Career Preparation

Additional information is available within the college student information offices and through the Office of Admissions.
Teacher Education
A student seeking admission to the Iowa State University Teacher Education Program must be accepted by a selection committee for the specific licensure area which the student seeks to enter. Factors considered in evaluating applications (in addition to the requirements listed below) may include scholarship, interest in teaching, character, interpersonal skills, and physical and mental health. Recommendations by selection committees must be confirmed by the Educator Preparation Coordinating Council before admission is granted.
See the Teacher Information page in this section for more detailed information.
Preprofessional Study
Requirements for admission to most professional academic programs can be met by study at Iowa State University. These requirements may be met in the course of obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State or at a level below that of a degree, depending on the intended field of study. The specific courses taken in a preprofessional program will depend primarily upon the admission requirements of the professional schools to which a student wants to apply. In some programs requiring three years of preprofessional work, a student may, by careful planning, complete requirements for the bachelor’s degree upon transferring to Iowa State up to 32 semester credits of professional coursework. Generally these credits will be counted as electives, but a maximum of 24 may be used as major credits in interdisciplinary studies and a smaller number as major credits in appropriate departments.
See the Preprofessional Study page in this section for more detailed information.