Four Year Graduation Guarantee
Iowa State University’s Soar in 4: Four-Year Graduation Guarantee provides the opportunity for students to take a proactive approach towards completing their undergraduate degree in four years (or eight semesters). Through careful planning with their academic advisers, students can complement their undergraduate degree with experiences such as study abroad, internship, and service learning. By graduating in four years, students can reduce their tuition costs and accelerate their entry into the job market or advanced education compared to students who take more than eight semesters to graduate. The program encourages students to work collaboratively with their academic adviser to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.
Students wanting to graduate in four years under the Soar in 4: Four-Year Graduation Guarantee are expected to:
- Keep in close contact with their Iowa State academic adviser, who will guide students’ academic decisions and keep students up-to-date with university policies and procedures.
- Take required courses at the times they are available.
- Maintain student registration at ISU during off-campus experiences.
- Register for classes promptly and monitor academic progress on a regular basis by reviewing the degree audit and with his/her adviser.
Iowa State University will provide the academic advising services and degree-audit mechanisms to assist students in accurately monitoring progress toward graduation. ISU is also responsible for providing class space in the courses required for the student's respective major in order to complete a bachelor's degree within eight consecutive semesters.
Additional information about the Four-Year Graduation Guarantee can be found at:
Four-year (eight-semester) templates for ISU programs of study
Iowa State University offers over 100 majors in six undergraduate colleges. All but two programs, architecture and landscape architecture, may be completed in four years. ISU's bachelor degree programs require from 120 to 144 credits; therefore, students must average between 15 and 18 credits per semester. To assist students in creating their own personal four-year academic plans, eight-semester templates are provided for all programs of studies covered by the Soar in 4 program.
- Agricultural and Life Sciences Education, B.S - communications option
- Agricultural and Life Sciences Education, B.S - teacher certification option
- Agricultural Biochemistry, B.S. - option 1
- Agricultural Biochemistry, B.S. - option 2
- Agricultural Business, B.S.
- Agricultural Studies, B.S.
- Agricultural Systems Technology, B.S. - Agricultural and biosystems management option
- Agricultural Systems Technology, B.S. - machine systems option
- Agriculture and Society, B.S.
- Agronomy, B.S.
- Animal Ecology, B.S. - fisheries and aquatic sciences
- Animal Ecology, B.S. - interpretation of natural resources option
- Animal Ecology, B.S. - Pre-vet & wildlife care option
- Animal Ecology, B.S. - wildlife option
- Animal Science, B.S
- Animal Science, B.S. - pre-veterinary medicine
- Biology, B.S.
- Culinary Science, B.S.
- Dairy Science, B.S. - general
- Dairy Science, B.S. - pre-veterinary medicine option
- Diet and Exercise, B.S./M.S.
- Dietetics, B.S.
- Environmental Science, B.S.
- Food Science, B.S. - Food Science and industry option
- Food Science, B.S. - Food Science and technology option
- Forestry, B.S. - forest ecosystem management option
- Genetics, B.S.
- Global Resource Systems, B.S.
- Horticulture, B.S. - horticulture food crop production and management option
- Horticulture, B.S. - landscape design, installation, and management
- Horticulture, B.S. - public horticulture option
- Horticulture, B.S. - science option
- Horticulture, B.S. - turfgrass management option
- Horticulture, B.S. ornamental plant production and garden center and management option
- Industrial Technology, B.S. - manufacturing option
- Industrial Technology, B.S. - occupational safety option
- Microbiology, B.S.
- Nutritional Science, B.S. - nutritional and wellness option
- Nutritional Science, B.S. - pre-health professional & research option
- Architecture, B.Arch.
- Art and Design, B.A., Art and Culture Concentration
- Art and Design, B.A., Visual Culture Studies Concentration
- Community and Regional Planning. B.S.
- Design, B.Design
- Graphic Design, B.F.A.
- Industrial Design
- Integrated Studio Arts. B.F.A.
- Interior Design, B.F.A.
- Landscape Architecture, B.L.A.
- Aerospace Engineering, B.S.
- Agricultural Engineering, B.S. - ag power and machinery option
- Agricultural Engineering, B.S. - animal production systems engineering option
- Agricultural Engineering, B.S. - land and water resources engineering option
- Biological Systems Engineering, B.S. - bioenvironmental engr option
- Biological Systems Engineering, B.S. - biorenewable resources engr option
- Biological Systems Engineering, B.S. - Pre-prof. and pre-graduate Option
- Biological Systems Engineering, B.S. Food Engineering Option
- Chemical Engineering, B.S.
- Civil Engineering, B.S. - environmental specialization
- Civil Engineering, B.S. -GENERAL Program
- Computer Engineering, B.S.
- Construction Engineering, B.S. building emphasis
- Construction Engineering, B.S. electrical emphasis
- Construction Engineering, B.S. heavy/highway emphasis
- Construction Engineering, B.S. mechanical emphasis
- Electrical Engineering, B.S.
- Industrial Engineering, B.S.
- Materials Engineering, B.S.
- Mechanical Engineering, B.S.
- Software Engineering, B.S.
- Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - creative and technical design option
- Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - merchandising option
- Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - product development option
- Athletic Training, B.S.
- Child, Adult, and Family Services, B.S.-adult and family program option
- Child, Adult, and Family Services, B.S.-child program option
- Child, Adult, and Family Services, B.S.-youth program option
- Culinary Science, B.S.
- Diet and Exercise, B.S./M.S.
- Dietetics, B.S.
- Early Childhood Education, B.S.
- Elementary Education, B.S.
- Event Management, B.S.
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies, B.S.-communications option
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies, B.S.-professional studies option
- Financial Counseling and Planning, B.S.-family financial studies emphasis
- Financial Counseling and Planning, B.S.-financial counseling emphasis
- Financial Counseling and Planning, B.S.-financial planning emphasis
- Food Science, B.S - food science & industry option
- Hospitality Management, B.S.
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - athletic training
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - community/public health
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - exercise science
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - physical education for teacher education
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-chiropractic
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - Pre-health - pre-medicine
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-physical therapy
- Kinesiology and Health, B.S. - pre-health - pre-physician assistant
- Nutritional Science, B.S. - Nutrition & wellness option
- Nutritional Science, B.S. - Pre-health professional & research option
- Advertising, B.A.
- Anthropology, B.A., B.S.
- Biochemistry, B.S.
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology B.S.
- Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration, B.A.
- Biology, B.S.
- Biophysics, B.S.
- Chemistry, B.A.
- Chemistry, B.S.
- Communication Studies, B.A.
- Computer Science, B.S.
- Criminology and Criminal Justice Interdisciplinary Studies
- Earth Science, B.A.
- Earth Science, B.S.
- Economics, B.S.
- English, B.A. - English Education
- English, B.A., B.S.
- Environmental Science, B.S
- Genetics, B.S.
- Geology, B.S. - Env-Geol/Hydro Option
- Geology, B.S.- Traditional Option
- History, B.S.
- History, B.A.
- Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A., B.S.
- Linguistics, B.A.
- Mathematics, B.S. (5-12 certification)
- Mathematics, B.S.
- Meteorology, B.S. - plan 1
- Meteorology, B.S. - plan 2
- Music, B.A.
- Music, B.Mus. - Instrumental: K-12 Certification
- Music, B.Mus. - organ
- Music, B.Mus. - piano
- Music, B.Mus. - strings
- Music, B.Mus. - vocal: K-12 certification
- Music, B.Mus. - voice
- Music, B.Mus. - wind or percussion instrument
- Music, B.Mus.-composition
- Performing Arts, B.A.
- Philosophy, B.A.
- Physics, B.S
- Political Science, B.A.
- Psychology, B.A.
- Psychology, B.S
- Public Relations, B.S.
- Religious Studies, B.A.
- Sociology, B.A., B.S.
- Software Engineering, B.S.
- Speech Communication, B.A.
- Statistics, B.S.
- Technical Communication, B.S.
- Women’s Studies, B.A., B.S. (1)
- World Languages and Cultures B.A-French/German/Spanish