Education (EDUC)

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Courses primarily for undergraduates:

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 2, Laboratory 2.

Overview of ways to use educational technologies to support instruction in PK-6 settings. Focus on pedagogical approaches that integrate technologies to support learning in the content areas. Laboratory experiences include development of activities to use web 2.0 tools, apps, multimedia, web page development, digital video and other technologies to facilitate learning and teaching. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 2, Laboratory 2.

Overview of ways to use educational technologies to support instruction in 7-12 settings. Focus on pedagogical approaches that integrate technologies to support learning in the content areas. Laboratory experiences include development of activities to use tool software, multimedia, web page development, digital video and other technologies to facilitate learning and teaching. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Introduction to the historical and contemporary landscape of schooling in the United States. Emphasis is placed on topics and tensions in the relationship between school and society (e.g. equity of access to education and competing purposes of education) and the implications of these topics and tensions for teaching and learning at the secondary level in public schools. For prospective teachers in an ISU Secondary Educator Preparation program; open to students who are considering teaching and/or work in education as a career path. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Introduction to the historical and contemporary landscape of schooling in the United States. Emphasis on topics and tensions in the relationship between school and society (e.g., equity of access to education and competing purposes of education) and the implications of these topics and tensions for teaching and learning in public schools. Student in K-12 education, or a non-education major should take EDUC 2040. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Learning Community for Elementary Education majors to help with their transition to university life. Offers an overview of K-8 teacher certification in Iowa as well as degree and career planning. With the help of guest speakers and peer mentors students learn about elementary teaching as a profession and are introduced to a social justice orientation to teaching. All first semester freshman Elementary Education majors are required to register. Open to those interested in pursuing education. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Overview of English, mathematics, science, family and consumer sciences and history, and world language and cultures secondary education (grades 5-12), teacher licensure requirements in Iowa and other states. Program and career planning. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2050; sophomore classification.
Introduction to the landscape of teaching including the exploration of outside influences that impact schools, classroom structures (including classroom management systems) that help classrooms function efficiently and effectively, and instructional planning (basic lesson design and assessment) that addresses state standards and students' needs. Open to students majoring in Elementary Education or Early Childhood Education. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.
Repeatable, maximum of 1 credits.

Orientation to the international travel study, offered during the semester preceding the trip. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Contact Hours: Lecture 0.4.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-Student teaching experience in school settings. Two, half days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2 or 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2020 or EDUC 2030
Pre-Student teaching experience with technologies in various educational settings with K-12 technology leaders. 2 1/2-hour blocks of time needed. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Repeatable.

Pre-Student teaching experience in mild/moderate disabilities in school settings. One, half-day per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 1. Repeatable.

Early field experience where students explore and develop an understanding of research-based instructional practices that could be implemented with middle level students to teach mathematical concepts. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Cross-listed with MUSIC 2800K).
Credits: 0.5. Repeatable.

Pre-student teaching experience in music in school settings. Permission of Music coordinator required prior to enrollment. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 0.5. Repeatable.

Pre-student teaching experience for secondary education students in school settings. One, half-day per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 0.5-1. Contact Hours: Laboratory 1.5, Lecture 0.5.

Pre-student teaching experience for students in school settings. One, half-day per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 1. Repeatable.

Pre-student teaching experience in art education in school settings. 2 1/2-hour blocks of time needed. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Repeatable, maximum of 1 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-student teaching experience in English as a Second Language. One, half-day per week needed for school experience. Graduation Restrictions: EDUC 2800 may be taken more than once for credit toward graduation. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Repeatable.

Pre-student teaching experience tutoring in a school setting focused on mathematics, literacy, and/or other content areas. Clinical Experience Level 1. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 6 credits in Education, permission of instructor
Independent study, under faculty supervision, of a topic in the field of education. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2020 or EDUC 2030
Advanced integration of learning technologies into PK-12 educational contexts. Examine current trends in using learning technologies with PK-12 students; explore current applications used in formal and informal educational settings; and discuss issues focused on technology use in education. Required for Learning Technologies Minor. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Offers an overview of Elementary Education requirements, university procedures, K-8 certification in Iowa as well as degree and career planning. With the help of guest speakers students learn about elementary teaching as a profession and are introduced to a social justice orientation to teaching. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: PSYCH 2300 or HDFS 1020, major in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education
Psychological theories relevant to student development, learning, and motivation. Review of assessment principles and practices. Implications of theory for teaching children and for assessing learning in educational settings with primary and intermediate grade children. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with PSYCH 3330).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: PSYCH 2300 or HDFS 1020
Psychological theories relevant to student development, learning, and motivation. Review of assessment principles and practices. Implications of theory for teaching children and for assessing learning in K-12 educational settings, with an emphasis on grades 5 - 12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5470).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

The history, philosophy, and sociology of science, how scientific knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge, and the relationship of the Nature of Science to science teaching and learning.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.
Repeatable, maximum of 2 times.

Focus on in teaching in schools and/or community agencies serving multilingual populations. Topics include: theories of first and second language acquisition, translanguaging, language policies and laws, strategies for teaching academic content in the mainstream classroom, creating classroom/school cultures that invite all students into learning, and the role of advocacy and professional collaboration in educational equity & excellence. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Exploration of dilemmas in education that revolve around issues of the societal value placed on P-20 education, as the value placed on the students and professionals who work in the field, and the educational challenges facing society and individuals. Analysis, critique, and discussions will integrate current topics, historical context, and social, political, and cultural impacts within P-20 education systems. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2030
Integration of learning technologies into PK-12 STEM contexts with a focus on engineering design and computational thinking. Examine current trends and explore how technology can be used to design creative and innovative hands-on experiences that promote computational thinking and problem-solving skills across STEM-related educational contexts. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.

Prereq: Elementary Education major, sophomore classification
Foundations of literacy development and research related to science-based literacy instruction and strategies pertinent to teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the elementary classroom. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 4. Contact Hours: Lecture 4.

Prereq: EDUC 3770; Admitted into the Educator Preparation Program
Methods and processes of literacy instruction. Application through reading and writing across the curriculum aligned to scientific-based literacy instruction, integration of language arts, literature-based instruction, and metacognitive strategies. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-2. Contact Hours: Lecture 2, Laboratory 2.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-Student teaching experience in school setting. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-student teaching experience in physical science, chemistry, or physics. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2. Graduation Restriction: EDUC 3800 may be taken more than once for credit toward graduation. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-student teaching experience in biological sciences. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2. Graduation Restriction: EDUC 3800 may be taken more than once for credit toward graduation. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-student teaching experience in earth science. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2. Graduation Restriction: EDUC 3800 may be taken more than once for credit toward graduation. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with MUSIC 3800K).
Credits: 1-2. Contact Hours: Lecture 1, Studio 8.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Participation in a K-12 school setting. Permission of Music coordinator required prior to enrollment. Clinical Experience Level 2. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

Credits: 1. Repeatable, maximum of 1 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Pre-student teaching experience in English as a Second Language. One, half-day per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 2. Graduation Restriction: EDUC 3800 may be taken more than once for credit toward graduation. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with FCEDS 3800V).
Credits: 1-2. Contact Hours: Laboratory 2.

Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation program AND Credit or concurrent enrollment in FCEDS 3060.
Clinical Experience Level II in culinary, fashion design, housing, and/or human development courses related to Family & Consumer Sciences at the secondary level. Includes 24 hours practicum: unsupervised. 1/2 day of time needed in schedule. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5950).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2040; junior classification
Analysis and application of strategies to enhance students' disciplinary literacy development in middle and secondary school setting. Research paper related to a course topic for EDUC 5950. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Exploration of education at the levels of self, teaching, and systems; multicultural concepts and theories; awareness of context of cultural groups - their history, perspective, needs, and contributions; problems and issues regarding prejudice, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexual identity and language in the school environment. Special attention is given to enacting culturally relevant teaching in grades PK through 6, along with curriculum transformation and social action in those grades. Restricted to those enrolled in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programs. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Exploration of education at the levels of self, teaching, and systems; multicultural concepts and theories; awareness of context of cultural groups - their history, perspective, needs, and contributions; problems and issues regarding prejudice, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexual identity and language in the school environment. Special attention to culturally relevant teaching in grades 5 through 12, along with curriculum transformation and social action in those grades. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2030
Preparing educators to develop and sustain learning environments where their students are physically separated from them. Developing flexible and distance learning experiences where Pre- K-12 students expand their knowledge and improve their skills in curricular areas outside of the traditional classroom. Required for the Learning Technologies Minor. (Typically Offered: Fall, Summer)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised teaching experience in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised teaching experience in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised teaching experience in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised teaching experience in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised teaching experience in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170A).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170B).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in physical sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170C).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in mathematics grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170D).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in biological sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170E). (Cross-listed with ENGL 4170E).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Full-time teaching in secondary English: long term and unit planning, lesson planning, classroom teaching practice in English language arts. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in speech.

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170G/ WLC 5170G). (Cross-listed with WLC 4170G).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in world languages, secondary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170J).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in earth sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170M).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in basic sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170N).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170P).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170R/ MUSIC 5170R). (Cross-listed with MUSIC 4170R).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5170S/ MUSIC 5170S). (Cross-listed with MUSIC 4170S).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in English as a Second Language grades 7-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5180).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Develop an understanding of research-based practices for effective and equitable science teaching that align with state and national standards. Emphasis is on the character and role of science inquiry, teaching behaviors and strategies, and actively engaging students in self-evaluation and evidence-based inquiry learning experiences. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5190).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 4180; (concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4800B OR EDUC 4800D, OR EDUC 4800J)
Advancing a research-based framework for effective and equitable science teaching rooted in the idea that students need opportunities to make sense of phenomena, and grapple with scientific ideas using authentic science and engineering practices while observing science safety. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5200). (Cross-listed with USLS 4200).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Introduction to research on bilingualism and examination of the social, historical, and political contexts of Spanish/English education in the U.S. Attention to policy environment, school program structure, mode of classroom instruction, family and community context, and attainment of bilingualism and biculturalism for Latinx youth. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5220).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Multicultural and social justice focus on Iowa history; different theme each summer. Effective pedagogical and assessment strategies for integrating these themes into K-12 curriculum. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5240X).
Credits: 0. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

EDUC 4240X. Teaching Middle School Mathematics (dual-listed with EDUC 5240X)Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.This course is designed to equip future educators with the essential knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively teach mathematics to middle school students (grades 6–8). It integrates critical content areas, including ratios and proportional relationships, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics, with pedagogical methods tailored to the middle school setting. The course emphasizes understanding adolescent developmental characteristics, implementing effective strategies for diverse learners, and utilizing technology to enhance mathematics instruction.Prerequisites:6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970). (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5250X).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Course Catalog DescriptionsEDUC 4250 Current Issues in Math Education (dual-listed with EDUC 5250)This course explores contemporary challenges and trends in mathematics education, including problem-solving and modeling, social justice, artificial intelligence, multilingual learners, and culturally sustaining pedagogy, to equip students with cutting-edge knowledge in the field. Through discussions and research, participants will critically engage with current debates to deepen their understanding of the evolving landscape of math education.Prerequisites:Prereq: 6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970). (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5260).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Introduction to secondary education teaching strategies, lesson planning that provides equitable learning opportunities for all students, classroom management, legal aspects of schools, professional and ethical issues, current educational issues, professional learning communities, and social-justice oriented teaching. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 2. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.

Emphasis is placed on providing equity and justice-oriented social studies learning experiences (e.g. curriculum content, instructional strategies, and assessment) for primary grade children. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 2. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.

Prereq: Concurrent enrollment in (EDUC 3770, EDUC 4680F, EDUC 4680G), MATH 1950 (minimum grade of C-), MATH 1960 (minimum grade of C-); Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program.
Develop an understanding of effective mathematics teaching practices situated in equitable pedagogies that support primary students' mathematical understanding. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 2. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.

Development and application of effective methods of science teaching that align with standards and best practices. Emphasis is on research-based, equitable teaching practices that provide appropriate science learning experiences in the early elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Emphasis is placed on providing equity and justice-oriented social studies learning experiences (e.g. curriculum content, instructional strategies, and assessment) for primary and intermediate grade children. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: MATH 1950 (minimum grade of C-), MATH 1960 (minimum grade of C-); Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Develop an understanding of effective mathematics teaching practices situated in equitable pedagogies that support elementary students' mathematical understanding. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Development and application of effective methods of science teaching that align with standards and best practices. Emphasis is on research-based, equitable teaching practices that provide appropriate science learning experiences in the elementary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5500).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: (EDUC 3320 or EDUC 3330), EDUC 4060
Examination of cultural relevance in education. Development and application of strategies and techniques for implementing multicultural goals and multiethnic perspectives in PreK-12 school classroom settings. Offered even-numbered years. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5520).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 3780. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4880.
Identification, analysis and correction of reading problems in five areas: print knowledge, integration of print knowledge, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.
Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2030
Development and application of emerging technology topics related to digital learning. Series of 1 credit on-line learning modules on current technology being used in education and topics being addressed. These modules extend learning opportunities from other courses and experiences. Required for Learning Technologies Minor. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5560).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2030; EDUC 3770
Methods and strategies used to integrate technology into K-8 literacy. Examination of the use and evaluation of technology appropriate for elementary literacy classrooms. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5590).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Research and discussion of issues surrounding the classroom use of literature for children and young adults including censorship, diversity, selection, critical literacy and the influences of technology. Meets U.S. Cultures and Communities Requirement. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised K-3 elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised 3-6 elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods, and instructional experiences with children in a supervised K-3 elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised 3-6 elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised K-3 inclusive elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised K-3 inclusive elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised K-3 inclusive elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised 3-6 elementary classroom while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 2. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Application of current methods and instructional experiences with children in a supervised elementary classroom outside of Iowa while engaged in other elementary methods courses. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5750).
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.

Prereq: Credit or enrollment in EDUC 2750
Seminar-based course for undergraduate and graduate students to develop a better understanding around global issues related to teaching, learning, curriculum, and educational policy through international travel study. 1 to 6 week duration involving study in a country other than the US. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Cross-listed with HIST 4800A).
Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of History/Social Sciences coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Supervision Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of program coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Supervision Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 0.5-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation mathematics in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of mathematics coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of program coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Supervision Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of English coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of World Languages and Cultures coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting. Permission of program coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical Supervision Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with MUSIC 4800K).
Credits: 1-2. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Participation in a K-12 school setting. Permission of Music coordinator required prior to enrollment. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.

Prereq: EDUC 3800S; ENGL 2190 or LING 2190; ENGL 2200 or LING 2200; Admitted to Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a school setting. Permission of ESL area coordinator required prior to enrollment. Two, half-days per week needed for school experience. Clinical experience level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

Credits: 2. Repeatable, maximum of 4 credits.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Supervised participation in a 5-12 school setting outside of Iowa. Permission of content program coordinator required prior to enrollment. Clinical Experience Level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with FCEDS 4800V).
Credits: 2. Contact Hours: Laboratory 4.

Prereq: FCEDS 3060FCEDS 3800V; admission to Educator Preparation program
Clinical Experience Level III in culinary, fashion design, housing, and/or human development courses related to Family & Consumer Sciences at the secondary level. Includes 48 hours practicum and supervised individual teaching. 1/2 day of time needed in schedule. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5810).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Introduction to philosophy of education. Emphasis is placed on historical and contemporary debates about the nature and purpose(s) of education in a just society. Possible topics include questions such as: When is one justified in claiming to know or to have learned? Who is morally responsible for a learner's education or schooling? What is a just distribution of educational opportunities? How might one teach philosophically? Offered odd-numbered years. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Cross-listed with WLC 4860/ LING 4860).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 25 credits in a World Language
Planning, implementation, and assessment of standards-based, student-centered, and thematic instruction in the elementary (K-8) classroom. Special emphasis on K-8 students' communicative skills, cultural knowledge, and content learning. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Cross-listed with WLC 4870/ LING 4870).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 25 credits in a world language; Department Permission
Theories and principles of contemporary world language learning and teaching. Special emphasis on designing instruction and assessments for active learning. Admission to teacher education required. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 5880).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.

Prereq: EDUC 3780; concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4520
Using formal and informal diagnostic procedures to plan and implement individualized reading instruction. Field experience in tutoring and a related research project. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

(Cross-listed with MUSIC 4900A).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 12 credits in MUSIC; Department Permission
Music. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Membership in the University Honors Program
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with SPCM 4950B).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Problems, methods, and materials related to teaching speech, theatre, and media in secondary schools. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Cross-listed with MATH 4970).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Develop an understanding of instructional planning, lesson implementation, and assessment in grades 5-12 mathematics, with a focus on reform-based mathematics, equity, and conceptual understanding. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with HIST 5980). (Cross-listed with HIST 4980).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Theories and processes of teaching and learning secondary history/social sciences. Emphasis on development and enactment of current methods, assessments, and curriculum materials for providing appropriate learning experiences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Educational philosophies and theories of teaching, learning, and technologies. Understanding of how people learn with, and through, educational technology, in many settings. Overview of significant topics in educational technology. Major learning theories, including recent debates in how educators conceive of learning; teaching and learning with technology and new literacies practices.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970 or permission of instructor
Understanding the needs of various English language learners, learn to use ELLs' language and culture as a resource in mathematics classrooms, and implement research-based instructional strategies that are effective to teach mathematics for ELLs. For pre-service/in-service teachers and others who will work or currently works with English language learners (ELLs). (Typically Offered: Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Application of theories and models of instructional design. Design decision-making based on the analysis of performance problems and instructional inputs. Practical experience with the design and development of instruction and evaluation principles.

(Cross-listed with HCI 5040).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Principles and procedures to plan, design, and conduct effective evaluation studies (formative, summative, usability) in different settings are studied. Opportunities to engage in real or simulated evaluation projects of substantial scope are provided. Course activities include: create evaluation instruments, develop methods with which to evaluate a product or program, conduct try-outs or usability sessions, analyze the data, report the findings, and recommendations.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Teaching and learning using educational technology. Selection and evaluation of digital tools for teaching and learning. Research on educational technology. Tool software. Trends in computer-based instruction.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 6 graduate credits in EDUC
Engage with justice-oriented multicultural frameworks for transformative education and education research, understand equity in education in historical and contemporary contexts, develop principled approaches to critical self-reflection, interpret educational situations in justice-oriented ways, and counter inequities in education through curriculum, pedagogy, and research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970)
Focus on Algebraic reasoning, concepts, and associated procedures in K-12 classrooms, especially middle level. Using algebra and algebraic reasoning to solve a real-life problem. Attention is given to algebraic habits of mind, generalization, representation, and transition from arithmetic algorithms to algebra. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970)
Explore geometry and measurement through research-based pedagogies in K-12 classrooms. An investigative approach involving problem solving, reasoning and proof, connections, and communication are emphasized. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Cross-listed with HCI 5100).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 12 graduate credits
Theories, principles and best practices of utilizing games in educational environments. Topics include the theoretical foundations of learning games and game play, identity development in online environments, and assessment of learning in and out of games.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Principles and practices of technology, leadership and change. Coursework focuses on technology broadly and implications on educational contexts. Leadership frameworks and strategies for professional development and organizational change are examined, as well as new literacy practices and current debates in the field.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Critical review and synthesis of current research trends in educational technology. Designed for students to synthesize knowledge of issues in research, and methods of conducting research in practice.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970)
Develop problem solving strategies across all strands of mathematics. Issues surrounding the appropriate role of problem solving in K-12 mathematics classrooms are discussed, including distinctions among teaching 'about,' 'for,' and 'through' problem solving. Emphasis on task modification and mathematical modeling. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 1-4. Contact Hours: Lecture 1, Laboratory 2.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Introduction to critical issues facing science education, science education goals reflecting contemporary purposes of schooling, and how people learn science. (Typically Offered: Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Methods of conducting and communicating action research focused on improving educational practices. Develop first cycle of action plan with purpose of investigating an educational setting. Learn to identify problems to investigate, select appropriate research methods, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions from research.

Credits: 3. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.

EDUC 5160. Personalized Learning. Cr. 3. No Prereq. This course introduces personalized learning in technology-rich environments. This course provides students with a broader initial understanding of what personalized learning is and how to make a plan for integrating personalized learning.

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170A).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170B).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in physical sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170C).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in mathematics grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170D).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in biological sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170E/ ENGL 4170E).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Seminar-based course for undergraduate and graduate students to develop a better understanding around global issues related to teaching, learning, curriculum, and educational policy through international travel study. 1 to 6 week duration involving study in a country other than the US.

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170G/ WLC 4170G). (Cross-listed with WLC 5170G).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in world languages, secondary grades. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170J).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in earth sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170M).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in basic sciences grades 5-12. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170N).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170P).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170R/ MUSIC 4170R). (Cross-listed with MUSIC 5170R).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4170S/ MUSIC 4170S). (Cross-listed with MUSIC 5170S).
Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: Admitted to the Educator Preparation Program
Evaluation of instruction, lesson planning, and teaching in the liberal arts and sciences. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4180).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Develop an understanding of research-based practices for effective and equitable science teaching that align with state and national standards. Emphasis is on the character and role of science inquiry, teaching behaviors and strategies, and actively engaging students in self-evaluation and evidence-based inquiry learning experiences. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4190).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Advancing a research-based framework for effective and equitable science teaching rooted in the idea that students need opportunities to make sense of phenome, and grapple with scientific ideas using authentic science and engineering practices while observing science safety. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4200/ USLS 4200).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Introduction to research on bilingualism and examination of the social, historical, and political contexts of Spanish/English education in the U.S. Attention to policy environment, school program structure, mode of classroom instruction, family and community context, and attainment of bilingualism and biculturalism for Latinx youth. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Provides future secondary teachers with opportunities to explore learning theories and approaches for teaching mathematics and science, especially those related to constructivism and social constructivism. Opportunities to understand how students learn mathematics and science and how to assess secondary students' understanding in these content areas. Includes 12-hours (2 full days) of classroom observation in a nearby middle or high school and may include other practical experiences in teaching math and science. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4220).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Multicultural and social justice focus on Iowa history; different theme each summer. Effective pedagogical and assessment strategies for integrating these themes into K-12 curriculum. (Typically Offered: Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Explore and implement research-based instructional practices with K-8 students who are struggling with learning essential mathematical concepts. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4240X).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

EDUC 5240X. Teaching Middle School Mathematics (dual-listed with EDUC 4240X)Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.This course is designed to equip future educators with the essential knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively teach mathematics to middle school students (grades 6–8). It integrates critical content areas, including ratios and proportional relationships, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics, with pedagogical methods tailored to the middle school setting. The course emphasizes understanding adolescent developmental characteristics, implementing effective strategies for diverse learners, and utilizing technology to enhance mathematics instruction.Prerequisites:6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970). (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4250X).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

EDUC 5250X Current Issues in Math Education (dual-listed with EDUC 4250)This course explores contemporary challenges and trends in mathematics education, including problem-solving and modeling, social justice, artificial intelligence, multilingual learners, and culturally sustaining pedagogy, to equip students with cutting-edge knowledge in the field. Through discussions and research, participants will critically engage with current debates to deepen their understanding of the evolving landscape of math education.Prerequisites:Prereq: 6 credits MATH AND (credit or concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4480 or EDUC 4970 or EDUC 5970). (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4260).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Introduction to secondary education teaching strategies, lesson planning that provides equitable learning opportunities for all students, classroom management, legal aspects of schools, professional and ethical issues, current educational issues, professional learning communities, and social-justice oriented teaching. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Analysis of psychological research theory related to learning, cognition, motivation, individual differences, and teaching techniques. Student and classroom assessment to facilitate positive learning outcomes. Adaption and differentiation of instruction to meet individual learners' needs. This course can only be used for teacher licensure programs. It is not acceptable for use in meeting the non-licensure M.Ed., M.S. or Ph.D. requirements. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Cross-listed with PSYCH 5330).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Major theories of learning and cognition in educational settings. Emphasis on behavioral, cognitive, constructivist, and sociocultural theories and their implications for educational policy and practice. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Study of sociocultural learning theories, including how knowledge is constructed through interactions and how learning is embedded in these interactions. Examination of how particular sociocultural approaches to learning can inform responsive teaching and responsive research, and impact opportunities for educational equity. (Typically Offered: Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of theories of learning and motivation in science and mathematics and their application to teaching and current research in science and mathematics education.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Advanced examination of effective and equitable science teaching, emphasizing teacher behaviors and strategies, methods of self-evaluation, and current issues and trends in science education. Offered odd-numbered years. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 3470).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
The history, philosophy, and sociology of science, how scientific knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge, and the relationship of the nature of science-to-science teaching and learning.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Modification of laboratory activities and other everyday science activities so they are more congruent with how students learn, the nature of science, and national standards. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4500).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of cultural relevance in education. Development and application of strategies and techniques for implementing multicultural goals and multiethnic perspectives in PreK-12 school classroom settings. Offered even-numbered years. (Typically Offered: Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Analyzing, discussing, and researching the theory and practice of current literacy issues. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4520).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 3780. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4880.
Identification, analysis and correction of reading problems in five areas: print knowledge, integration of print knowledge, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

(Cross-listed with SPED 5530).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Instructional strategies for enhancing the fluency, vocabulary and comprehension of adolescents with reading difficulties. Attention to content-area reading materials and strategies. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of the roles of literacy specialists in diverse pre-K-12 schools and communities. Particular focus placed on current theories, research, standards, and policies relative to literacy processes and instruction, including culturally responsive literacy; successful methods of supporting teachers and other school personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating literacy instruction for all students. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4560).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: EDUC 2010 or EDUC 2030; EDUC 3770
Methods and strategies used to integrate technology into K-8 literacy. Examination of the use and evaluation of technology appropriate for elementary literacy classrooms. (Typically Offered: Fall, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Critical examination of the topics central to the study of reading comprehension, including processes, development, contexts, motivation, teaching and learning, and assessment. Reading and discussion of research literature in reading comprehension and comprehension instruction. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4590).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Research and discussion of issues surrounding the classroom use of literature for children and young adults including censorship, diversity, selection, critical literacy and the influences of technology. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Critical examination of current policy initiatives and reform efforts that affect how literacy is viewed, assessed, and practiced, as well as how literacy professionals are prepared for their roles in public schools and colleges. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

(Cross-listed with SPED 5670).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Instructional methods and assessment techniques for secondary students struggling to learn mathematics. Particular emphasis on current research, practices, and trends in mathematics interventions for at-risk students and students with disabilities.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Designed to increase awareness and understanding of critical issues surrounding the evolving concept of literacy and examine the effect that technology has on the literacy we use every day, teach in our schools, and need in order to function as 21st century citizens. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Guided by frameworks of critical literacies and sociocultural theories of disciplinary literacy, students investigate the specialized and unique histories, discourses, practices, norms, and skills of select disciplines/programs/fields. Course is intended/differentiated for graduate students from various disciplines/programs/fields. Students will design their own inquiry-based critical disciplinary literacy research project. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4750).
Credits: 1-6. Repeatable, maximum of 3 times.

Prereq: 6 graduate credits and permission of instructor
Seminar-based course for undergraduate and graduate students to develop a better understanding around global issues related to teaching, learning, curriculum, and educational policy through international travel study. 1 to 6 week duration involving study in a country other than the US. (Typically Offered: Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of the definition and origin of the 'digital divide' and its relationship to the histories of racism, sexism, classism, and imperialism/globalization. Exploration of the historical, political, sociological, and economic factors that engender global inequities. Exploration and analysis of research-based alternative approaches to alleviating technology inequities in educational settings.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of the historical, social, economic, political, and legal contexts of the education of Blacks in the U.S. Educational theories and philosophies, Critical Race Theory and Black Feminist Thought form the framework for investigating broad-based, multiple issues of education for Blacks in the U.S. as they are situated in the prevailing dominant views.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Introduction to the historical and contemporary landscape of schooling in the United States. Emphasis is placed on topics and tensions in the relationship between school and society (e.g. equity of access to education and competing purposes of education) and the implications of these topics and tensions for teaching and learning in public schools. Designed for students in a graduate licensure program. (Typically Offered: Summer)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4810).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Introduction to philosophy of education. Emphasis is placed on historical and contemporary debates about the nature and purpose(s) of education in a just society. Possible topics include questions such as: When is one justified in claiming to know or to have learned? Who is morally responsible for a learner's education or schooling? What is a just distribution of educational opportunities? How might one teach philosophically? Offered odd-numbered years. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Examination of the history of public schools in the United States. Historicizes the development of an educational system marked by both profound expectations and extreme inequalities. Readings include primary and secondary materials.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
General introduction to the disciplinary tools of social and cultural studies to examine historical and contemporary inequalities and attempts to disrupt them in U.S. schools. Required for all TLLP doctoral students. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 4880).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 2.

Prereq: Graduate classification; concurrent enrollment in EDUC 5520
Using formal and informal diagnostic procedures to plan and implement individualized reading instruction. Field experience in tutoring and a related research project. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 0.5-6. Repeatable.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Supervised pre-student teaching experience in Social Studies education at middle school. Supervision level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.

Credits: 0.5-6.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Supervised on-the-job field experience in special area. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 0.5-6. Repeatable.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Supervised pre-student teaching experience in secondary science education. Supervision level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 0.5-6. Repeatable.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Pre-Stdnt Tchng-Eng. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 0.5-6. Repeatable.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Supervised pre-student teaching experience in mathematics education. Supervision level 3. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 0.5-6.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Supervised on-the-job field experience in special area. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 0.5-6. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.

Prereq: Instructor Permission for Course
Supervised on-the-job field experience in special area. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1-3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Theoretical and historical perspectives of contemporary curriculum; social, cultural, and epistemological aspects of curriculum theory; diverse philosophical positions and approaches to understanding curriculum as it relates to educational settings. (Typically Offered: Fall)

(Dual-listed with EDUC 3950).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Analysis and application of strategies to enhance students' disciplinary literacy development in middle and secondary school setting. Research paper related to a course topic for EDUC 5950. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Develop an understanding of instructional planning, lesson implementation, and assessment in grades 5-12 mathematics, with a focus on reform-based mathematics, equity, and conceptual understanding. (Typically Offered: Fall)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Credits: 1-3. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course
(Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer)

Courses for graduate students:

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Opportunities to learn about a variety of faculty research in theSchool of Education, engage faculty in conversation about their research, and continue reflecting on the theory and practice of educational inquiry. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. (Typically Offered: Spring)

(Cross-listed with HCI 6030).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Exploration of advanced aspects of the learning environments design process. Application of analysis, design, development and production, evaluation, implementation, and project management principles. Theory and research in educational technology provides the foundation for design decisions. Focus on current trends in learning environment design and the production and use of educational technology.

(Cross-listed with HCI 6080).
Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Increase understanding of how social media is changing traditional concepts of identity, literacy, citizenship and more. Develop an online social presence through active social media participation.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Research on using technology in teacher education programs. Application examples studied. Field component involving relating material from class to a teacher education situation.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Exploration of philosophies of science that serve as foundations for research and practice in educational technology, including positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism/constructivism, and critical theory. The roles of language, nature of truth and reality, and acceptable ways of knowing are explored in terms of their implications for educational technology design, delivery, research, and scholarship.

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Examining socio-psychological theories of educational technology, their historical development, and their implications for the research and design of learning and instructional environments. Emphasis on cognitive and social constructivist paradigms and the creation and use of learning environments supported by technology.

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in educational technology; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research.

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 1. Contact Hours: Lecture 1.

Selected topics in curriculum and instruction; an analysis of research potential; evaluation of impact upon the profession; implications for additional research. (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring)

Credits: 3. Contact Hours: Lecture 3.

Current conceptualizations and research regarding motivation in educational contexts from Pre-K through college. Understanding historical development of a body of research, including critical examination of inclusivity. Implications for education and practice.

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course

Credits: 1-30. Repeatable.

Prereq: 9 graduate credits in EDUC; Instructor Permission for Course