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Apparel, Merchandising, and Design

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Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. Leading to the degree bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 123 including a minimum of 18 credits in AMD at Iowa State University for the degree (12 of the 18 credits must be at the 300-400 level). The major in apparel, merchandising, and design provides a broad-based program of study with flexibility in creating program options. Courses are required in general education and the apparel industry professional core. To complete the program, a student selects a primary option from design, product development and innovation, product management and sourcing, merchandising and retail analytics, or fashion communication.

Minors and a certificate are available in apparel, merchandising, and design: (a) textile science and product performance or (b) a textile design minor in collaboration with the College of Design; and a merchandising certificate.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

  1. Communication. Use clear and effective written, oral, verbal and electronic (WOVE) communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and engagement in apparel and related industries.
  2. Self-assessment/self-reflection. Analyze and evaluate one’s own knowledge, abilities, and actions relative to professional standards, seek opportunities to grow professionally, and utilize self-assessment and assessment of others to foster psychological, cognitive, social and emotional well-being.
  3. Critical thinking. Understand fundamental concepts of apparel, merchandising, and design and apply critical thinking to solve problems from personal, scholarly, and professional perspectives.
  4. Ethics, Diversity, and Social Responsibility. Demonstrate leadership and social justice to improve quality of life for global citizens and encourage socially responsible decision-making for consumers and businesses.


The program offers study for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in apparel, merchandising, and design (AMD). The program offers students a broad understanding of textile and apparel products, merchandising and marketing strategies, technical and creative design, product development, production processes, and business practices leading to a wide range of careers at state, national, and international levels in business and industry. Courses in the program provide scientific, technical, and humanistic knowledge about textiles, apparel, and related products basic to career preparation. Courses also provide knowledge applicable to the development and use of apparel and textile products by individuals, families, and institutions. The program provides a foundation for graduate study. Graduates understand the production, distribution, and use of textiles and apparel, aesthetic expression, and communication. They are prepared to plan, develop, source and present textile and apparel products to meet the needs of consumers. Students understand the issues involved in textile and apparel production and marketing, both nationally and internationally.

The AMD major provides a broad-based program of study with flexibility in creating an individualized program. To complete the program, a student combines general education, AMD core classes, and a structure of focused courses to form an option in: (a) creative and technical design, (b) fashion communication, (c) product development and innovation, (d) product management and sourcing, or (e) merchandising and retail analytics.

An option in creative and technical design is appropriate for those interested in the aesthetic and creative aspects of design, technical design, costuming, textile design, and product development. The fashion communications option prepares students for the development and delivery of visual, written, and oral communication. Career opportunities are in visual merchandising, styling, fashion influencing, social media, and communication.  An option in product development and innovation is appropriate for those interested in developing innovative products for special markets including accessories, footwear, performance wear, smart textiles, functional apparel, and soft-goods for home. Career opportunities include designer, materials testing, quality assurance, and technical design. The product management and sourcing option is appropriate for those interested in both line planning, product development, and merchandising products or lines for consumer groups, sourcing, quality assurance, and manufacturing. An option in merchandising and retail analytics prepares students for the planning, promotion, and presentation of market-oriented product lines and events. Career opportunities are in buying, promotion, sales, product development, branding, and management in both manufacturing and retailing sectors with a focus on the textile and apparel industry.

***Instead of a portfolio review for admission, students in the creative and technical design option have a review of their first year design skills (AMD 206 Design Selective Advancement) after completing AMD 121 Apparel Assembly, AMD 131 Overview of the Fashion Industry, AMD 178 Introduction to Fashion Design Studio, and AMD 204 Textile Science. The AMD 206 Design Selective Advancement project is scored by design industry professionals and determines if/when students move forward into the creative and technical design option.

For additional courses of interest, see Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.


All students majoring in apparel, merchandising, and design are required to earn a C- or better in all AESHM and AMD courses applied toward  the degree, including transfer credits.


Undergraduate English proficiency is certified when the student has received a grade of C or better in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.