your adventure in

Ivy College of Business

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David Spalding, Dean
Valentina Salotti, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Huifang Mao, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Academic Personnel

Curriculum in Business

The Ivy College of Business strives to provide a high-quality professional education in business. Such an education should provide the student with: (1) an appreciation of the evolution of the profession and an awareness of the ethical, global, technological, economic, political and social forces shaping its future; (2) an understanding of the major functional areas of business with the opportunity for specialization for a career in business; (3) an ability to recognize and appreciate the effect of diversity in the work place; (4) an opportunity for advanced study.

A comprehensive education in business includes a broad foundation in the liberal arts, courses in the major functional areas of business activity, proficiency in analytical methods, and the ability to identify problems and arrive at logical solutions. In addition, a professional education is designed to inspire students to assume business and community leadership.

The curriculum in business is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Organization of Curriculum

The undergraduate curriculum in business is divided into three areas: general education, foundational courses, and a core major. The general education program provides a broad spectrum of liberal arts coursework. The foundational business requirements provide a framework for business coursework. The last area includes two parts: (1) the business core which provides a common body of knowledge in all the functional areas in business, and (2) a major area of study. The twelve majors offered for the degree Bachelor of Science (B.S.) are accounting, actuarial science, business analytics, business economics, entrepreneurship, finance, healthcare management, human resource management, management, management information systems, marketing, and supply chain management. The college also offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) online degree completer program.

Curriculum Changes

Iowa State University students who want to change their curriculum to the Ivy College of Business should contact the Undergraduate Student Services Office for assistance. For more details on changing curriculum or majors, please visit: Students on Academic Probation will not be allowed to change curriculum to the Ivy College of Business during enrollment period three. See Making Schedule Changes at:

Academic Standards and Graduation Requirements

Policies for students enrolled in the Ivy College of Business may be obtained at or from the Undergraduate Student Services Office in the Ivy College of Business.

Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to these Ivy College of Business policies as well as the university regulations found in this catalog. The following policies are in effect for students graduating from a professional curriculum in business with a B.S. degree under the 2025 catalog:

  1. A minimum of 122 semester credits are required for Bachelor's of Science degrees.
  2. At least 50 percent of the required business credits must be earned at Iowa State. All 3000 level and higher business credits must be earned at a four-year institution.
  3. Cumulative ISU grade point average of at least 2.0 with no quality point deficiencies.
  4. The major departments reserve the right to determine the appropriate section of the degree program to which transfer credits will be assigned.
  5. No more than two transfer classes can be applied to the major.
  6. Students must achieve communication proficiency by earning a grade of C or better in ENGL 2500, and one additional C or better from either ENGL 1500 or ENGL 3020.
  7. A student must earn a grade of C or higher in a minimum of 30 credits applied to the business core and the major.
  8. A student must earn at least 42 credits of 3000 level and higher coursework from a four-year institution.
  9. Business majors may not take business courses Pass-Not Pass (P/NP).
  10. General education and supporting courses may not be taken P/NP.
  11. No more than 9 elective credits may be taken P/NP.
  12. The last 32 credits applied for graduation must be taken at ISU. A waiver for Study Abroad and Internship/Co-ops may be granted. 

Advising System

Each student in the Ivy College of Business has an assigned academic advisor who helps facilitate student progress toward graduation while supporting the academic standards of the College.

Advisors, as part of the Undergraduate Student Services Office staff, provide academic services to Business students including development of academic plans, study abroad planning, accessing pertinent University services and resources, and meeting their overall educational objectives.

The College encourages students to attend an orientation program prior to their entry, where information is shared and evaluated to help set the student out on the academic path appropriate to their goals, preparation, interests, and capabilities.


Entering freshmen who meet the criteria will be invited to apply for membership in the Freshman Honors Program by the University Honors Program. For more information on the University Honors Program, please visit:

Currently enrolled students who have completed 12 graded credits at Iowa State University, earned a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above, and have more than 48 credit hours remaining until graduation, are eligible to apply for membership to the University Honors Program (UHP). UHP students in the Ivy College of Business will work with designated advisors to incorporate elements of breadth, depth, and leadership into their business education through completion of academic, co-curricular, and personal/professional development experiences.  In addition, to graduate with Honors in the Ivy College of Business, students must complete a minimum of two honors-designated courses, two 3000-level honors seminars, an honors project, 50 credits of 3000-level or higher coursework, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above. Additional details of requirements can be found on the Ivy College of Business Honors website at: 


Credit and non-credit internships in business may be approved for Ivy College of Business students in all majors. Credit hours and requirements vary, although internship credits only count as general electives. Arrangements must be made in the college prior to the beginning of the internship. A career coordinator from the Business Career Services Office will assist students in making these arrangements.

Multiple Majors

Undergraduates pursuing a degree in the Ivy College of Business may complete additional majors in the Ivy College of Business. * Those desiring additional majors outside the college should refer to the catalog section of the appropriate college and department for the additional major requirements. A multiple major in business economics and agricultural business or economics is not permitted. A major in business economics with a minor in economics is not permitted.

Undergraduates with a primary major outside the Ivy College of Business who want a second major in business must complete the following requirements: Foundation, Supporting Courses, Business Core, and major requirements. (Refer to the current Curriculum Guide).

All students pursuing multiple majors or multiple degrees within the Ivy College of Business are required to have a minimum of 15 credits of coursework in each major that is not used in the other majors.

Students are limited to three majors/certificates/minors within the Ivy College of Business. This limit is on business majors/certificates/minors only and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/certificates/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business.

* BBA students cannot double major or earn a double degree in a business area. However, they may work towards a double degree in another college at Iowa State. Online minors and online certificates outside of the Ivy College of Business could be added to the BBA if desired. Consult with an advisor in the Undergraduate Student Services Office for assistance in identifying online minor options.

Minors and certificates

Minor in International Business

Students with a major in the Ivy College of Business may earn a minor in International Business by completing 15 credits of approved coursework. The minor requires one course from the approved International Overview courses, two courses from the approved Business Focus courses, and by completing the faculty-led Global Awareness track, or the Foreign Language Global Awareness track, or through a plan of study approved by the Ivy International Programs Office. The minor must include at least six credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University with a grade of C or higher. The minor must include at least 3 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement. Students with declared majors have priority over students with declared minors in courses with space constraints.

Minor in Business and Technology Consulting

The Department of Marketing offers a specialty minor open to any undergraduate student at Iowa State University. The Business and Technology Consulting minor prepares you for a career as a business consultant. Every year consulting companies attract talented graduates across the world. As a consultant, you gain broad exposure to business issues, solve different business problems, make an impact on major businesses, and become an expert in a specific business functional area. The minor provides a systematic process for students to strengthen problem-solving skills and prepare them to become better communicators and future leaders.

The minor requires 15 credits from an approved list of courses, including at least 6 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University with a grade of C or higher. The minor must include at least 3 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement. Students with declared majors have priority over students with declared minors in courses with space constraints.

Minors for Business Students

Students with a major in the Ivy College of Business (excluding BBA students^) may qualify for a minor specialization in one of the college’s departments. Minor specializations are available in:  Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship (see Entrepreneurship Cross-Disciplinary Minor below), Finance, International Business (see Minor in International Business above), Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management. These minors require at least 15 credit hours in the minor specialization (16 credit hours are required for a minor in accounting), 3 hours of which may not be used to satisfy any other department, college, or university requirement. The minor must include at least 6 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University with a grade of C or higher. Students with declared majors have priority over students with declared minors in courses with space constraints.

Students are limited to three business majors/certificates/minors within the Ivy College of Business. This limit is on business majors/certificates/minors only and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/certificates/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business.

^ BBA students can add online minors and online certificates offered outside the Ivy College of Business. Consult with an advisor in the Undergraduate Student Services Office for assistance in identifying online minor options.

Minor in General Business for Non-Business Students

The Ivy College of Business offers a structured minor in general business to students outside the College. The minor requires a minimum of 15 credits, not including pre-requisite courses. Requirements for the minor are:

Required Courses (6 credits):
ACCT 2840Financial Accounting3
ACCT 2850Managerial Accounting3
or ACCT 2150 Legal Environment of Business
Elective Courses (9 credits):
Select three courses from the following list:
ENTSP 3100Entrepreneurship and Innovation3
FIN 3010Principles of Finance3
MIS 3010Management Information Systems3
MKT 3400Principles of Marketing3
MGMT 3700Managing Organizations3
SCM 3010Supply Chain Management3

The minor must include at least 6 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University. A "C" average or better is required in courses used to satisfy the minor requirements. All requirements for the minor must be taken for a grade. Students with a major outside the Ivy College of Business are eligible for a general business minor or a minor in business and technology consulting only. They may not receive any other specific minor from a business department.

For more information on the General Business minor, please visit:

Undergraduate Certificates

Healthcare Management Certificate

The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship offers a certificate in healthcare management that is open to all Iowa State University students. The certificate provides students with access to the same sort of robust, interdisciplinary curriculum that comprises the major in a more approachable format. Students will still learn valuable healthcare management skills and knowledge that complements their primary area of study. Built around a foundation of four required classes, the certificate includes elective courses from a wide variety of healthcare-related programs across campus, making it synergistic for students from a wide variety of majors. For students who want to work in a healthcare related field and do not want to major in healthcare management, earning the healthcare management certificate provides a recognizable credential that can help position them for success upon graduation and beyond.

Students need to fulfill the course prerequisites set by the Ivy College of Business. The certificate requires 20 credits (minimum) from a designated list of courses.

For more information about the Healthcare Management Certificate, please visit:

Professional Sales Certificate

The certificate in professional sales is a course of study administered by the Department of Marketing in the Ivy College of Business. It is designed for all undergraduate majors who wish to enhance their degree and employment possibilities by adding expertise in professional selling. The certificate program will equip students with knowledge and skills related to developing and managing mutually beneficial relationships with customers. The certificate program is built on a strong theoretical background but emphasizes applications and practice. The certificate provides students with an opportunity to learn about the ethical, technological, analytical, and global aspects of professional sales.

Students need to fulfill the course prerequisites set by the Ivy College of Business. The certificate requires 21 credits from a designated list of courses.

For more information about the Professional Sales Certificate, please visit:

Risk Management and Insurance Certificate

The Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) is a course of study administered by the Department of Finance in the Ivy College of Business. The certificate will give students, regardless of major or college, a deeper understanding of personal and corporate risk management and of the insurance industry. The certificate will allow students with an interest in risk management and insurance to signal their expertise and focused study to potential employers.

Students need to fulfill the course prerequisites set by the Ivy College of Business. The certificate requires 21 credits from a designated list of courses.

For more information about the Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance, please visit:

Students are limited to three business majors/certificates/minors within the Ivy College of Business. This limit is on business majors/certificates/minors only and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/certificates/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business.

Actuarial Science Certificate

The certificate in actuarial science is available from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for non-actuarial science majors at Iowa State. The certificate requires 23 credits from a designated list of courses. There are 7 prerequisite courses required for the certificate's required courses.

For more information about the Actuarial Science Certificate, please visit:

Entrepreneurship Cross-Disciplinary Minor

The Ivy College of Business participates in a university-wide minor in Entrepreneurship. This minor is available to any undergraduate student. Requirements for the minor include, ENTSP 3100 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3 credits), either ENTSP 3130 Feasibility Analysis for New Ventures or ENTSP 3200 Corporate Entrepreneurship or ENTSP 4100 Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits), two business-oriented electives from an approved list (6 credits), and an experiential learning component (3 credits). The approved list of courses is available at: The minor requires at least 15 credits, including at least 6 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University with a grade of C or higher. The minor must include at least 3 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.

Non-degree Seeking Students

Students who wish to take courses in the Ivy College of Business, but are not seeking an undergraduate degree, should apply to the college as non-degree seeking students.