
Academic Privileges and Opportunities
Credit by Examination
Academic credit may be earned by means of special examinations. The Credit by Examination (CBE) program is available to current Iowa State students as well as prospective and entering students. Students with college-level proficiency in particular areas are encouraged to investigate credit by examination early in their college careers. For more information, see Credit by Examination .
Pass-Not Pass Grading
Students may choose to take a maximum of 9 semester credit hours on a Pass-Not Pass basis, meaning that only a P or NP will be recorded as their final grade in the course. The purpose of P-NP grading is to encourage students to broaden their education by taking courses outside the usual program of study for their major and minor disciplines. The following policies apply:
- Undergraduate students who are not on academic probation (P) at the beginning of the semester are eligible. A special (nondegree) student must obtain approval from their academic adviser and college dean.
- Only elective courses may be taken on a P-NP basis. In specific majors, some restrictions may apply, so students should consult with their academic adviser.
- Except for restrictions on its own undergraduate majors, a department may not deny the availability of any of its course offerings on a P-NP basis.
- Courses offered on a satisfactory-fail basis may not be taken P-NP.
- Students should register for a P-NP course in the same manner and at the same time that they register for their other courses. Students should then change to P-NP by processing a schedule change form with their academic adviser's signature in the P-NP approval section of the form.
- Students who elect to change back to a graded basis should process the change using the P-NP section of the schedule change form.
- Changes to or from a P-NP basis must be made before the last day to drop (usually the Friday of week 10 of the term).
- Registration on a P-NP basis is not indicated on the instructor's class list. Students will receive a P if their grade is D minus or better and an NP if their grade was F.
- Neither P (earned grade of D minus or better) nor NP (earned grade of F) is counted in calculating a student's grade point average (GPA).
- When students change their curriculum, any P credits that they have accumulated will be accepted by the new department if such credits are in courses normally accepted by the department.
- Credits taken on a P-NP basis at another institution and transferred to Iowa State may be applied as electives in a student's degree program if the credits are otherwise acceptable in that program. The number of P-NP transfer credits that can be accepted depends on the number permitted by the institution from which the student is transferring. If a student transfers more than nine semester P-NP credits, no additional Iowa State P-NP credits can be applied to the student's degree program.
To audit a course means to enroll in the course without receiving credit for the course. The instructor of the course approves the audit request.
Students are assessed tuition and fees as though they are taking the course for credit, but the audited course does not count in determining full-time student status. However, an audited course does count towards the maximum allowable credits per semester. Audited courses do not apply toward V.A. benefits.
Graduate students: An audited course counts as one credit in the graduate student's allowable course load; however, tuition and fees will be assessed for the full number of credits for the course. See Graduate College .
Changing status to audit: Changing a course from credit to audit requires dropping the course for credit and adding it as an audit on a schedule change request form. After day 5 of the semester, the drop will count toward the total allowable ISU drops. The drop appears on the student's permanent record and a schedule change fee will be assessed to the student's university bill.
Rights and privileges: Once enrolled in an audited course, auditors have the same rights and privileges as any student taking the course for credit. Their names appear on the class list with a notation that they are auditing the course. Audited courses do not appear on the student's permanent record except by special request from the student. A request form can be downloaded from the Office of the
Registrar web site at
Audit Deadlines and Required Signatures
In addition to the deadlines provided below, note that instructors must approve all audits.
• Full semester courses:
Adding an audit−day 10 deadline:
−Through day 5 of classes: instructor approval required.
−Day 6-10: instructor, adviser approval required; schedule change fee applies.
−After day 10: only with extenuating circumstances, instructor, adviser, college approval required; schedule change fee applies.
Changing status, from credit to audit−day 10 deadline:
−Through day 5 of classes: instructor approval required.
−Day 6-10: instructor, adviser, college approval required; schedule change fee applies.
−After day 10: only with extenuating circumstances, instructor, adviser, college approval required; schedule change fee applies.
Changing status from audit to credit−day 5 deadline:
−Through day 5 of classes: instructor approval required.
−After day 5: instructor, adviser, college approval required; schedule change fee applies.
• Partial semester or summer courses:
Deadlines are determined based on the length of the course. For deadlines concerning partial term or summer courses, contact the Student Scheduling Office, 515-294-2331.
Independent Study
Most departments offer opportunities for independent study through a 490 course listing. Usually a minimum of 6 to 10 credits of coursework in the department is required before independent study is permitted. Students who are interested in this kind of experience in a particular department should check the catalog to determine the department's prerequisites to register for 490. 490H sections are reserved for students in the University Honors Program.
Students should check with the department about procedures, in addition to meeting the prerequisites, for registering for 490. A written plan of study is prepared in advance with a faculty member who has agreed to supervise the student's work, to evaluate progress and the final product, and to assign a grade. Initiation of the plan of study should occur prior to the semester in which enrollment is desired. Both the student and the instructor should agree on the number of credits for which the student will enroll, the amount and kind of work he or she will do for that credit, and the system by which she or he will be graded (A-F or S/F). Students should not expect to register for or add 490 credit without an instructor's permission. Some colleges and/or departments have limits on the number of credits of 490 that may be applied toward graduation.