U.S. Latino/a Studies Program

U.S. Latino/a Studies is devoted to the study of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans and other groups of people living in the United States who trace their ancestry to the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, and who comprise the fastest growing ethnic groups in America. U.S. Latino/a Studies is to be distinguished from Latin American Studies, which focuses on people living in Latin America. The methodology of U.S. Latino/a Studies is cross-disciplinary, drawing from the methods established inanthropology, sociology, political science, economics, history, literary studies, and other fields.
In addition to the general requirements of a major in Interdisciplinary Studies, a major in Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on U.S. Latino/a Studies would require the completion of 24 credits related to U.S. Latino/a Studies such course to be approved by the program director. At least 15 of the 24 credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above. These 24 credits in the major focusing on U.S. Latino/a Studies must include the following courses, each of which is worth three credits: LAS 211 (Introduction to Latino/a Studies), Hist 240 (Latino/a History), Psych 347 (Latino/a Psychology), Soc 332 (The Latino/Latina Experience in U.S. Society), and Hist 345 (U. S. Immigration). The student must have an average grade of C in the required courses of the major. Fulfillment of the foreign language requirement with Spanish is strongly recommended, but not required. For a list of other eligible courses and more information on the U.S. Latino/a Studies Program, contact the program director, Dr. Loreto Prieto.
Courses primarily for undergraduates:
US LS 211. Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies.
(Cross-listed with LAS). (3-0) Cr. 3.
History and current lives of the Latino/a peoples in the United States, including Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and South and Central Americans, as well as information specific to Iowa Latino/as. Through readings, class discussions, writing assignments, guest speakers and community-based learning, students will acquire accurate information and a solid understanding of US Latino/as. Elements of Latino/a culture including historical, sociological, educational, psychological, economic, and political facets.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement
US LS 490. Independent Study.
Cr. 1-3.
Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits.
Prereq: permission of instructor
Independent study under supervision of instructor.
No more than 3 credits may count towards the U.S. Latino/a Studies certificate.