Immunobiology (IMBIO)

Courses for graduate students:
IMBIO 602. Current Topics Workshop in Immunology.
(1-0) Cr. 1.
Repeatable. F.
Lectures provided by off-campus experts. Students are required to participate in discussion sessions with lecturers.
IMBIO 604. Seminar in Immunobiology.
(1-0) Cr. 1.
Repeatable. S.
Student and faculty presentation.
IMBIO 690. Special Topics.
Cr. arr.
Advanced study of specific topics in specialized field of immunobiology.
IMBIO 697. Graduate Research Rotation.
Cr. arr.
Graduate research projects performed under the supervision of selected faculty members in the Interdepartmental Immunobiology major.
IMBIO 699. Research.
Cr. arr.