Landscape Architecture (L A)

Courses primarily for undergraduates:
L A 201. Studio: Landscape Interpretation and Representation.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: Enrollment in the professional program
Reading and representing varied landscapes; development of aesthetic sensitivity to the geomorphology, vegetation, and cultural influences on these landscapes. Small-scale interventions and exploration of landscape phenomena and change. Emphasis on a variety of documentation and drawing techniques.
L A 202. Studio: Site Design I.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 201
Fundamental issues of landscape planning and design at a site scale. Projects introduce a variety of (objective and subjective) site inquiry methods, space and place making, and sensitive integration of architecture and landscape for specific land uses. User needs, precedent study, programming, site engineering, planting design, and outdoor space design expressed through a variety of three-dimensional modeling, graphic, and written media.
L A 221. Native Plants of the Savanna Ecotone.
(2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Enrollment in the professional program
Observation and study of the wetland, prairie, and woodland vegetation native to the savanna ecotone. Emphasis on plant communities, their distribution, structure, habitat and aesthetics. Plant identification and use in landscape design. Precedent and case studies of vegetation preservation, restoration and use in built works.
L A 222. Introduced Plants of the Midwest.
(2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 221
Identification, observation, and study of plants introduced to cultivation in the Midwest region. Plant cultural requirements, including adaptations to climate changes, solar exposure, and soil conditions. Investigation of history of plant introduction and use in designed landscape, including consequent impacts of plant introduction such as plant invasion. Introduction to planting design at the site scale, including matching plant cultural requirements to site conditions, functional uses of plants and expressive composition using plant form, texture and color.
L A 241. Developing Identity as a Landscape Architect.
(1-0) Cr. 1.
Prereq: Enrollment in the professional program
Development of life skills for conflict resolution, effective interpersonal communication, and CPR/First Aid. Examination of personal values as they relate to the backgrounds, abilities, attitudes, and values of others; exploration of how these influence personal decision-making and group interaction. Reading, discussion, class activities, journal-keeping, writing.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
L A 270. Foundations in Natural Resource Policy and History.
(Cross-listed with ENV S, NREM). (3-0) Cr. 3.
Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.
The development of natural resource conservation philosophy and policy from the Colonial Era to the present. North American wildlife, forestry, and environmental policy; national parks and other protected lands; federal and state agencies. Relationship to cultural contexts, including urban reform and American planning movement. Discussion of common pool resources, public and private lands.
L A 272. Cultural Landscape Studies.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Enrollment in the professional program
Exploration of cultural landscapes, from broad settlement patterns to individual sites, with an emphasis on the origins and evolution of landscapes. Investigation of relationships between vernacular and designed landscapes. Landscapes considered as modes of cultural production that shape and are shaped by social, political, and economic processes. Exploration of landscapes as persistent (yet ephemeral) repositories of culture. Lectures, reading, field studies, and writing.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement
L A 274. The Social and Behavioral Landscape.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Exploration of social and behavioral factors pertinent to design of the domestic, civic, and commercial landscape. Focus on working familiarity with design principles as they relate to the behavior and activities of people across a broad demographic and cultural spectrum; application of these principles to design of outdoor environments. Lectures and discussions, including group exercises and field trips.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement
L A 281. Investigating Landscape Form, Process, and Detail.
(1-6) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Enrollment in professional program
Exploration of the poetics and principles of landscape construction. Investigation and interpretation of landform and geomorphic processes such as the hydrologic cycle, erosion, and sedimentation. Close observation and representation of detail design, with an emphasis on material types, their connections, and weathering. Readings, field studies, and drawings in analog and digital media.
L A 282. Landscape Dynamics.
(2-2) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Sophomore standing
Understand design implications presented by geotechnical and ecological processes in the landscape including ecology, vegetation, soils and water. Understand the influence of landforms, geology, plants, soils, and water on the creation of landscape designs. Course relates current issues including water quality impairment, erosion, and invasive species with design strategies such as stormwater management, soil quality management, and plant community restoration. Field trips.
L A 301. Site Design II.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 202
Development of half-acre to hundred-acre landscape design and planning proposals, potentially in collaboration with students in other programs. Apply critical methodological frameworks to shape site systems while providing appropriate support for diverse user groups and creating culturally meaningful places. Assess and interpret a program of use, organize subjective and objective site inventory and analysis, develop functional and poetic design strategies for infrastructure and natural systems, and craft artistic and functionally explicit landscape architectural proposals. Development of appropriate technique and high level of craft in representations to support design thinking process and final scheme presentation.
L A 302. Ecological Design at the Regional Scale.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 282, L A 301, L A 381 and NREM 120
Application of ecological theories and processes in design and planning at the hundred plus-acre scale specifically focusing on urban and urban fringe landscapes. Apply advanced landscape analysis of soil, water, and vegetation utilizing geographic information systems. Particular focus on stream and wetland restoration, mitigation, and regulations and developing design representations for public use.
L A 309. Field Travel.
Cr. 1.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in the professional program and permission of instructor
Observation of and reflection on professional practice and landscapes in urban, rural, and wilderness areas.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
L A 322. Fundamentals of Planting Design.
(2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 221
The art and techniques of creating plant compositions in the landscape that respond to cultural and biophysical contexts. Investigation of soil properties and plant/soil relationships relevant to the built environment. Methods of site inventory and analysis, developing plant palettes and composing plant assemblages that address expressive and functional needs. Introduction to the techniques of preparing planting plans, including standards for plant selection, plant lists and plant specification.
L A 341. Contemporary Landscape Architecture.
(1-0) Cr. 1.
Prereq: L A 301
Exploration of contemporary landscape architectural practice through individualized research into practicing firms. Preparation of paper and presentation outlining broad framework and specific parameters of a selected area of contemporary practice using specific projects as examples. Work may result in invitation of current practitioner(s) as a lecture series or event. Resume and portfolio preparation in advance of required off-campus semester (L A 444 A, B or C).
L A 371. History of Modern Landscapes, 1750 to Present.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Investigation of landscape design concepts and trends as observed over time, from approximately 1750 to the present, with emphasis on the United States and Europe. Examination of significant figures and outstanding works (sites, gardens, landscapes, monuments, subdivisions, city plans, etc.) of varied geographic regions. Analysis of the social, economic, political, and technical forces contributing to the development of landscape design styles, vocabulary, and literature. Lectures, readings, projects, research papers.
L A 373. Gardens and Landscapes from Antiquity to 1750.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Investigation of international landscape design concepts and trends as observed over time, from pre-history to the mid 18th century. Examination of significant figures and outstanding works (sites, gardens, landscapes, monuments, subdivisions, city plans, etc.) of varied geographic regions. Analysis of the social, economic, political, and technical forces contributing to the development of landscape design styles, vocabulary, and literature. Lectures, readings, projects, research papers.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
L A 381. Shaping the Land.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 282 and MATH 141
Design of landforms to achieve aesthetic, functional, and safety goals. Landform changes to accommodate human uses and activities. Impacts and implications of landform transformation on the surrounding environment. Surface and subsurface drainage design, storm water runoff best management practices, contour manipulation to incorporate slopes, swales, culverts, pads, retaining walls, walks, steps, terraces, buildings, and other structures in the landscape. Road layout and alignment, parking lot design, and earthwork volume estimates. Design communication using CAD, perspectives, cross-sections, contour maps, landform models, and narratives. Class exercises, case study precedents, and preliminary construction documents.
L A 401. Community Design.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 402
Physical planning and design of places utilizing community-based methods. Projects address social and cultural dimensions of placemaking such as reuse of abandoned sites, in-fill development, and community visioning. Emphasis on development of user-client relationship skills and design research. Integrated seminar component.
L A 401H. Community Design: Honors.
(1-15) Cr. 7.
Prereq: L A 402
Physical planning and design of places utilizing community-based methods. Projects address social and cultural dimensions of placemaking such as reuse of abandoned sites, in-fill development, and community visioning. Emphasis on development of user-client relationship skills and design research. Integrated seminar component.
L A 402. Urban Design.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 302
Comprehensive planning and design for urban sites or for sites within urban contexts. Projects typically include planning for a variety of integrated land uses, and cover the full range of design scales from master planning to proposals for site details. Emphasis on written and verbal as well as graphic communications. Integrated seminar component.
L A 402H. Urban Design: Honors.
(1-15) Cr. 7.
Prereq: L A 302
Comprehensive planning and design for urban sites or for sites within urban contexts. Projects typically include planning for a variety of integrated land uses, and cover the full range of design scales from master planning to proposals for site details. Emphasis on written and verbal as well as graphic communications. Integrated seminar component.
L A 403H. Senior Thesis Preparation Tutorial.
Cr. 2.
Prereq: L A 402, permission of thesis advisor, enrollment in Honors program
Preparation for senior thesis.
L A 404. Advanced Landscape Architectural Design.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. S.
Prereq: L A 401
Advanced forum for the demonstration of sophistication in landscape architectural design. Experimentation and innovation are encouraged.
L A 404H. Advanced Landscape Architectural Design: Honors.
(1-15) Cr. 6-7.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. S.
Prereq: L A 401
Advanced forum for the demonstration of sophistication in landscape architectural design. Experimentation and innovation are encouraged.
L A 405H. Senior Thesis.
(0-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: L A 401, L A 402, L A 403, enrollment in Honors program and permission of adviser, chair and thesis adviser
Individual advanced forum for the demonstration of sophistication in landscape architectural design. Experimentation and innovation are expected.
L A 417. Urban and Peri-urban Watershed Assessment.
(2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Junior classification and 6 credits of natural science
Assessment and reduction of impacts in urban and peri-urban watershed areas. Course prepares students to work with various analysis methods for vegetation, topography, stormwater and stream condition as well as work with data from other disciplines. Emphasis on communicating with the public. Introductory GIS and GPS technologies are utilized. Learning is largely field-based.
L A 421. Advanced Planting Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 521). (2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 322 or permission of instructor
Theory and practice of planting design, with emphasis on the ecological, cultural, and aesthetic factors affecting planting design and vegetation management in the built environment. Research, case studies, and design projects.
L A 441. Professional Practice.
(2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: L A 481
Studies of conventional and developing forms of public and private practice. Explore relationships between professional life and the culture of the professional design firm; investigate firm identities and structures; understand design projects, their delivery process, and contractual agreements. Lecture and class discussion.
L A 444. Landscape Architecture Independent Educational Enrichment.
Cr. R.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: L A 341 or permission of adviser and chair
Independent educational enrichment through exploration of landscape architectural practice in a professional internship, international studies, or out-of-region national study experience.
L A 444A. Landscape Architecture Independent Educational Enrichment: Professional Internship.
Cr. R.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: L A 341 or permission of adviser and chair
Independent educational enrichment through exploration of landscape architectural practice in a professional internship, international studies, or out-of-region national study experience.
L A 444B. Landscape Architecture Independent Educational Enrichment: Study Abroad.
Cr. R.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: L A 341 or permission of adviser and chair
Independent educational enrichment through exploration of landscape architectural practice in a professional internship, international studies, or out-of-region national study experience.
L A 444C. Landscape Architecture Independent Educational Enrichment: National Student Exchange.
Cr. R.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: L A 341 or permission of adviser and chair
Independent educational enrichment through exploration of landscape architectural practice in a professional internship, international studies, or out-of-region national study experience.
L A 461I. Introduction to GIS.
(Cross-listed with ENSCI, ENV S, IA LL). Cr. 4.
Descriptive and predictive GIS modeling techniques, spatial statistics, and map algebra. Application of GIS modeling techniques to environmental planning and resource management.
L A 478. Topical Studies in Landscape Architecture.
(Dual-listed with L A 578). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478D. Landscape Architecture: History/Theory/Criticism.
(Dual-listed with L A 578D). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478E. Landscape Architecture: Landscape Planning.
(Dual-listed with L A 578E). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478F. Landscape Architecture: Urban Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 578F). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478G. Landscape Architecture: Graphics.
(Dual-listed with L A 578G). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478I. Landscape Architecture: Interdisciplinary Studies.
(Dual-listed with L A 578I). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478J. Landscape Architecture: International Studies.
(Dual-listed with L A 578J). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478K. Landscape Architecture: Computer Applications.
(Dual-listed with L A 578K). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478L. Landscape Architecture: Ecological Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 578L). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478M. Landscape Architecture: Social/Behavioral.
(Dual-listed with L A 578M). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 478N. Landscape Architecture: Natural Resources.
(Dual-listed with L A 578N). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 481. Landscape Construction.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 381
Development of construction details with emphasis on materials and their aesthetic and functional uses as building materials. Explore characteristics and uses of construction materials and application of wood systems, paving systems, retaining walls, masonry and concrete systems, and metals; investigate structural theory of wood systems. Preliminary preparation of construction documents.
L A 482. Advanced Landscape Construction.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 481
Advanced site construction issues, with emphasis on water and irrigation systems, mechanical and electrical systems, site lighting, proposal preparation, project scheduling, project costing and estimating, and master specification editing.
L A 490. Independent Study.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490A. Independent Study: Landscape Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490B. Independent Study: Planting Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490C. Independent Study: Construction.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490D. Independent Study: History/Theory/Criticism.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490E. Independent Study: Landscape Planning.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490F. Independent Study: Urban Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490G. Independent Study: Graphics.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490H. Independent Study: Honors.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490I. Independent Study: Interdisciplinary Studies.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490J. Independent Study: International Studies.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490K. Independent Study: Computer Applications.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490L. Independent Study: Ecological Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490M. Independent Study: Social/Behavioral.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 490N. Independent Study: Natural Resources.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Written approval of instructor and department chair on required form
Investigation of a topic of special interest to the student.
L A 491. Environmental Law and Planning.
(Dual-listed with L A 591). (Cross-listed with C R P, ENV S). (3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: 6 credits in natural sciences
Environmental law and policy as applied in planning at the local and state levels. Brownfields, environmental justice, water quality, air quality, wetland and floodplain management, and local government involvement in ecological protection through land use planning and other programs.
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
L A 504. Landworks: Advanced Landscape Architecture.
(1-15) Cr. 6.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Graduate studio in landscape architectural design working on complex sites involving multiple scales of design. Course emphasizes advanced skills in design research and representation and application of theory, as well as technical competency and teamwork. Development of original ideas, experimentation, and innovation.
L A 517. Urban and Peri-urban Watershed Assessment.
(Dual-listed with L A 417). (2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Junior classification and 6 credits of natural science
Assessment and reduction of impacts in urban and peri-urban watershed areas. Course prepares students to work with various analysis methods for vegetation, topography, stormwater and stream condition as well as work with data from other disciplines. Emphasis on communicating with the public. Introductory GIS and GPS technologies are utilized. Learning is largely field-based.
L A 521. Advanced Planting Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 421). (2-3) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 322 or permission of instructor
Theory and practice of planting design, with emphasis on the ecological, cultural, and aesthetic factors affecting planting design and vegetation management in the built environment. Research, case studies, and design projects.
L A 522. Advanced Plant Technology.
(1-4) Cr. 3.
Prereq: LA 301 or graduate standing
Planting design and emergent technologies for design performance in the urban built environment. Emphasis on innovative strategies for planting design and plant technology in building design, sustainable streetscapes, and urban systems integrating storm water and urban “hardscape” design. Interviews with practitioners, technical experts and agency program leaders will complement readings, lecture and site visits to exemplary project sites.
L A 541. Principles of Research for Landscape Architects.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate standing
Examination of design inquiry and research methods appropriate to landscape architectural projects, including bibliographical, historical, numerical, statistical, survey, and geographical methods. Readings, discussions, and application problems. Preparation of a research proposal.
L A 567. Advanced GIS Landscape Modeling.
(0-6) Cr. 3.
Prereq: L A 302 or C R P 451/C R P 551
Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) modeling techniques to landscape planning and management issues. Selection, acquisition, and conversion of digital landscape data. Modeling applications for studio projects, outreach projects, and research projects.
L A 571. Landscape Architectural Theory I.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: graduate classification or permission of instructor
Examination of the development of ideas in landscape architecture in their historical context of social practices and knowledge systems. Emphasis on exposure to key modern and contemporary texts and projects in landscape architecture, architecture, art, and related fields. Readings, discussions, and writings.
L A 573. Landscape Architectural Theory II.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor
Exploration of major theories and emerging practices of landscape architectural design and their relationships to broader, cultural and theoretical perspectives. Emphasis on developing critical ways of analyzing ideas. Lectures, readings, discussion, and writings.
L A 578. Topical Studies in Landscape Architecture.
(Dual-listed with L A 478). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578D. Landscape Architecture: History/Theory/Criticism.
(Dual-listed with L A 478D). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578E. Landscape Architecture: Landscape Planning.
(Dual-listed with L A 478E). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578F. Landscape Architecture: Urban Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 478F). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578G. Landscape Architecture: Graphics.
(Dual-listed with L A 478G). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578I. Landscape Architecture: Interdisciplinary Studies.
(Dual-listed with L A 478I). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578J. Landscape Architecture: International Studies.
(Dual-listed with L A 478J). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578K. Landscape Architecture: Computer Applications.
(Dual-listed with L A 478K). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578L. Landscape Architecture: Ecological Design.
(Dual-listed with L A 478L). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578M. Landscape Architecture: Social/Behavioral.
(Dual-listed with L A 478M). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 578N. Landscape Architecture: Natural Resources.
(Dual-listed with L A 478N). Cr. 2-3.
Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Senior classification or graduate standing
Offerings vary with each term; check with department for available sections. Course contact hours can range from (2-0) to (3-0) depending on number of credits.
L A 580. Thesis, Creative Component Tutorial.
Cr. 1-4.
Repeatable, maximum of 4 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Permission of major professor
Hands-on participation in a creative or research activity in the student's area of specialization. Development of a detailed prospectus that defines the thesis or creative component.
L A 590. Special Topics.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590A. Special Topics: Landscape Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590B. Special Topics: Planting Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590C. Special Topics: Construction.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590D. Special Topics: History/Theory/Criticism.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590E. Special Topics: Landscape Planning.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590F. Special Topics: Urban Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590G. Special Topics: Graphics.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590I. Special Topics: Interdisciplinary Studies.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590J. Special Topics: International Studies.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590K. Special Topics: Computer Applications.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590L. Special Topics: Ecological Design.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590M. Special Topics: Social/Behavioral.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 590N. Special Topics: Natural Resources.
Cr. 1-6.
Repeatable, maximum of 3 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: graduate standing.
L A 591. Environmental Law and Planning.
(Dual-listed with L A 491). (Cross-listed with C R P). (3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: 6 credits in natural sciences
Environmental law and policy as applied in planning at the local and state levels. Brownfields, environmental justice, water quality, air quality, wetland and floodplain management, and local government involvement in ecological protection through land use planning and other programs.
L A 599. Creative Component.
Cr. 1-8.
Repeatable, maximum of 8 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Permission of major professor
Comprehensive study and original development of a project selected by the student and approved by the major professor. Completed project must be submitted to and approved by a graduate faculty committee as evidence of mastery of the principles of landscape architecture.
Courses for graduate students:
L A 699. Thesis Research.
Cr. 1-8.
Repeatable, maximum of 8 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Permission of major professor