Higher Education (HG ED)

Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
HG ED 504. Higher Education in the United States.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Historical development of higher education; diversity, functions, and philosophies of colleges and universities; federal and state roles; review of general, liberal, technical, graduate, and professional education.
HG ED 540. Foundations of Leadership: Learning, Ethics, Self and Interaction.
(2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: permission of instructor
Serving as an introduction to developing practicing leaders, this course will create the foundation upon which enduring understanding of leadership will be built. Specifically explored will be learning as the foundation of human enterprise, everyday leadership, determination of common good, roots of individual's actions, sensitivity to others, merits of divergent ideas, questioning the status quo, ethics as personal responsibility and choosing to grow.
HG ED 541. Learning, Leadership, Ethics and Community.
(2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: permission of instructor
Serving as the second semester in a program to develop practicing leaders, this course will build upon the foundation started first semester to help students embrace the enduring understandings of leadership. Specifically explored will be team learning and the effect on individuals, skills required for a team to move forward, importance of decisions based on the good of the community, reflection as a means of enhancing learning, and interconnectedness of the individual, the community, and the world.
HG ED 542. Learning, Leadership, Ethics, and Teams; Knowing, Doing and Being.
(2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: permission of instructor
The overall purpose of this course is to expand the foundation started in Foundations of Leadership: Learning, Ethics, Self and Interactions and Learning, Leadership, Ethics and Community for developing practicing leadership. The focus will shift from a naive understanding of the concepts of self within a team and community to a more sophisticated understanding of knowing, being and doing leadership.
HG ED 543. Learning, Leadership, Ethics and Teams in Action.
(2-0) Cr. 2.
Prereq: permission of instructor
The purpose of this last (in a series of four) course is to allow students to put their knowledge, skills, and abilities related to leadership, learning, Ethics and Teams into practice. In addition to planning and implementing a major service learning project, the focus will be on the next wave of the study of leadership - connecting leadership to the research about the brain and human learning.
HG ED 544. Foundations of Leadership & Learning.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: graduate student classification
First of two-course series to help leaders develop the knowledge and skills to engage the collective capacity of a group to think, learn, and achieve important purpose. The foundation for developing deep understanding about leadership, learning, and the relationships therein. Focus on application of recent knowledge about human learning in the professional practice of leadership. Relationship leadership model and relationship to other leadership models, theories, and concepts; current theories of human learning (including expert/novice and transfer of learning), and interrelationships with leadership practice; critical understanding of self; facilitating learning for others; metacognition as a habit of mind; fundamentals of group interaction theories; social interdependence, communication, trusting, trustworthy goals, decision-making, cohesion, controversy, team development; power, resources, and development of community.
HG ED 545. Connecting Leadership & Learning in Practice.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate student classification and completion of HG ED 544
Second of a two-course series designed to help leaders develop the knowledge and skills to best engage the collective capacity of a group to think, learn and achieve important purpose. Builds on foundation course to support students in creating applications of the relationships between leadership and learning. Focus on developing the habits of mind and habits of practice to best use knowledge about human learning in the professional practice of leadership. Applications of relational leadership model; applications of group interaction theories; development and implementation of action plans to achieve measurable goals; application of current theories of human learning as they relate to leadership; exploration of the fundamentals of emotional intelligence and the impacts on leadership; developing critical habits of mind to practice leadership focused on learning.
HG ED 550. Teaching, Learning and Leadership.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Teacher licensure
Current issues and practices in community college teaching and learning, and the roles and responsibilities of teachers as leaders.
HG ED 561. College Teaching.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: 6 graduate credits
Educational theories, methods and strategies for the improvement of college instruction. Assist potential college instructors in developing knowledge of protocol, assessment, and the scholarship and art of teaching. Emphasis on the unique challenge of college teaching in a changing student population environment.
HG ED 562. Curriculum Development in Colleges.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Modes of curriculum design, development, and change in colleges. Development of curricular leadership and evaluation strategies.
HG ED 568. Global Education Policy Analysis.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 504
Assessment of global education policy issues in education. Analysis of policies, implementation strategies, and policy outcomes.
HG ED 570. Current Topics in Student Affairs.
Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in student affairs practice. Topics developed to the specific needs of student affairs professionals. Primarily for off-campus.
HG ED 570D. Current Topics in Student Affairs: Residential Life.
Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in student affairs practice. Topics developed to the specific needs of student affairs professionals. Primarily for off-campus.
HG ED 570G. Current Topics in Student Affairs: Student Affairs Institute.
Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in student affairs practice. Topics developed to the specific needs of student affairs professionals. Primarily for off-campus.
HG ED 570H. Current Topics in Student Affairs: Student Diversity.
Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in student affairs practice. Topics developed to the specific needs of student affairs professionals. Primarily for off-campus.
HG ED 574. Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate classification, admission to Higher Education Program
An introduction to the field of student affairs practice with a consideration of student activities, counseling services, financial aid, admissions, student conduct, academic advising, and residential programs; includes community college programs.
HG ED 575. Organization and Administration of Student Affairs.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Admission to Higher Education Program, HG ED 574
Organization structures, role and function of student affairs staff; policies and decision-making for student affairs practice.
HG ED 576. Student Development in Higher Education.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Admission to Higher Education Program
Theories of student development and their applications in student affairs programs, services, and activities are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on psychosocial, cognitive developmental, and learning theories as well as newer integrative theories.
HG ED 577. Campus Environments and Cultures.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Admission to Higher Education Program
Study of the impact of the college environment on students and use of environmental theory to create positive learning situations for students.
HG ED 578. Students in American Higher Education.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Admission to Higher Education Program
The relationship between college students and characteristics from 1950 to the present. Traditional assumptions about the impact of higher education on students will be reviewed and challenged. Campus issues and concerns relative to commuters and residential life. Participants will analyze institutional responses to students through college missions, organizational development, structure, core curriculum and retention.
HG ED 579. Counseling and Group Dynamics in Post-secondary Settings.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 574, HG ED 576
Development of effective, basic counseling skills. Understanding of group dynamics. Ability to work effectively in groups.
HG ED 580. Current Topics in Community Colleges.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580A. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Student Needs.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580B. Current Topics in Community Colleges: General and Liberal Education.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580C. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Counseling and Advising.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580D. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Adult and Continuing Education.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580E. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Development and Remedial Education.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580F. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Student Services.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580G. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Faculty and Staff Evaluation.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580H. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Organization and Administration.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580I. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Learning and Teaching.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 580J. Current Topics in Community Colleges: Human Relations.
(1-3) Cr. 1-3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
Current issues and new directions in community college education. Topics developed to the specific needs of colleges. For off-campus.
HG ED 582. The Comprehensive Community College.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Graduate classification
The community college as a unique social and educational institution: its history, philosophy, functions, programs, faculty and student characteristics, organization and finance, trends, and issues. Reviews current research and exemplary community college practices internationally, nationally, and in Iowa.
HG ED 590. Special Topics.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590A. Special Topics: Student Services.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590B. Special Topics: Community Colleges.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590C. Special Topics: Current Issues.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590D. Special Topics: International Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590E. Special Topics: Federal and State Affairs.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590F. Special Topics: Law in Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 590G. Special Topics: Institutional Research.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Independent study on specific topics arranged with an instructor.
HG ED 591. Supervised Field Experience.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits graduate work
Supervised on-the-job field experience.
HG ED 593. Workshops.
Cr. 1-5.
Prereq: 15 credits in education
HG ED 598. Capstone Seminar.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: Completion of 30 credits in EL PS
This course is designed to integrate the learning experiences of students completing the Master's Degree Program in higher education. Such issues as ethics, continuing professional development, career planning and leadership will be explored.
HG ED 599. Creative Component.
Cr. arr.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
Courses for graduate students:
HG ED 615. Seminars in Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615A. Seminars in Higher Education: Student Services.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615B. Seminars in Higher Education: Community Colleges.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615C. Seminars in Higher Education: Current Issues.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615D. Seminars in Higher Education: International Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615E. Seminars in Higher Education: Federal and State Affairs.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615F. Seminars in Higher Education: Law in Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615G. Seminars in Higher Education: Institutional Research.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 615H. Seminars in Higher Education: Research Designs in Higher Education.
Cr. 1-4.
HG ED 664. College Organization and Administration.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 504
Administrative organization and behavior: communications, leadership, finance, strategic planning, and institutional governance.
HG ED 665. Financing Higher Education.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 504
Lectures, discussions, and individual investigation relating to financial administration in colleges and universities. Budgeting, auxiliary enterprises, administration of financial planning, fund raising, examination of theories on expenditures. Designed for persons aspiring to serve as college administrators.
HG ED 666. Academic Issues and Cultures.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 504
Examination of institutional culture and issues in higher education focusing on the roles and responsibilities of faculty and academic administrators.
HG ED 676. Student Development Theory II.
(3-0) Cr. 3.
Prereq: HG ED 576
An examination of social identity theories including those exploring race, ethnicity, gender, class, ability, sexuality, and spirituality. An exploration of how social identity is influenced by the dynamics of power and oppression in education and society and how to enhance the college experiences of students from diverse backgrounds.
HG ED 690. Advanced Special Topics.
Cr. 1-4.
Prereq: 9 credits in education
HG ED 699. Research.
Cr. arr.
Prereq: 9 credits in education