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Apparel, Merchandising, and Design

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. Leading to the degree bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 123 including a minimum of 18 credits in A M D at Iowa State University for the degree (12 of the 18 credits must be at the 300-400 level). The major in apparel, merchandising, and design provides a broad-based program of study with flexibility in creating program options. Courses are required in general education, and apparel industry professional core. To complete the program, a student selects a primary option from design, product development/sourcing and merchandising.  Merchandising and product development require selection of an additional secondary option.

Minors are available in apparel, merchandising, and design; textile science and product performance; a textile design minor in collat=boration with the College of Design; and a merchandising certificate.

Undergraduate Study

The program offers study for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in apparel, merchandising, and design (A M D).  The program offers students a broad understanding of textile and apparel products, merchandising and marketing strategies, technical and creative design, product development, production processes, and business practices leading to a wide range of careers at state, national, and international levels in business and industry.  Courses in the program provide scientific, technical, and humanistic knowledge about textiles, apparel, and related products basic to career preparation.  Courses also provide knowledge applicable to the development and use of apparel and textile products by individuals, families, and institutions.  The program provides a foundation for graduate study.  Graduates understand the production, distribution, and use of textiles and apparel, aesthetic expression, and communication.  They are prepared to plan, develop, source and present textile and apparel products to meet the needs of consumers.  Students understand the issues involved in textile and apparel production and marketing, both nationally and internationally.  Graduates appreciate the interdependence of nations and cultures as producers and consumers of textile products.

The A M D major provides a broad-based program of study with flexibility in creating an individualized program.  To complete the program, a student combines general education, A M D core classes, and structured clusters of courses to form an option in merchandising, product development/sourcing, or design.  The combinations of primary options, secondary areas of concentration, and electives allow students to individualize their programs.

An option in merchandising prepares students for the planning, development, and presentation of market-oriented product lines and events.  Career opportunities are in product development, sourcing, buying, promotion, and management in both manufacturing and retailing sectors with a focus on the textile and apparel industry.  An option in creative and technical design is appropriate for those interested in the aesthetic and creative aspects of design, product or line development, promotion of textiles and apparel, technical design, apparel engineering, product development, sourcing, and quality assurance.  An option in product development/sourcing is appropriate for those interested in both designing and merchandising products or lines for consumer groups, sourcing and manufacturing.  Instead of a portfolio review for admission, students in the design and product development options have a review of their first year design skills (A M D 206 Design Selective Advancement) after completing A M D 121 Apparel Assembly, A M D 131 Overview of the Fashion Industry, A M D 178 Introduction to Fashion Design Studio, and A M D 204 Textile Science.  The A M D 206 Design Selective Advancement project is scored by design industry professionals and determines if/when students move forward into the Design option.

The program offers a concurrent B.S. and M.S. degree that allows students to obtain a B.S. and M.S. degree in apparel, merchandising, and design in 5 years.  Application for admission to the Graduate College should be made in the junior year.

For additional courses of interest, see Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.

 Grade Point Requirement

All students majoring in apparel, merchandising, and design are required to earn a C- or better in all AESHM and A M D courses applied toward  the degree, including transfer credits.

Communication Proficiency Requirement

Undergraduate English proficiency is certified when the student has received a grade of C or better in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition. 

Students who receive a C-, D+, D, or D- in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication or ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition may take one of the following, with permission from the English Department, instead of repeating the lower-level course:

ENGL 302Business Communication3
ENGL 309Proposal and Report Writing3
ENGL 314Technical Communication3


A minor in apparel, merchandising, and design requires (15-17 cr) of the following:

Select from:3
Apparel Assembly Processes
Fashion Products and Markets
Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in Society
Introduction to Apparel Design Studio
A M D 204Textile Science4
Select from:3-4
Product Development and Manufacturing
Aesthetics and Brand Image
Museum Studies
Retail Merchandising
2 courses of the 300-400 level at Iowa State University in A M D or approved AESHM6
Total Credits16-17

A minor in textile science and production performance requires (17 cr) of the following:

A M D 204Textile Science4
A M D 231Product Development and Manufacturing4
A M D 305Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel3
A M D 404Advanced Textile Science3
Select from:3
Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel
Independent Study: Textile Science
Undergraduate Research
Total Credits17

A certificate in Merchandising requires (22 cr) of the following:

A M D 275Retail Merchandising3
A M D 376Merchandise Planning and Buying4
A M D 475Retail Information Analysis3
A M D 477Omni-Channel Retailing3
Select from:9
Principles of Management in Human Sciences
Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies
Aesthetics of Consumer Experience
Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel
Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences
Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in Society
Aesthetics and Brand Image
Sourcing and Global Issues
Visual Presentation and Promotions
Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products
Total Credits22

Curriculum in Apparel, Merchandising, and Design

Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. Leading to the degree bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 123 including a minimum of 18 credits in AMD at Iowa State University for the degree (12 of the 18 credits must be at the 300-400 level).

Cr. Degree Requirements

Communications Skills
ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 160Information Literacy1
Select one of the following:3
Communication and U.S. Diversity
Professional Communication
Conflict Management
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Total Credits10
 Biological and Physical Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines
Mathematics (MATH 150 recommended for merchandising. MATH 140 required for design and product development)3
Select from natural sciences, including FS HN 167. Creative and Technical Design and Product Development Options must take CHEM 163 and CHEM 163L.3-5
Principles of Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Business Statistics I
Total Credits9-12
Social Sciences
ECON 101Principles of Microeconomics3
A M D 165Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in Society3
Select from A M D list, including A M D 3623
Total Credits9
Select from A M D list (world language and cultures course recommended). Creative and Technical Design: 3 cr from A M D 354 or A M D 356 is required6
History/Art History (Creative and Technical Design: ART H required)3
Total Credits9
Pre-Professional Development Courses
AESHM 112Orientation for AESHM1
AESHM 113NProfessional Development for AESHM: Common Threads Learning Community1
AESHM 311NSeminar on Careers and Internships: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design1
AESHM 411NSeminar on Current Issues: Apparel1
AESHM 470NSupervised Professional Internship: Apparel3-6
Field Study (if AESHM 470 is not out-of-home-state)2-3
AESHM 380NU.S. Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design1-3
AESHM 381NInternational Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design1-3
Total Credits11-19
A M D Integrated Core
A M D 131Fashion Products and Markets3
A M D 204Textile Science4
A M D 210Computer Applications in Digital Design and Management3
A M D 231Product Development and Manufacturing4
A M D 245Aesthetics and Brand Image3
A M D 275Retail Merchandising3
A M D 372Sourcing and Global Issues3
COM S 113Introduction to Spreadsheets and Databases3
Total Credits26

Primary Options

Select one professional primary option from the following three choices:

Creative and Technical Design Primary Option
A M D 121Apparel Assembly Processes3
A M D 178Introduction to Apparel Design Studio3
A M D 206Design Selective AdvancementR
A M D 225Patternmaking I: Drafting and Flat Pattern3
A M D 278Fashion Illustration3
A M D 310Computer Aided Apparel Patternnmaking3
A M D 321Computer Integrated Textile and Fashion Design3
A M D 325Patternmaking II: Draping3
A M D 329Digital Textile Printing for Apparel Design3
A M D 415Technical Design Processes3
A M D 495Senior Design Studio3
Select from:3
Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel
Advanced Textile Science
Apparel Production Management
Select from:3
History of European and North American Dress
History of Twentieth Century Fashion
Cultural Perspectives of Dress
Select from:9
Financial Accounting
Creativity on Demand
Fashion Show Production and Promotion
Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies
Principles of Marketing
Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel
Fashion Show Management
Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences
Museum Studies
Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel
Design Seminar
Cultural Perspectives of Dress
Visual Presentation and Promotions
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Workshop
Advanced Textile Science
Creative Design Processes
Apparel Production Management
Queer Fashions, Styles, and Bodies
Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products
Independent Study
Fashion Product Development and Prototyping
Undergraduate Research
Introduction to Theatrical Production
Stage Make-up
Any art history, art integrated studio, or design studies
Total Credits45
Product Development Primary Option
A M D 121Apparel Assembly Processes3
A M D 178Introduction to Apparel Design Studio3
A M D 305Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel3
A M D 321Computer Integrated Textile and Fashion Design3
A M D 415Technical Design Processes3
A M D 431Apparel Production Management3
A M D 496Fashion Product Development and Prototyping3
Total Credits21
Secondary Options for Product Development (Select one)
Option 1:  Merchandising:  Line Development and Sourcing
AESHM 340Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies3
or MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
A M D 376Merchandise Planning and Buying4
A M D 467Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products3
ACCT 284Financial Accounting3
SCM 301Supply Chain Management3
Select from:3
Creativity on Demand
International Field Study
Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel
Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences
Visual Presentation and Promotions
Retail Information Analysis
Omni-Channel Retailing
Independent Study
Undergraduate Research
Study Abroad
One semester of one foreiign language
Total Credits19
Option 2:  Product Innovation
AESHM 474Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences3
A M D 278Fashion Illustration3
A M D 310Computer Aided Apparel Patternnmaking3
A M D 328Design Seminararr †
A M D 329Digital Textile Printing for Apparel Design3
A M D 404Advanced Textile Science3
Select from:3
Patternmaking I: Drafting and Flat Pattern
Design Seminar
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Workshop
Independent Study
Undergraduate Research
Digital Technologies in Textile and Apparel Design
Sustainability: Theory and Practical Application
International Field Study
Environmental Ethics
Materials and Processes for Industrial Design
Study Abroad
Total Credits18 †
† Arranged with instructor.
Merchandising Primary Option
ACCT 284Financial Accounting3
AESHM 340Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies3
or MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
AESHM 474Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences3
A M D 356History of Twentieth Century Fashion3
A M D 376Merchandise Planning and Buying4
A M D 377Visual Presentation and Promotions3
A M D 467Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products3
A M D 475Retail Information Analysis3
A M D 477Omni-Channel Retailing3
Total Credits28
Merchandising Secondary Option
Select 3 courses totaling 9 credits with approval of adviser. Remember, only 6 credits from minor can be used in this category. The area of concentration can be waived with an approved double-major.9
Financial Applications for Retail and Hospitality Industries: Retail Merchandising
Leadership Experiences and Development (LEAD)
Creativity on Demand
Human Resource Management
Supervised Work Experience II: Apparel
Fashion Show Production and Promotion
Principles of Management in Human Sciences
Aesthetics of Consumer Experience
U.S. Field Study
International Field Study
Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel
Fashion Show Management
Apparel Assembly Processes
Introduction to Apparel Design Studio
Patternmaking I: Drafting and Flat Pattern Important prerequisites need to be met
Museum Studies
Fashion Illustration Important prerequisites need to be met
Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel
Computer Integrated Textile and Fashion Design Important prerequisites need to be met
History of European and North American Dress
Cultural Perspectives of Dress
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Workshop
Advanced Textile Science Important prerequisites need to be met
Apparel Production Management
Queer Fashions, Styles, and Bodies
Independent Study
Fashion Product Development and Prototyping
Undergraduate Research
Advertising Principles
Introduction to Event Management
Mass Media and Society
Principles of Journalism
Principles of Public Relations
Other approved courses. See adviser. (*Important prerequisites need to be met)
Total Credits9

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - creative technical design primary option

A M D 131Fall only3A M D 1213 
A M D 1783A M D 1653 
AESHM 1121A M D 2044 
AESHM 113N1A M D 206R 
ENGL 1503ENGL 2503 
LIB 1601MATH 1403 
Social Science Elective3  
 15 16
A M D 2103A M D 2753 
A M D 2253A M D 2783 
A M D 2453COM S 1133 
CHEM 1634ECON 1013 
AESHM 311N1Social Science elective3 
CHEM 163L1  
 15 15
A M D 2314A M D 3293AESHM 470N3
A M D 3213A M D 3103 
A M D 3253AMD Design: Choose from3 
SP CM3  
STAT 1014  
 AESHM 3802 
 ART H3 
 17 14 3
A M D 3723Humanities Fashion History3 
A M D 4153  
A M D 4953  
AESHM 411N1Select from:3 
Creative & Technical Design Option Elective (1)3  
 A M D 4313 
 Creative & Technical Design Option Elective (2)3 
 Creative & Technical Design Option Elective (3)3 
 13 15
Total Credits: 123

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - merchandising primary option

A M D 131Fall only3A M D 2044 
A M D 1653A M D 2453 
AESHM 1121COM S 113 or A M D 2103 
AESHM 113N1ENGL 2503 
LIB 1601  
Social Science Elective3  
 15 16
A M D 210 or COM S 1133A M D 2314 
A M D 2753A M D 3764 
ACCT 2843AESHM 3802 
ECON 1013Choose one:3 
AESHM 311N1  
 Humanities Elective3 
 16 16
A M D 3723A M D 3563AESHM 470N4
A M D 3773A M D 4773 
Merchandising Option Elective (1)3Choose one:4 
Merchandising Option Elective (2)3  
 Merchandising Option Elective (3)3 
 Merchandising Option Elective (4)3 
 15 16 4
A M D 4673AESHM 4743 
A M D 4753Merchandising Option Elective (5)3 
AESHM 411N1History3 
Humanities Apparel3Elective3 
 13 12
Total Credits: 123

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.S. - product development sourcing primary option

A M D 131Fall only3A M D 1213 
A M D 1653A M D 2044 
A M D 1783A M D 206R 
AESHM 1121A M D 2453 
AESHM 113N1ENGL 2503 
ENGL 1503MATH 1403 
LIB 1601  
 15 16
A M D 2103A M D 2253 
A M D 2753A M D 2314 
CHEM 1634ACCT 2843 
CHEM 163L1AESHM 3802 
Social Science Elective3Humanities Elective3 
ECON 1013  
 18 16
A M D 3764A M D 3213AESHM 470N4
AESHM 340 or MKT 3403A M D 3723 
 14 15 4
A M D 3053A M D 4313 
A M D 4153A M D 4963 
A M D 4673SCM 3013 
AESHM 411N1Product Development Secondary Option Elective3 
 13 12
Total Credits: 123

Apparel, Merchandising, and Design, B.S. -- product development sourcing product innovation primary option

A M D 131Fall only3A M D 1213 
A M D 1653A M D 2044 
A M D 1783A M D 206R 
AESHM 1121CHEM 1634 
ENGL 1503CHEM 163L1 
AESHM 113N1ENGL 2503 
LIB 1601  
 15 15
A M D 2103A M D 2314 
A M D 2453A M D 2753 
ECON 1013A M D 2783 
AESHM 311N1A M D 3283 
MATH3COM S 1133 
Social Science Elective3  
 16 16
A M D 3103A M D 3723AESHM 470N6
A M D 3213A M D 4043 
Humanities Elective3AESHM 3801-3 
SPEECH3Humanities Fashion History, select from:3 
 16 13-15 6
A M D 3053A M D 4313 
A M D 3293A M D 4963 
A M D 4153AESHM 4743 
AESHM 411N1Elective3 
Product Innovation Elective3Elective1 
 13 13
Total Credits: 123-125

Graduate Study

The program offers work for the concurrent Bachelor of Science and Master of Science; Master of Science (thesis and non-thesis options; on-campus and hybrid);  and Doctor of Philosophy (on-campus and distance hybrid) with a major in apparel, merchandising, and design.  For all programs the field of study is highly interdisciplinary; programs of study are tailored to students' background and interests.  The program offers a concurrent B.S. and M.S. degree that allows students to obtain both the B.S. and M.S. degrees in apparel, merchandising, and design in 5 years.  Application for admission to the Graduate College should be submitted in fall semester of the junior year.

Graduates understand how textiles and apparel are essential in meeting individual and societal needs and understand the interdependence of nations and cultures as producers and consumers.  Graduates understand diverse philosophies of scholarship and apply multiple methods to creative activity, research, and teaching.  Strong writing and oral communication skills help graduates disseminate scholarship and compete successfully for awards and grants.

Graduates accept positions relevant to their academic experience.  All doctoral graduates have teaching experience.  Master's and doctoral graduates have experience working in team-oriented and interactive environments.  Graduates are prepared to adapt to future changes in their professions and to provide leadership in professional and public practice.  They bring a strong sense of ethics to research, teaching, and business endeavors.

Program emphases for graduate study include creative design and functional design; product development; consumer behavior; entrepreneurship; merchandising and marketing aspects of textiles and clothing; acquisition and use of textiles and apparel within cultures; U.S. dress and textiles from the 19th into the 21st centuries; textiles and sustainability.

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Courses primarily for undergraduates:

(3-0) Cr. 3. SS.

Assemble components and completed garments with the use of basic sewing equipment. Learn basic construction techniques, applications and vocabulary. Students will need access to a home sewing machine, iron, computer and the internet. Not available for credit for A M D majors.

(1-4) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 204 concurrent recommended
Principles of garment assembly. Use of mass production equipment and methods to analyze, develop and assemble garments.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.

Fashion industry from concept to consumer. Focus on fashion-driven consumer goods. Development and prototyping of fashion products for a target market.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.

Examination of diversity among consumers and introduction to forecasting trends in dress. Introduction to social justice issues.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement

(1-4) Cr. 3. F.S.

Introduction to the elements and principles of design in fashion and apparel including skill development in fashion illustration, technical drawing, and fabric rendering using traditional media. Application of written and verbal presentations to communicate fashion and apparel design concepts and terminology. Fashion presentation and introduction to portfolio development.

(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 131
Textile fibers, yarns, fabrication, coloration, and finishes. Quality and performance application to textile products. Lab work included.

Cr. R. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.

Prereq: Completion or enrollment in A M D 121, A M D 131, A M D 178, and A M D 204 and enrollment in major
Project review and skill assessment related to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional visualization, apparel assembly, basic product knowledge, design problem solving, illustration, textiles. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 245 or concurrent; AESHM 113N
Applications of skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Google Sketch-up, Excel, and website development. Introduction to digital product design and line development. Focus on elements and principles of design. Introduction to digital portfolio development for design and merchandising. In-class demonstrations and online lectures.

(1-4) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 121, A M D 204, A M D 206.
Application of patternmaking tools and their functions, measurement techniques, pattern labeling, and patternmaking communication documents. Sloper drafting and flat pattern manipulation methods for women's apparel. Design and construction of original garments using drafted slopers and flat pattern manipulation methods to enable the analysis of fit.

(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 204
Analysis of apparel product development, sourcing, and manufacturing processes. Focus on materials and specifications relative to quality, performance, cost, and price. Applications of software for PLM.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 131, A M D 165, A M D 204 or concurrent
Elements and principles of design. Analysis of sensory, expressive, and symbolic aspects that build brand image, with a focus on fashion products and promotional settings.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: Sophomore standing
Overview of museums including history, functions, and philosophy. Collection and curatorial practices. Funding and governance issues. Hands-on object research and exhibit development. Required field trip.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: 3 credits in Math
Principles of merchandising as applied to retail-, service-, events-, and hospitality-related businesses. Study of the planning, development, and presentation of apparel- and hospitality-related products, services, and experiences. Industry and market research, planning of new offerings, and development of promotional and competitive strategies for various retail formats.

(0-6) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 178, A M D 210 or concurrent enrollment, A M D 245 or concurrent enrollment. Permission of instructor.
Development of fashion plates and focused apparel lines/collections. Proficiency in drawing the fashion figure, technical drawings/flats, and apparel using a variety of media. Continuation of fashion presentation and portfolio development.

Cr. 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 4 credits. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Freshmen or Sophomore Classification; Permission of instructor, adviser, and department chair.
Independent study on topics of special interest to the student, facilitated by approved faculty member. Total number of A M D 290 and A M D 490 credits applied to graduation cannot exceed 9 credits.

(Dual-listed with A M D 505). (2-2) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 231, one course in natural science (chemistry with lab preferred); STAT 101, STAT 226, or STAT 401
Principles of product and materials evaluation and quality assurance. Developing specifications and using standard practices for evaluating materials, product characteristics, performance, and quality.

(0-6) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 210, A M D 225; Permission of instructor.
Computer-aided patternmaking technology used in pattern drafting, grading, marker making, and 3-D virtual prototyping.

(0-6) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 210, A M D 278 or concurrent enrollment. Permission of instructor
Analysis and advanced use of computer-aided design software for textile and fashion design for various target markets. Digital presentation and portfolio development.

(0-6) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 206, A M D 225; permission of instructor.
Principles of patternmaking through basic draping techniques on industry standard body forms. Apparel design through analysis of fit and design; problem solving and interaction of fabric characteristics with style features.

(Dual-listed with A M D 528). Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Vary with topic.
Focus on artisanal textile, apparel, or surface and structural design techniques. Design processes for specialty fabrics and markets. Topics vary by term.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 321; A M D 325 or concurrent
Overview of the use of digital printing in the textile and apparel industry, color matching, repeat print patterns, engineered prints, and creation of apparel prototypes.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: 3 credits from Hist or Art H
Survey of history of dress from ancient times up to the American Civil War; focus on European and North American dress. Emphasis on connection of dress to the social, cultural, environmental, and technological contexts of the Western world.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: 3 credits HIST or ART H; A M D 204 recommended.
Survey of major design and technological developments from the American Civil War through the 20th Century. Emphasis on fashion as a system of design and production, culture of consumption, fashion change, and trends in art, society, and culture.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 165 or 3 credits in anthropology, psychology, or sociology.
Analysis of multiple factors related to dress in selected societies, including technology, cultural identity, aesthetics, social organization, ritual, stability and change. Applications to fair trade and social responsibility.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 231, A M D 275; ECON 101 or ECON 102 recommended
Evaluation of key issues facing textile and apparel industries in global markets considering ethical, economic, political, social, and professional implications. Sourcing strategies in a global environment. Corporate and consumer social responsibility and sustainability.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 275; COM S 113; 3 credits from ACCT 284, MATH 104, MATH 105, MATH 140, MATH 150, or equivalent.
Calculations and computer application in the planning and control of merchandise. Emphasis on retail math as it pertains to assortment planning, the six-month buying plan process, and other buying concepts and strategies. Online modules.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 245 or AESHM 342; AESHM 340 or MKT 340
Principles of visual aspects of brand development and management; emphasis on branding, visual merchandising, design/layout of retail spaces. Includes applications such as visual communication and documentation using Adobe Creative Suite(R), hands-on display projects, and brand case studies.

Cr. 1-3. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits. F.S.SS.

Prereq: A M D Junior or Senior Classification and Permission of Instructor.
Intensive 2 to 8 week workshop exploration. Topics vary each time offered. Maximum of 6 credits applied to graduation.

(Dual-listed with A M D 504). (2-2) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 204, CHEM 163 and CHEM 163L or equivalent
Theories and principles of textile science. Textile product serviceability. Effect of fiber structure on properties and performance. New developments in textiles.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 225; A M D 231
Garment development and analysis of fit, performance, quality, cost. Exploration of alternative materials, construction methods, grading; specifications and portfolio development.

(1-4) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 206, A M D 321, A M D 325 or concurrent
Exploration of the creative process and sources of inspiration with emphasis on wearable art; experimentation of advanced design problem solving, alternative materials, fabric manipulation, and pattern-making techniques.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 231; A M D 121 recommended; A M D 372 or concurrent.
Procedures and experiences related to application and use of process controls: method analysis, work measurement, costing, pricing, and production planning. Resource management, technology applications, and quality assurance.

(Dual-listed with A M D 557). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered irregularly.Alt. S., offered irregularly.

Prereq: A M D 204
Condition assessment, repair, and stabilization of textiles and apparel in museum collections. Dry and aqueous cleaning. Examination of storage and exhibition techniques, materials, and conditions. Experience with cataloging and management practices.

(Dual-listed with A M D 558). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 165; or 3 credits in Women's and Gender Studies or Sociology; or permission of instructor
This course focuses on analyzing the dressed and undressed body of individuals in the queer community in various cultural contexts with a focus on material culture. We will disentangle concepts related to gender and sexuality and the changing definitions and representations of individuals who identify in the queer community focusing on appearance, fashion, and the body. Historic and current representations of fashion, styles, and appearances will be analyzed and discussed. Attention will be paid to how sexuality and gender intersect with and/or shape other identities including race, ability, body size, and class. We will examine the complex structures, systems, and ideologies that uphold discrimination and unequal distribution of power and resources as related to the course material. Attention will mostly be given to North American perspectives. We will use material culture to explore how objects related to fashioning the body reveal stories about the owners and consumers.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 165; AESHM 340 or MKT 340; STAT 101 or STAT 104 or STAT 226;
Application of concepts and theories from the social sciences to the study of consumer behavior related to dress, textile and apparel products, and retail experiences. Experience in conducting consumer research.

(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S.

Prereq: A M D 376
Evaluation of information needed to make effective retail decisions. Use of technology in analyzing and interpreting retail systems data. Application of concepts related to forecasting, consumer demand, assortment planning, market research, data mining, database interface, pattern recognition, supply-chain/logistics management, retail technology applications.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: 3 credits in marketing or A M D 275 or AESHM 287
A customer-centric view of marketing with a focus on the retailer-customer relationship and omni-channel strategies. Analysis and evaluation of integrated retail applications and strategies using digital media, including store formats, e-commerce, catalog, mobile, crowdsourcing, and social media.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair
Independent Study. Maximum of 9 credits of both A M D 290 and A M D 490 can be applied toward graduation.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Prereq: 6 credits in A M D. Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair

(Dual-listed with A M D 595). (0-6) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 310, A M D 325 and A M D 329. Permission of instructor.
Creation of an apparel line from target market research to prototypes through the use of manual techniques and CAD technologies. The line is to be included in a professional portfolio and pieces submitted to a juried exhibition.

(3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 231, A M D 245, A M D 275
Applying consumer, aesthetic, and quantitative trend information to develop value-added fashion products and product lines with merchandising/promotion campaigns for diverse target markets. Multi-function team projects. Development of a prototype and presentation to industry representatives.

Cr. 1-3. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Senior classification, 15 credits in A M D. Permission of instructor, adviser, and department chair
Research experience in textiles and clothing with application to a selected problem.

Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:

(Dual-listed with A M D 404). (2-2) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 204, CHEM 163 and CHEM 163L or equivalent
Theories and principles of textile science. Textile product serviceability. Effect of fiber structure on properties and performance. New developments in textiles.

(Dual-listed with A M D 305). (2-2) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 231, one course in natural science (chemistry with lab preferred); STAT 101, STAT 226, or STAT 401
Principles of product and materials evaluation and quality assurance. Developing specifications and using standard practices for evaluating materials, product characteristics, performance, and quality.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: Graduate classification or permission of instructor
Overview of scholarship in apparel, merchandising, and design with emphasis on current and future directions. Fundamentals of writing literature reviews. Examination of ethical issues in scholarship and academic life. Introduction to creativity, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. Development of teaching units.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: Research Methods course. Permission of instructor.
Digital technologies in textile and apparel design. Theories and practices of mass customization and personalization, digital textile printing, 3D body scanning, creating avatars from body scans, and fitting digital apparel designs.

Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: AMD 121 or equivalent, AMD 225 or equivalent, AMD 510 or taking concurrently, permission of instructor
Research, analyze, and apply experimental patternmaking techniques to original garments suitable for entry into a juried competition/exhibitions. Compare, contrast, and organize a framework of research patternmaking principles through content analysis or other appropriate research techniques. Documentation of learning and design process.

(Dual-listed with A M D 328). Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Vary with topic.
Focus on artisanal textile, apparel, or surface and structural design techniques. Design processes for specialty fabrics and markets. Topics vary by term.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: One course in design elements and principles, psychology, consumer behavior, or marketing
Examination of hedonic nature of consumer experience and its application to experiential design and branding of retail/hospitality establishments. Emphasis on consumer behavior, environmental psychology, and marketing literature.

Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.

Using a variety of sources and methods of analysis, students will develop their ability to read and interpret primary and secondary sources and to understand the methodology underpinnings and process of constructing dress history.

(Dual-listed with A M D 457). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered irregularly.Alt. S., offered irregularly.

Prereq: A M D 204
Condition assessment, repair, and stabilization of textiles and apparel in museum collections. Dry and aqueous cleaning. Examination of storage and exhibition techniques, materials, and conditions. Experience with cataloging and management practices.

(Dual-listed with A M D 458). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.

Prereq: A M D 165; or 3 credits in Women's and Gender Studies or Sociology; or permission of instructor
This course focuses on analyzing the dressed and undressed body of individuals in the queer community in various cultural contexts with a focus on material culture. We will disentangle concepts related to gender and sexuality and the changing definitions and representations of individuals who identify in the queer community focusing on appearance, fashion, and the body. Historic and current representations of fashion, styles, and appearances will be analyzed and discussed. Attention will be paid to how sexuality and gender intersect with and/or shape other identities including race, ability, body size, and class. We will examine the complex structures, systems, and ideologies that uphold discrimination and unequal distribution of power and resources as related to the course material. Attention will mostly be given to North American perspectives. We will use material culture to explore how objects related to fashioning the body reveal stories about the owners and consumers.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: 3 credits in research methods; basic knowledge of apparel industry and product development; permission of instructor.
Overview of current sustainability theory, research, and methodology. Emphasis on the evaluation and discussion of current sustainability literature and sustainable practice of apparel, textiles, and related products and services through people, processes, and the environment. Development and presentation of original scholarly and creative design work under various sustainability frameworks.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.

Prereq: A M D 467 or MKT 447; STAT 401
Application of concepts and theories from the social sciences to the study of consumer behavior. Experience in conducting research; manuscript writing.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: A course in merchandising, marketing, or economics
Evaluation of textile and apparel industries in global markets considering ethical, economic, political, social, and professional implications. Sourcing strategies in a global environment. Corporate and consumer social responsibility and sustainability. Experience in conducting research using secondary data.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: A M D 376 or equivalent; A M D 275 or equivalent; or permission of instructor
Using the case study method, students apply merchandising theory, principles, and practices to industry scenarios. Emphasis on problem solving, creative thinking, data analysis, and data interpretation involved in business operations. Focus on the development of leadership skills while functioning in small and large groups.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: Course in marketing or permission of instructor
Analysis of technology and consumer trends, industry practices, and marketing strategies for e-commerce including big data, data mining, and social media. Evaluation and development of apparel or hospitality company websites. Theory application to the development of multi-channel business strategies.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.

Prereq: Permission of director of graduate education, adviser, and instructor(s)
Individually designed A M D-related projects that reflect the special interests of the student.

(Dual-listed with A M D 495). (0-6) Cr. 3. F.

Prereq: A M D 310, A M D 325 and A M D 329. Permission of instructor.
Creation of an apparel line from target market research to prototypes through the use of manual techniques and CAD technologies. The line is to be included in a professional portfolio and pieces submitted to a juried exhibition.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in A M D

Courses for graduate students:

Cr. 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 6 graduate credits in A M D. Permission of instructor
Discussion of scholarship and current issues. Topics vary.

(2-4) Cr. 4. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.

Prereq: Permission of instructor.
Analysis and application of design theory and creative processes, including strategies for solving aesthetic, functional, and/or technology-focused design problems. Creation and dissemination of design scholarship.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.

Prereq: 6 credits in sociology or psychology
Analysis of social science theories and concepts applicable to appearance research. Emphasis on qualitative research and philosophy of knowledge, including postmodern, symbolic interaction, semiotic, and feminist theories. Collection and analysis of qualitative data.

(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.

Prereq: A M D 275 or equivalent; statistics course recommended.
Review of current merchandising theory, research, and methodology. Emphasis on the evaluation and discussion of current and seminal merchandising literature, understanding research processes, interpretation of findings, assessing implications of research for future directions in merchandising, and the development and presentation of original scholarly work.

Cr. arr. Repeatable.

Prereq: Enrollment in doctoral program, permission of instructor; and approval of D.O.G.E

Cr. arr. Repeatable.