International Business

Interdepartmental Undergraduate Secondary Major
The international business program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the international business environment. Students are expected to develop an understanding of issues associated with international business issues as applied to the different functional areas of business. They will also develop skills to prepare themselves for business positions with international responsibilities. The program is designed to prepare students for employment in multinational companies and for business assignments beyond the United States.
International business is an undergraduate secondary major that may be taken only in conjunction with a primary major in business. Technical knowledge of international business will strengthen the expertise acquired with the primary major. Business students pursuing this program should strengthen their placement opportunities with companies that are engaged in international business and trade.
A student in the College of Business may earn a secondary major in International Business. The requirements for this major include 12 credits in international business courses, one year of the same university-level foreign language (minimum of 6 credits) and an approved international experience (minimum 3 months). Students who pursue this secondary major will be required to complete the requirements for a primary major in Business. Fifteen of the 18 credits required for the International Business major must not be used for the primary major.