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Undergraduate Study

Agronomy is the science and technology of producing plants that serve humans, using practices essential for maintaining and improving life. The Department of Agronomy offers a major leading to a degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in agronomy. Graduates have the theoretical and practical knowledge needed for efficient and sustainable crop production. They are skilled in critical thinking, problem solving, communicating, and working effectively with others. They understand the ethical, cultural, and environmental dimensions of issues facing agronomists globally.

An agronomy major prepares students for employment in crop production and soil management, yield forecasting, precision farming, plant breeding, agricultural business and industry, agricultural service organizations, environmental and natural resource management, and farm management. Graduates pursue careers in the seed, fertilizer, and agricultural chemical industries as field agronomists, crop and soil management specialists, research technicians, sales and marketing specialists, and production managers. State and federal agencies employ agronomists as extension specialists, county extension directors, environmental and natural resource specialists, research associates, soil surveyors, soil conservationists, grain inspectors, integrated pest managers, land appraisers, agricultural lenders, and other science-based professionals.

An agronomy major also prepares students for graduate school. We offer a concurrent B.S./MBA degree. About a quarter of our students immediately continue into research-based M.S. and Ph.D. programs. As an undergraduate, there are many opportunities to be involved in research.

Department of Agronomy website -

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to: 

KNOWLEDGE: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will demonstrate knowledge of the scientific principles and practices needed for success as an agronomist.

INTEGRATION AND PROBLEM-SOLVING: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will integrate knowledge and skills to systematically assess, critically analyze, and sustainably manage agronomic systems.

PROFESSIONALISM AND CAREER READINESS: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will demonstrate professional skills and career readiness.

COMMUNICATION: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will communicate and engage effectively with diverse audiences.

DIVERSE WORLDVIEWS: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will demonstrate knowledge of diverse worldviews that affect agronomic practices.

ETHICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS: Graduates of our bachelor’s degree program will demonstrate knowledge of the ethical, environmental, and ecological aspects of agronomic practices.

Curriculum in Agronomy

Total Degree Requirement: 128 cr.

Only 65 cr. from a two-year institution may apply which may include up to 16 technical cr.; 9 P-NP cr. of free electives; 2.00 minimum GPA. A minimum of 15 credits of agronomy courses must be earned at Iowa State and not transferred from other institutions.

International Perspective: 3 cr.

3 cr. from approved International Perspective list:

U.S. Cultures and Communities: 3 cr.

3 cr. from approved U.S. Cultures and Communities list:

Communication/Library: 13 cr.

6 cr. of English composition with a C or better and 3 cr. of speech fundamentals with a C or better.

ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
SPCM 2120Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or AGEDS 3110 Presentation and Sales Strategies for Agricultural Audiences
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
One of the following:
ENGL 3020Business Communication3
ENGL 3090Proposal and Report Writing3
ENGL 3120Communicating Science and Public Engagement3
ENGL 3140Technical Communication3

Humanities:  3 cr.

3 cr. from approved humanities list: 

Social Sciences: 3 cr.

3 cr. from approved social sciences list:

Ethics:  3 cr.

3 cr. from approved ethics list:

Mathematical Sciences:  6 cr. 

MATH 1400College Algebra3
STAT 1040Introduction to Statistics3

Physical Sciences:  8 cr. 

CHEM 1630
College Chemistry
and Laboratory in College Chemistry
One of the following:
AGRON 2590Organic Compounds in Plants and Soils3
BBMB 2210Structure and Reactions in Biochemical Processes3
CHEM 2310
Elementary Organic Chemistry
and Laboratory in Elementary Organic Chemistry

Life and Biological Sciences:  7 cr.   

BIOL 2120
Principles of Biology II
and Principles of Biology Laboratory II
AGRON 3200Genetics, Agriculture and Biotechnology3
or BIOL 3130 Principles of Genetics

Supporting Sciences:  15 cr.

Courses cannot be used to fulfill any other university, college, or Agronomy requirements. At least 9 cr. must be in courses numbered 3000 or above.

This requirement can be met in one of three ways:

a.  Complete at least 3 credits in basic or mathematics-intensive discipline (ACCT, BBMB, BIOL, CHEM, COMS, ECON, All Engineering, GEOL, GEN, MATH, MTEOR, PHYS, STAT) as well as at least 6 additional credits in ANS, BIOL, BBMB, ENSCI, ENT, GEOL, HORT, GEN, MICRO, NREM, PLP, TSM. The other 6 credits can be a combination of the above department's courses and/or AGRON.

b.  Complete the courses needed to fulfill a certificate or second major that complements the student's academic and professional goals.

c.  By the end of the third semester before graduation, petition the Agronomy Curriculum Committee with a specific set of courses designed around "keeper of the land," "builder of genetic diversity," "explorer of plant life," "developer of bioenergy," "confronter of world hunger," or "designer of sustainable systems."

Agronomy Core:  45 cr.  

AGRON 1050Leadership ExperienceR
AGRON 1100Professional Development in Agronomy: Orientation1
AGRON 1800Global Agriculture in a Changing World3
AGRON 1810Introduction to Crop Science3
AGRON 1820Introduction to Soil Science3
AGRON 1830Basic Skills for Agronomists1
AGRON 2060Introduction to Weather and Climate3
AGRON 2100Professional Development in Agronomy: Career Planning1
AGRON 2790Field Exploration of Agronomy3
AGRON 2800Crop Development, Production and Management3
AGRON 2810Crop Physiology3
AGRON 2820Soil Conservation and Land Use3
AGRON 3100Professional Development in Agronomy: Work ExperienceR
or AGRON 3110 Professional Internship in Agronomy
AGRON 3420World Food Issues: Past and Present3
or AGRON 4500 Issues in Sustainable Agriculture
AGRON 3540
Soils and Plant Growth
and Soils and Plant Growth Laboratory
AGRON 3830Evaluation of Agronomic Systems4
AGRON 4100Professional Development in Agronomy: Senior Forum1
Additional AGRON credits at the 3000-4000 level6

Electives:  19 cr.

Additional free electives19

Agronomy, B.S.

AGRON 11001AGRON 18103
AGRON 18003AGRON 18203
AGRON 18301CHEM 1630 or 17704
BIOL 21203CHEM 1630L or 1770L1
BIOL 2120L1ENGL 25003
ENGL 15003Math or Social Sciences3
LIB 16001 
Math or Social Sciences3 
 16 17
AGRON 20603AGRON 28103
AGRON 21001AGRON 28203
AGRON 27903SP CM 2120 or AGEDS 3110 - Speech choice3
AGRON 28003Organic Chemistry: AGRON 2590, BBMB 2210, OR CHEM 2310 & L3-4
STAT 10403Elective3
 16 15-16
AGRON 3200 or BIOL 31303AGRON 3420 or 45003
AGRON 35403AGRON 38304
AGRON 3540L1ENGL 3020, 3090, 3120, or 31403
Elective6International Perspectives3
Supporting Sciences3Supporting Sciences3
 16 16
Additional Agronomy credits (3000+)3AGRON 41001
Elective4Additional Agronomy credits (3000+)3
U.S. Cultures and Communities3Supporting Sciences (3000+)6
Supporting Sciences (3000+)3 
 16 16

Minor - Agronomy

A minor in agronomy is earned by taking 18 credits consisting of the following:

  • 6 credits of required courses;
  • 3-6 credits of foundation courses;
  • 6-9 credits of supporting courses.

At least 6 credits numbered 3000 or above are required and at least 3 credits must be taken at Iowa State University. The minor must include at least 3 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement. 

A student may use up to:

Required Courses (6 credits):
AGRON 1810Introduction to Crop Science3
AGRON 1820Introduction to Soil Science3
Foundation Courses - One or two courses from the list below (3-6 credits):
AGRON 1800Global Agriculture in a Changing World3
AGRON 2060Introduction to Weather and Climate3
AGRON 2800Crop Development, Production and Management3
AGRON 2820Soil Conservation and Land Use3
Supporting Courses (6-9 credits, 6 credits of which must be 3000+ level):
AGRON 2170Weed Identification1
AGRON 2590Organic Compounds in Plants and Soils3
AGRON 2700Geospatial Technologies3
AGRON 3160Crop Structure-Function Relationships3
AGRON 3170Principles of Weed Science3
AGRON 3200Genetics, Agriculture and Biotechnology3
AGRON 3340Forage Crop Management3
AGRON 3380Seed Science and Technology3
AGRON 3540Soils and Plant Growth3
AGRON 3600Environmental Soil Science3
AGRON 3920Systems Analysis in Crop and Soil Management3
AGRON 4050Soil-Plant-Animal-Atmosphere Physics3
AGRON 4210Introduction to Plant Breeding3
AGRON 4500Issues in Sustainable Agriculture3
AGRON 4590Soil and Water Chemistry4
AGRON 4630Soil Formation and Landscape Relationships3
AGRON 4770Soil Physics3
AGRON 4840Organic Agricultural Theory and Practice3
AGRON 4850Soil and Environmental Microbiology3
AGRON 4970Agroecology Field Course3



The certificate in soil science will prepare students with the skills needed for successful careers in the field of soil science. Soil science has key roles in achieving goals of sustainability as demonstrated by the functions of soil and their ecosystem services. Namely, soil is an important factor in addressing issues of food scarcity, water management, climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health. Students who complete the Iowa State University soil science certificate program will qualify for federal employment as a soil scientist. In addition, students completing the certificate will have met the educational component of the Soil Science Society of America’s requirements for certification as a professional soil scientist and all U.S. states’ educational criteria for licensure as a professional soil scientist.


The certificate in soil science requires the completion of 31 credit hours, including a foundation course in soil science, 15 credits in supporting biological, physical, or Earth sciences, as well as 13 credits from approved categories of soil science courses.

At least 9 credits must be taken in soil science courses numbered at the 3000-level or above.

Courses for the certificate cannot be taken on a pass/not-pass basis.

Course Requirements for Soil Science Certificate

Foundation: 3 credits of required core course.

AGRON 1820Introduction to Soil Science3

Supporting Biological, Physical, or Earth Sciences:  Choose 15 credits from approved list consisting of courses from the following designators: ABE, AGRON, AECL, BIOL, CHEM, CE, CRP, ENSCI, ENT, FOR, GEOL, HORT, LA, MTEOR, MICRO, NREM, PHYS.

Soil Science: Choose 13 credits with at least 2 credits from each of the following categories.

Soil Physical Properties or Soil Water Relationships (2 credits)
AGRON 2820Soil Conservation and Land Use3
AGRON 3600Environmental Soil Science3
AGRON 4050Soil-Plant-Animal-Atmosphere Physics3
AGRON 4770Soil Physics3
ABE 4310Design and Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Systems3
TSM 3240Soil and Water Conservation Management3
Soil Chemistry (2 credits)
AGRON 2590Organic Compounds in Plants and Soils3
AGRON 4590Soil and Water Chemistry4
Soil Biology (2 credits)
AGRON 3540Soils and Plant Growth3
AGRON 3540LSoils and Plant Growth Laboratory1
AGRON 4850Soil and Environmental Microbiology3
Soil Morphology and Geography (2 credits)
AGRON 2700Geospatial Technologies3
AGRON 3700Field Experience in Soil Description and Interpretation1
AGRON 4630Soil Formation and Landscape Relationships3

The Soil Science Certificate may be earned at the same time as an ISU baccalaureate degree or after the completion of an associate of arts (AA) or associate of science (AS) degree or a baccalaureate degree from any accredited institution.

Information on the concurrent Agronomy bachelor's degree and MBA can be located here.

Graduate Study

The Department of Agronomy seeks and promotes ways to manage and protect the resources that generate the world’s agricultural productivity and wealth. The department offers programs leading to Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees with majors in agricultural meteorology, crop production and physiology, plant breeding, and soil science. Online MS programs in agronomy and plant breeding are available, which are suitable for professionals working in industry or government. The MS in agronomy program also offers a graduate certificate. A graduate minor is offered in all these areas to on-campus students. Candidates pursuing the MS degree may do so by completing either a thesis or nonthesis academic plan. The department also cooperates with the interdepartmental majors in environmental science, genetics and genomics, plant biology, and sustainable agriculture. 

A strong undergraduate program with fundamental training in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and statistics is required for students interested in graduate study.  Academic Plans are designed individually per the requirements of the Graduate College and each departmental major. Graduate students are mentored by their major professor and a committee of supporting faculty.  

Our on-campus graduate programs require students to be sponsored by a faculty member before admission. Assistantships are largely project-based, with the goal of participating in independent research to complete a thesis or dissertation. 

The specific requirements of each graduate program can be found in its program handbook, which is available through the Graduate College.