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This is an archived copy of the 2014-2015 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Management, B.S.

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BUSAD 102 (or 103X)1ECON 1023
ECON 1013MATH 151#3
COM S 113X3BUSAD 2503
ENGL 1503International Perspective@3
MATH 150#3Social Science3
LIB 1601 
 14 15
BUSAD 2031ACCT 2153
SP CM 2123PHIL 2303
STAT 2263Core Block Courses##6-7
ENGL 2503MIS 207 or Elective%3
ACCT 2843 
Natural Science3 
 16 15-16
STAT 326 or Elective%3Core Block Courses##6
Core Block Courses##6Elective1-3
Humanities3Major Courses6-9
US Diversity3 
 15 13-18
ENGL 3023MGMT 4783
Social Science3Electives4-5
Global Perspective3Major Courses6
Major Courses6Humanities3
 15 16-17
Total Credits: 119-126



Students majoring in Business Economics (BUSEC) will take MATH 160 and ECON 207 instead of MATH 150 and MATH 151.


Courses in these requirements may also be used as Global Perspective, Humanities, or Social Science.


 Students in the Management Information Systems major (MIS) will take MIS 207 instead of an Elective. Students in Accounting, Finance, or Business Economics Majors will take STAT 326 instead of an Elective.


 Core Block Courses: Students take the Core Block Courses containing their MAJOR core course first. All Blocks must be completed prior to taking MGMT 478 in the last semester.

BLOCK A: ACCT 285, ACCT 301, MIS 301

BLOCK B: FIN 301 and SCM 301

BLOCK C: MGMT 370 and MKT 340

Professional Program Requirements: 

1.  Completion of 30 credits, Foundation Courses, ENGL 150, and all ENGL 101/99 courses if required.

2.  A minimum GPA of 2.50 either cumulative or in the Foundation Courses.

Graduation Requirements:

        1.  Grade of “C” or higher in at least 30 credits of Core and Major courses.

        2.  42 credits of 300+ level courses.

        3.  50% of required Business courses must be earned at ISU.

        4.  At least 32 credits and the LAST 32 credits must be earned at ISU.

        5.  122 Credits minimum and a Cumulative GPA of at least 2.00

        6.  Grade of “C” or higher in 2 of the 3 required ENGL courses.