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Industrial Technology

This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering offers a bachelor of science degree in Industrial Technology (ITec), as well as an undergraduate certificate in Occupational Safety. Students majoring in ITec choose between two options: Manufacturing or Occupational Safety. The department also offers a minor in Industrial Technology.

Successful ITec graduates gain knowledge, skills, and abilities in solving technical problems, understanding the design process, excelling in authentic leadership, being aware of safety issues, having a quality orientation, effectively managing projects, and having a systems-thinking perspective. This translates to a holistic approach that uses science and engineering principles to focus on the way the constituent parts of a manufacturing system interrelate, how they work over time, and how they fit the context of larger systems. Graduates find careers within a variety of industries, businesses, and organizations in the fields of advanced manufacturing; robotics; automation and controls; electronics; lean manufacturing; quality management; safety management, loss prevention; or industrial hygiene.

Common job duties of ITec Manufacturing graduates include:

  • quality management
  • production supervision
  • product process design
  • facility planning and management

Common job duties of ITec Occupational Safety graduates include:

  • development, management, and evaluation of safety programs and systems
  • hazard identification and mitigation
  • loss prevention

The certificate in occupational safety is designed to meet the needs of the students who will find themselves in management roles with responsibilities that include safety. The certificate program prepares technically-oriented managers to meet their professional safety responsibilities.

For more information about the Industrial Technology degree:

For more information about the occupational safety certificate:

Total Degree Requirement: 120 cr.

Only 65 cr. from a two-year institution may apply which may include up to 16 technical cr.; 9 P-NP cr. of free electives; 2.00 minimum GPA.

Communications Proficiency:

6 cr. of English composition with a C or better and 3 cr. of speech fundamentals with a C or better.

Communication/Library: 13 cr.
ENGL 150Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 250Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 160Information Literacy1
One of the following:3
Business Communication
Proposal and Report Writing
Technical Communication
Survey of Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication
One of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Professional Communication
Presentation and Sales Strategies for Agricultural Audiences
Total Credits13
Mathematical, Physical, and Life Sciences: 25 cr.
STAT 104Introduction to Statistics3
MATH 145Applied Trigonometry3
MATH 151Calculus for Business and Social Sciences3
PHYS 111General Physics5
CHEM 163College Chemistry4
CHEM 163LLaboratory in College Chemistry1
One of the following:3
Introductory Biology
Principles of Biology I
Principles of Biology II
Second Biology course requirement by Option:3
Manufacturing option
Life Sciences Elective from approved College of Agriculture and Life Sciences list
Occupational Safety option
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
Total Credits25
Business, Humanities, Ethics, and Social Sciences: 18 cr.
ACCT 284Financial Accounting3
ECON 101Principles of Microeconomics3
TSM 370Occupational Safety (Ethics)3
Humanities course from College of Agriculture and Life Sciences list3
International Perspectives course from University list3
U.S. Diversity course from University list3
Total Credits18
Technical Core: 30 cr.
TSM 110Introduction to Technology1
TSM 111Experiencing Technology1
TSM 115Solving Technology Problems3
TSM 116Introduction to Design in Technology3
TSM 201Preparing for Workplace Seminar1
TSM 210Fundamentals of Technology3
TSM 214Managing Technology Projects1
TSM 270Principles of Injury Prevention and Safety3
TSM 310Total Quality Improvement3
TSM 363Electrical Power Systems and Electronics for Agriculture and Industry4
TSM 397Internship in TechnologyR
TSM 399Work Experience in Technology2
TSM 415Applied Project Management in Technology2
TSM 416Technology Capstone3
Total Credits30
 No more than 4 cr. of TSM 399 may count toward graduation.
Manufacturing Option: 34 cr.
TSM 216Advanced Technical Graphics, Interpretation, and CAD2
A B E 271, A B E 272, or A B E 2731
TSM 240Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing and Metals Processing3
TSM 241Introduction to Manufacturing Processes for Plastics2
TSM 337Fluid Power Systems Technology3
TSM 340Advanced Automated Manufacturing Processes3
TSM 440Cellular Lean Manufacturing Systems3
TSM 443Statics and Strength of Materials for Technology3
TSM 444Facility Planning3
TSM 465Automation Systems3
8 credits of free electives8
Total Credits34
Occupational Safety Option: 34 cr.
TSM 240Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing and Metals Processing3
TSM 371Occupational Safety Management2
TSM 372Legal Aspects of Occupational Safety and Health2
TSM 376Fire Protection and Prevention3
TSM 470Industrial Hygiene: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Hazards3
TSM 471Safety Laboratory1
TSM 477Risk Analysis and Management3
H S 105First Aid and Emergency Care2
PSYCH 250Psychology of the Workplace3
12 credits of free electives12
Total Credits34