Courses primarily for undergraduates:
(1-0) Cr. 0.5. F.
First 8 weeks. Orientation to the area of bioinformatics and computational biology. For students considering a major in BCBIO. Specializations and career opportunities.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with BIOL, GEN). (3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: BIOL 212
Genome sequencing, assembly, structural and functional annotation, and comparative genomics. Investigating these topics will develop skills in programming and scripting (Perl and/or Python), the use of biological databases, sequence alignment, homology search, identification of sequence patterns, construction of phylogenetic trees, and comparative genomics.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: BCBIO 211 and basic programming experience (e.g. COM S 207, COM S 208, COM S 227 or permission of instructor)
Application of computer science to molecular biology. String algorithms, sequence alignments, indexing data structures, homology search methods, pattern recognition, fragment assembly, genome annotation, construction of bioinformatics databases, and gathering and distribution of biological information with the Internet.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: BCBIO 401
Genomics: Gene structure prediction, gene function prediction and comparative genomics. Post-genomics: Gene expression studies, DNA microarrays, next-generation sequencing of transcriptome. Structural biology: Protein and RNA structure predictions, structure representation, comparison and visualization. Systems biology: Signal transduction pathway inference, biological networks and systems.
(0.2-0.5) Cr. 0.5. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits. S.SS.
Prereq: BIOL 314 recommended
Modular minicourses consisting of guided tutorials and hands-on computer software exercises focused on fundamental problems, approaches, and software applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(0.2-0.5) Cr. 0.5. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits. S.SS.
Prereq: BIOL 314 recommended
Modular minicourses consisting of guided tutorials and hands-on computer software exercises focused on fundamental problems, approaches, and software applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(0.2-0.5) Cr. 0.5. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits. S.SS.
Prereq: BIOL 314 recommended
Modular minicourses consisting of guided tutorials and hands-on computer software exercises focused on fundamental problems, approaches, and software applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(0.2-0.5) Cr. 0.5. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits. S.SS.
Prereq: BIOL 314 recommended
Modular minicourses consisting of guided tutorials and hands-on computer software exercises focused on fundamental problems, approaches, and software applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(0.2-0.5) Cr. 0.5. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits. S.SS.
Prereq: BIOL 314 recommended
Modular minicourses consisting of guided tutorials and hands-on computer software exercises focused on fundamental problems, approaches, and software applications in bioinformatics and computational biology.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(Cross-listed with BCB, BIOL, COM S, CPR E, GEN). (4-0) Cr. 4. F.
Prereq: MATH 165 or STAT 401 or equivalent.
Broad overview of bioinformatics with a significant problem-solving component, including hands-on practice using computational tools to solve a variety of biological problems. Topics include: bioinformatic data processing, Perl programming, genome assembly, database search, sequence alignment, gene prediction, next-generation sequencing, comparative and functional genomics, and systems biology.
Cr. 1-5. Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: BCBIO 211, junior or senior classification, permission of instructor
Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may use no more than 9 credits of BCBIO 490 and 491 toward graduation.
Cr. 1-5. Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits.
Prereq: BCBIO 211, junior or senior classification, permission of instructor
Research projects in bioinformatics and computational biology done by teams of students.
Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may use no more than 9 credits of BCBIO 490 and 491 toward graduation.