credits
EDUC 480 Pre-Student Teaching Experience III – 2 credits
EDUC 417 Student Teaching – 16 credits
Educator Preparation Professional Core Coursework:
EDUC 203 A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating – 1 credit
EDUC 204 Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary – 3 credits
EDUC 303 Introduction to Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 333 Educational Psychology – 3 credits
EDUC 395 Teaching Disciplinary Literacy – 3 credits
EDUC 403 Intermediate Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 406 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary – 3 credits
SP ED 401 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education – 3 credits
Educator Preparation Pedagogy/Methods Coursework:
EDUC 347 Nature of Science – 3 credits
EDUC 418 Secondary Science Methods I – 3 credits
EDUC 419 Secondary Science Methods II – 3 credits
Please check departmental information in regards to specific content coursework requirements.
Secondary major in Education Requirements for World Languages and Cultures Education Candidates (French, German, Spanish)
Educator Preparation Orientation Course Requirement:
EDUC 219 Orientation to Teacher Education: FCS, History, Math, Science and World Language and Cultures Majors – 1 credit
Educator Preparation Field Experiences:
EDUC 280L Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Secondary Education – 0.5 credits
EDUC 380A Pre-Student Teaching Experience II: Core Experience – 2 credits
EDUC 480 Pre-Student Teaching Experience III – 2 credits
EDUC 417 Student Teaching – 16 credits
Educator Preparation Professional Core Coursework:
EDUC 203 A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating – 1 credit
EDUC 204 Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary – 3 credits
EDUC 303 Introduction to Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 333 Educational Psychology – 3 credits
EDUC 395 Teaching Disciplinary Literacy – 3 credits
EDUC 403 Intermediate Educational Technology – 1 credit
EDUC 406 Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary – 3 credits
SP ED 401 Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education – 3 credits
Educator Preparation Pedagogy/Methods Coursework:
EDUC 487 Methods in Secondary School World Language Instruction – 3 credits
EDUC 426 Principles of Secondary Education – 3 credits
Please check departmental information in regards to specific content coursework requirements.
It is our expectation that students know the requirements of their academic program and develop and follow an academic plan based on their academic catalog and degree audit using their individual academic adviser as a resource in this process.
Candidates Pursuing Educator Preparation: Non-secondary major programs
Iowa State offers the following undergraduate K-12/secondary Educator Preparation Programs not associated with this secondary major:
K-12 Music Education
K-12 Physical Education Teacher Education
Agriculture Education
Family and Consumer Sciences Education
For additional information on these programs please see: https://education.iastate.edu/find-your-major/secondary-education-middle-or-high-school/
K-12 and secondary education candidates must complete a professional core course sequence. In general, the sequence includes:
EDUC 203 | A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating | 1 |
EDUC 303 | Introduction to Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 403 | Intermediate Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 204 | Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 333 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 406 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 426 | Principles of Secondary Education | 3 |
SP ED 401 | Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Coursework in content-specific pedagogy and field experience coursework also needs to be successfully completed.
Please check departmental information in regards to specific requirements for each program.
Candidates can choose to pursue additional endorsements.
- K-12 Coaching
- K-12 English as a Second Language
- 5-12 Agriscience/Agribusiness
- 5-12 Multi-occupations
- 5-12 Reading (contact the English Education academic advisor for a list of required courses)
- Science
- 5-12 Physical Science
- 5-12 Basic Science
- Social Sciences
- 5-12 American Government
- 5-12 Anthropology
- 5-12 Economics
- 5-12 Psychology
- 5-12 Sociology
- 5-12 Speech Communications and Theater
Specific program requirements can be found within each department that houses the endorsement. Information on K-12 Coaching, K-12 English as a Second Language, and 5-12 Reading can be found at: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
The School of Education offers a Learning Technologies minor available to all teacher education candidates. In order to earn this minor, candidates must register for the minor and complete the following sequences of courses:
EDUC 201 | Educational Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom | 3 |
or EDUC 203 & EDUC 303 & EDUC 403 | A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating and Introduction to Educational Technology and Intermediate Educational Technology | |
EDUC 280B | Pre-Student Teaching Experience I: Educational Technologies | 1 |
EDUC 302 | Principles and Practices of Learning with Technology | 3 |
EDUC 407 | Online Education in Pre-K-12 Classrooms: Hybrid, Virtual, and Blended Approaches | 3 |
EDUC 454 | Emerging Topics in Educational Technologies (take for a total of 3 credits) | 3 |
One of the following: | 3 | |
COM S 107 | Windows Application Programming | 3 |
COM S 207 | Fundamentals of Computer Programming | 3 |
EDUC 370 | Toying with Technology | 3 |
Candidates must receive a "C" or above in all courses
*EDUC 203, EDUC 303, & EDUC 403 are the 7-12 Classroom technology requirements
Additional information can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/find-majors/learning-technologies-minor/
Graduate Study
The School of Education is comprised of two graduate divisions: Higher Education and Teaching, Learning, Leadership, and Policy (TLLP). Within these divisions, the School offers coursework and experiences for the degrees Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Master of Science, and Master of Education with a major in education. Students can pursue graduate programs, including a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, leading to completion of a teacher preparation program and recommendation for teacher licensure are offered in secondary science and secondary mathematics. In addition, endorsements in reading and special education can also be pursued by graduate students. Graduate students interested in educational leadership may also participate in our educator preparation programs in educational leadership. Program completers may be recommended for administrative licensure for roles as principals and superintendents. The School of Education offers graduate coursework leading to a minor for masters and doctoral students in other fields of study. Several graduate certificate programs are offered through the School of Education.
Doctoral Degree Programs
The School of Education offers two doctoral degree programs: the Ph.D. and the Ed.D. Students pursuing a Ph.D. in the division of Higher Education may earn an education degree with an emphasis in higher education administration. Students pursuing a Ph.D. in the division of TLLP may earn an education degree with an emphasis in one of the following areas: educational leadership, organizations, and policy; instructional technology; mathematics education; science education; literacy; special education; or social and cultural studies of education. Specific information about the requirements of and options available within the Ph.D. degree in education are available from the School office or on the School of Education Graduate Programs website.
Graduates of the Ph.D. program in education are prepared to pursue careers as scholars, leaders, and administrators in various educational settings, including public and private colleges and universities, community colleges, public and private educational agencies, non-profits, and corporate training settings.
Students in the School of Education may complete an Education Doctorate (Ed.D.) with a major in education. Students may earn an education degree with an emphasis in Community College Leadership or in P-12 Systems Level Leadership. Specific information about the requirements of the Ed.D. degree in education are available on the School of Education Graduate Programs website. Graduates of the Ed.D. program in education are prepared to pursue careers as scholar-practitioners in leadership roles in community colleges and K-12 educational systems including school districts, public and private education agencies, and state departments of education. Students who complete the K-12 Systems Level Leadership program can be recommended for Iowa licensure as a school superintendent.
Master’s Degree Programs
The School of Education offers two master's degrees: the Master of Science and the Master of Education. In the division of Higher Education, students may earn an M.Ed in education with an emphasis in either student affairs or higher education. In the division of TLLP, students may earn an M.S. or an M.Ed. in education with an emphasis in one of the following areas: educational leadership, organizations and policy; instructional technology; mathematics education; science education; literacy; special education; or social and cultural studies of education.
Specific information about the requirements of and options available within M.S. or M.Ed. degrees in education are available from the School office or on the website School of Education Graduate Programs website https://www.education.iastate.edu/graduate-programs/
Graduates of the master’s degree programs are prepared to pursue careers as educational leaders, higher education professionals, researchers, and advanced practitioners in colleges and universities, community colleges, public and private schools, education agencies, and informal (free-choice) education settings.
Other graduate programs related to education (including Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies) may be planned for students on the basis of previous education and experiences as well as future plans and needs. For more information, students should refer to Agricultural Education and Studies, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Kinesiology, and Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies or to graduate level course offerings within other departments.
Graduate minor in education
A minor in Education is available at both the master’s and doctoral level. Graduate students in other majors may pursue a graduate minor in Education. A minor for doctoral students requires 15 credits in education courses, while a minor for master’s students requires 9 credits. Students should identify a faculty member who will serve as the minor representative on their Program of Study Committee and work with this person to identify an appropriate set of courses to fit the student’s interests. The minor is not an appropriate option for students whose primary interests are in research methodology; the graduate certification Applied Research in the Human Sciences should be used instead. Doctoral students are reminded that a minor must be declared before the preliminary oral examination.
Graduate Teacher and Educational Leadership Preparation Programs
The School of Education offers a Masters of Arts in Teaching - Science Education and a Masters of Arts in Teaching - Mathematics Education for candidates who currently have a bachelor's degree in a science area (or a closely related field) or in mathematics (or a closely related field), respectively. In addition, the School of Education offers a Masters of Arts in Teaching - Secondary Education that is currently available for individuals with an English degree or a history/social sciences degree interested in becoming a teacher. In these teacher preparation programs, program completers who apply for licensure are recommended for teacher licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.
Teacher preparation programs at the graduate level are also offered in Agricultural Education (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) and Physical Education (College of Human Sciences). The School of Education provides the professional core education coursework for these programs. Students in a graduate teacher preparation program must complete specific courses. Specific information about these programs can be found by contacting these departments.
Graduate level programs leading to recommendation for teaching endorsements, including Reading endorsements and Instructional Strategist II: Behavior Disorders/Learning Disabilities, are offered through the School of Education.
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy:
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Requirements for program completion can be found by following this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Graduate students who seek a teaching endorsement in reading or special education, but do not wish to pursue a master’s degree can incorporate those courses in a professional certificate program. Endorsement programs include Instructional Strategist II: Behavior Disorders/Learning Disabilities, Reading K-8 and Reading 5-12. Information about these endorsements can be found at: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
The School of Education offers graduate programs for students seeking careers as principals and superintendents. The Transformative School Leader Program (TSLP) is designed for working professionals and includes coursework and field experiences in a principal preparation program.
Candidates must complete the program as a Master of Education degree.
The Ed.D. in Education with an emphasis in P-12 systems-level leadership is designed for working professionals and includes coursework and field experiences in a superintendent preparation program.
Program completers who apply for licensure are recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.
Graduate Certificate Programs
The School of Education offers Graduate Certificate programs to allow students to enhance their skills outside of full degree programs. The Certificate programs currently offered include Applied Research Methods in the Human Sciences, Instructional Design, Literacy Coaching, Education for Social Justice and Special Education. Certificate programs require a minimum of 12 graduate credits (several require more than this) and can be earned in conjunction with a degree program. More information about graduate certificate programs can be found on the School of Education web site.
Education (EDUC)
Educational Administration (EDADM)
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (EL PS)
Higher Education (HG ED)
Human Sciences (H SCI)
Research and Evaluation (RESEV)
Special Education (SP ED)
Educator Preparation Program at Iowa State University
Educator Preparation: https://education.iastate.edu/current-students/educator-preparation-program/
The Educator Preparation Program at Iowa State University is a shared responsibility that spans three colleges. All candidates who are recommended by Iowa State University for licensure must be considered a program completer by meeting the requirements of the Educator Preparation Program and be recommended by their department, college, and the ISU recommending official. Students who successfully complete the requirements for any of the endorsement areas offered at ISU must demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and dispositions / professional practices required of educators.
Undergraduate Educator Preparation Programs
An undergraduate student seeking a bachelor’s degree must be enrolled in the department in which he or she plans to major and must meet the graduation requirements of that department and college.
All Educator Preparation Program candidates must complete the professional core coursework (information found under each program) and required pedagogy and field experience coursework for their program. In addition, all prospective teachers are required to meet general education requirements as a part of their preparation. They must complete studies in the following general education groups. General education courses may be found in many departments. Credits listed are minimum requirements. Specific departments and/or colleges may require specific coursework to meet these requirements or additional credits. Credits used to satisfy these general education requirements typically satisfy department and college general education requirements.
For Educator Preparation general education requirements, please see this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/nye3ue752tivi9t4xbpjxv9zq6wgsrln
Currently, there are fifteen undergraduate Educator Preparation areas offered at Iowa State University. These areas and their corresponding grade levels are listed below:
Agricultural Education (grades 5-12)
Biology (grades 5-12)
Chemistry (grades 5-12)
Early Childhood Education-Unified (birth-grade 3, inclusive)
Earth Science (grades 5-12)
Elementary Education (grades K-6)
English (grades 5-12)
Family and Consumer Sciences (grades 5-12)
Health Education (grades 5-12)
History-Social Sciences (grades 5-12)
Mathematics (grades 5-12)
Music (grades K-12)
Physical Education (grades K-12)
Physics (grades 5-12)
World Languages and Cultures (French, German, and Spanish) (grades 5-12)
Endorsements Areas
Early Childhood Education
Candidates can also choose to pursue an endorsement in K-8 reading.
Elementary Education
Candidates pursuing a degree in Elementary Education are required to pursue an endorsement in at least one additional area. Endorsements in the following areas are available for elementary education majors:
- K-8 English/language arts,
- K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL)
- K-8 Health
- K-8 Mathematics
- K-8 Science
- K-8 Social studies
- K-8 Special education (Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-8).
Additional information about these endorsements can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/find-majors/elementary-education/
Elementary Education Candidates can pursue additional endorsements in any of the above listed areas and in the following areas:
- K-8 Reading
- K-12 Coaching
Information about these additional endorsements can be found at: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
Contact an Elementary Education academic advisor for the requirements for these endorsements.
K-12 Education and Secondary Education
Candidates can choose to pursue additional endorsements. These can include any of the above listed endorsement and the following:
- K-12 Coaching
- K-12 English as a Second Language
- 5-12 Agriscience/Agribusiness
- 5-12 Multi-Occupations
- 5-12 Reading (contact the English Education academic advisor for a list of required courses)
- Science
- 5-12 Physical Science
- 5-12 Basic Science
- Social Sciences
- 5-12 American Government
- 5-12 Anthropology
- 5-12 Economics
- 5-12 Psychology
- 5-12 Sociology
- 5-12 Speech Communications and Theater
- World Languages and Cultures
- 5-12 Chinese
- 5-12 Russian
Information about endorsements can be found at: https://education.iastate.edu/future-students/find-your-major/endorsements/
Students in the Educator Preparation Program may also choose to pursue a minor in Learning Technologies additional information can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/find-majors/learning-technologies-minor/
Post-Bachelor's Educator Preparation Programs
Students holding an appropriate bachelor’s degree may complete the K-12 or secondary educator preparation program in order to be recommended for teacher licensure.
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Candidates would be required to complete the Professional Core requirements of the program. In general, the sequence includes:
EDUC 203 | A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating | 1 |
EDUC 303 | Introduction to Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 403 | Intermediate Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 204 | Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 333 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 406 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 426 | Principles of Secondary Education | 3 |
SP ED 401 | Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Coursework in content-specific pedagogy and field experience coursework also need to be successfully completed. Please check department information regarding to specific requirements for each program.
Candidates must have at least one course in each of the following five general education groups identified for undergraduate students identified in the previous section: Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Communication Skills. Specific departments and/or colleges may require specific coursework to meet these requirements or additional credits.
Interested students should consult with the program coordinator of the area in which they plan to specialize so that an individualized program of study can be developed.
Educator Preparation Programs for which post-bachelor candidates take undergraduate Educator Preparation courses include;
English (grades 5-12)
Health Education (grades 5-12)
History-Social Sciences (grades 5-12)
World Languages and Cultures (French, German, and Spanish) (grades 5-12)
Currently, there are four graduate teacher-educator preparation programs. These programs are designed for students who do not currently hold a teaching license. The programs are listed below:
Agricultural Education (M.S.)
General Education Mathematics Education (M.A.T.)
Physical Education (M.S.)
Secondary Science Education (M.A.T.)
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Requirements for program completion can be found by following this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Graduate level programs leading to recommendation for additional teaching endorsements are offered through the School of Education. Graduate students who seek a teaching endorsement in reading or special education, but do not wish to pursue a master’s degree can incorporate the coursework in a professional certificate program. Endorsement programs include Instructional Strategist II: Behavior Disorders/Learning Disabilities, Reading K-8 and Reading 5-12.
Graduate programs are also available for those who wish to pursue educational leadership as a profession as PK-12 school principals or PK-12 superintendents. (See Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in Courses and Programs section of this catalog.)
Master’s Programs with Teacher Preparation
The Agricultural Education and Studies Department offers a Master’s of Science program that prepares Agricultural Education teachers for grades 5-12
See coordinator for program requirements.
The School of Education offers a Master’s of Education program that prepares Mathematics teachers for grades 5-12
Physical Education
The Department of Kinesiology offers a Master's of Arts in Teaching program that prepares Physical Education teachers for grades K-12.
Secondary Education
The School of Education offers a Master's of Arts in Teaching program that prepares secondary teachers for grades 5-12. Currently this program is available for English Education candidates and History/Social Sciences Education candidates.
See coordinator for program requirements.
Secondary Sciences
The School of Education offers a Master’s of Arts in Teaching program that prepares Secondary Science teachers for grades 5-12
See coordinator for program requirements.
The Learner and Learning
Standard #1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Standard #2: Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
Standard #3: Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
Standard #5: Application of Content. The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
Instructional Practices
Standard #6: Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
Standard #7: Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Standard #8A: Technology. The teacher integrates current and emerging technology in instruction to encourage student creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and digital literacy. Teachers practice and advocate safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology (this standard is unique to the Iowa State University Teacher Preparation Program).
Professional Responsibility
Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Educator Preparation Program Candidates must have:
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
More information about admission requirements can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/educator-prep-program/admission/
Undergraduate Students
Educator Preparation Program candidates must complete certain studies related directly to the profession of teaching. All undergraduate candidates in the educator preparation program must take the following courses prior to student teaching, unless the student’s program area has an approved content-area course deemed to be equivalent. Candidates must receive a minimum of a “C” in all education (EDUC) / Curriculum Instruction (C I) , Human Development and Family Studies (HD FS), Special Education (SP ED) courses and all content-specific pedagogy/methods courses required for licensure. (See program coordinator for more information).
EDUC 201 | Educational Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom | 3 |
EDUC 205 | Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Early Childhood and Elementary Education | 3 |
EDUC 245 | Landscape of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 332 | Educational Psychology of Early Childhood and Elementary Education | 3 |
EDUC 405 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Early Childhood and Elementary | 3 |
SP ED 250 | Education of the Exceptional Learner | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
In addition, Early Childhood Education majors must complete all degree curriculum requirements. These can be found here: http://catalog.iastate.edu/collegeofhumansciences/earlychildhood_education/
EDUC 201 | Educational Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom | 3 |
EDUC 205 | Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Early Childhood and Elementary Education | 3 |
EDUC 245 | Landscape of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 405 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Early Childhood and Elementary | 3 |
HD FS 102 | Individual and Family Development, Health, and Well-being | 3 |
or PSYCH 230 | Developmental Psychology | |
SP ED 250 | Education of the Exceptional Learner | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
Elementary Education majors must meet all degree curriculum requirements. These can be found here: http://www.catalog.iastate.edu/collegeofhumansciences/elementaryeducation/
EDUC 203 | A Connected World: Technology for Learning, Creating, and Collaborating | 1 |
EDUC 303 | Introduction to Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 403 | Intermediate Educational Technology | 1 |
EDUC 204 | Social Foundations of Education in the United States: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 333 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC 406 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC 426 | Principles of Secondary Education | 3 |
SP ED 401 | Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | 3 |
In addition, candidates must complete all degree program discipline-specific pedagogy coursework, field experience coursework, and content-specific coursework. These requirements can be found in the home department of the major.
Post-Bachelor’s Students
Students who hold an appropriate bachelor’s degree and seek a teaching license must complete an educator preparation program. This includes the professional education requirements listed above. The requirements can be met through course work or examination.
Master’s Students
Prospective teachers must complete certain studies related directly to the profession of teaching. All students enrolled in Master’s programs that lead to completion of an educator preparation program must take the following courses prior to student teaching, unless the student’s program area has an approved content area course deemed to be equivalent. (See Master’s Programs section below for details.)
EDUC 505 | Using Technology in Learning and Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 506 | Social Justice Education and Teaching: Advanced | 3 |
EDUC 526 | Principles of Secondary Education Not all programs require this course. Check with program coordinator | 3 |
EDUC 529 | Educational Psychology and the Secondary Classroom | 3 |
or EDUC 521X Introduction to the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Science | 3 | |
EDUC 580 | Studies in the Foundations of Education in the United States | 3 |
SP ED 501 | Teaching Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | 3 |
In addition, candidates must complete all degree program discipline-specific pedagogy coursework, field experience coursework, and content-specific coursework. These requirements can be found in the home department of the major.
The Standards for Practitioner and Administrator Preparation Programs 281—79.14(256) Teacher preparation clinical practice standard states, "The unit and its school partners shall provide field experiences and student teaching opportunities that assist candidates in becoming successful teachers in accordance with the following provisions."
This includes:
- 79.14(5) Teacher candidates admitted to a teacher preparation program must complete a minimum of 80 hours of pre-student teaching field experiences, with at least 10 hours occurring prior to acceptance into the program.
- 79.14(7) The unit is responsible for ensuring that the student teaching experience for initial licensure:
a. Includes a full-time experience for a minimum of 14 consecutive weeks in duration during the teacher candidate’s final year of the teacher preparation program. (Iowa State University policy requires a full semester experience.)
For most programs, there are four levels for clinical experiences used to meet these requirements. Level 1 involves observation in local schools and is typically completed prior to admission to the educator preparation program. This typically occurs prior to admission to the Educator Preparation Program. Level 2 involves actively teaching in the classroom with one-tow lessons, at minimum. Level 3 involves actively teaching in the classroom with two lessons, at minimum and being observed by a supervisor during teaching. Level 4 is student teaching and involves actively teaching for a semester-long experience where the student teacher bears primary responsibility for planning and instruction within the classroom for a minimum of four weeks during the semester. Level 2, 3 and 4 field experiences involve a course fee, which ranges from $75.00 to $450.00 and are assessed to cover the costs of supervision and placement with a cooperating teacher. Course fees are increased when students teach nationally or internationally. For current course fees, consult the Schedule of Classes. For level 2, 3 and 4 field experiences, the student needs access to transportation because the placement may be within 60 miles of the university. The time commitment for clinical experiences ranges from 1/2 day for level 2 and 3 to the full day for level 4. Students complete a background check before initial placement in schools and other appropriate locations.
Specific field experience course requirements can be found in program/degree requirements.
Undergraduate Students
Early Childhood Education – Unified
The curriculum in Early Childhood Education – Unified prepares graduates to teach young children and work with their families. This program leads to careers working with young children (both those who are typically developing and those with special needs) from birth through third grade, inclusive. Program completers can be recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. Individuals who are licensed may be employed by either public or private agencies or schools to teach in early childhood classrooms (preschool through 3rd grade) or in home-based programs. The program is an interdepartmental major administered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and the School of Education. For more information about the program, see Early Childhood Education - Unified Curriculum http://www.education.iastate.edu/undergraduate-studies/early-childhood-education. (https://hdfs.hs.iastate.edu/find-your-major/early-childhood-education/).
In addition to being admitted Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
All early childhood education – unified candidates must meet general education requirements in order to complete the Educator Preparation Program.
Elementary Education
In addition to pursuing a degree in Elementary Education, candidates are required to pursue an endorsement in at least one additional area. Candidates will be prepared to teach students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade in this area of specialization. In addition to pursuing a degree in Elementary Education, candidates are required to pursue an endorsement in at least one additional area. Candidates will be prepared to teach students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade in this area. Endorsements in the following areas are available for elementary education majors:
- K-8 English/language arts
- K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL)
- K-8 Health
- K-8 Mathematics
- K-8 Science
- K-8 Social studies
- K-8 Special education (Instructional Strategist I: Mild/Moderate Disabilities K-8)
Additional information about these endorsements can be found at: https://www.education.iastate.edu/find-majors/elementary-education/
Candidates can pursue additional endorsements in any of the above listed areas and in the following areas:
- K-8 Reading
- K-12 Coaching
Information about these additional endorsements can be found: https://iastate.app.box.com/s/m4tr3ogr9ouwmiubz5dhv9catryr2jqf
Contact an Elementary Education academic advisor for additional information.
Elementary education majors must satisfy a world languages requirement for graduation. Students must complete two years of a foreign language in high school or one year of a foreign language in college.
In addition to being admitted to Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
K-12 and Secondary Education
Students wanting to pursue K-12 or Secondary Teacher Education declare a major in the content area in which they want to focus.
They then pursue one of two options depending upon their program: 1) complete the secondary major in Education or 2) complete additional coursework required to complete the Educator Preparation Program.
K-12/Secondary Educator Preparation Programs eligible to pursue the secondary major in Education are:
- English Education
- History/Social Sciences Education
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education – Biology
- Science Education – Chemistry
- Science Education – Earth Science
- Science Education – Physics
- World Languages and Cultures Education – French
- World Languages and Cultures Education – German
- World Languages and Cultures Education – Spanish
Iowa State offers the following undergraduate K-12/secondary Educator Preparation Programs not associated with this secondary major:
- K-12 Music Education
- K-12 Physical Education Teacher Education
- Agriculture Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
In addition to being admitted Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
- Decision Point 1 - Early Admission to the Teacher Education Program for Transfer Students. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/o45gppndbjxa3j9fm9pwvwrk9cc92jzb
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates must have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Post-Bachelor’s Students
Students holding an appropriate bachelor’s degree who wish to complete a teacher preparation program in order to pursue teacher licensure must have at least one course in each of the following five general education groups identified for undergraduate students in the preceding section: Natural Sciences, Mathematics or Statistics, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Communication Skills. Individual departments preparing teachers may require additional credits in general education. (See program coordinator for more information).
In addition to being admitted Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates but have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
Graduate Students
Each Master’s program will determine what, if any, general education requirements Master’s students must fulfill beyond a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. (See program coordinator for more information.)
In addition to being admitted Iowa State University and departmental programs/majors, educator preparation candidates must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program prior to beginning advanced coursework.
Educator Preparation Program Admission Requirements are provided in Educator Preparation Policy.
- Decision Point 1 - Admission to the Teacher Education Program. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/vnp2dt4sihtu99ilym531y1lnjkrb4e9
In order to be recommended for licensure, candidates but have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
See coordinator for program requirements.
In order to be recommended for licensure to the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners by Iowa State University, candidates but have completed all degree program requirements and be considered an educator preparation program completer. Decision Point 3 - Recommendation for Licensure. To access the policy, please follow this link: https://iastate.box.com/s/s6l016zuyu0r7v7alw426d6bosai6zo3
The Regents Alternative Pathway to Iowa Licensure is a collaborative program involving the three Iowa Regents' universities. The program is designed for adult learners holding a baccalaureate degree with work experience who are seeking 5-12 licensure in a high needs area. For more information: https://iowateacherintern.org