Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
The Hospitality Management program offers study for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in hospitality management. As the only 4-year hospitality program in the state of Iowa, the program prepares undergraduate students with essential principles of managing a variety of hospitality organizations, such as hotels, restaurants, clubs, and foodservice companies. Students also develop expertise in managing diverse areas, such as: (a) food/beverage management, (b) lodging management, (c) senior living management, and (d) tourism and attractions.
Students get hands-on experience at the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom and SPARKS. The Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom is a 105-seat learning laboratory where students take responsibility for meal preparation and service. The Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom is the earliest established student run restaurant that is still in operation on a college campus in the United States. SPARKS is the student operated café in the Student Innovation Center, where students have the opportunity to manage all the operations of the facility from menu development, inventory, human resources, and much more.
Our students participate in internships locally, nationally, and internationally with a range of hotels, restaurants, caterers, theme parks, sports facilities, cruise ships convention and visitor’s bureaus, independent businesses, and country clubs. Courses provide students with opportunities to develop and apply management techniques in hospitality organizations. The Hospitality Management curriculum provides students with the opportunity to obtain professional certifications in multiple areas.
The Hospitality Management program mission is to create, share, and apply knowledge to provide hospitality consumers with products, services, and experiences to enhance overall well-being. We accomplish our mission with a personalized, nationally ranked program. Our students learn in a nurturing, safe, and inclusive environment, with caring faculty with industry experience.
The Bachelor of Science Degree
Total credits required: 123, including a minimum of 18 credits from the AESHM Department at Iowa State University for the degree.
Minor in Hospitality Management
The Hospitality Management minor (HSPM) requires the completion of at least 15 credits from the Hospitality Management curriculum. The minor must include at least 6 credits in courses numbered 300 or above taken at ISU. All course pre-requisites must be completed prior to taking the course. All minor courses must be taken for a grade.
Minor in Beverage Management
The Beverage Management minor (BV M) requires the completion of at least 15 credits from the Beverage Management minor curriculum. The minor must include at least 6 credits in HSP M courses and 6 credits in courses numbered 300 or above taken at ISU. All course pre-requisites must be completed prior to taking the course. All minor courses must be taken for a grade.
Undergraduate Study
The program offers a Bachelor of Science degree in hospitality management. Coursework is planned to provide students with a general education plus professional preparation for supervisory and executive positions in hospitality organizations such as clubs, hotels, dining, theme parks, cruise lines, and casinos. Principles of business management are presented, as well as fundamentals of hospitality operations.
Graduates demonstrate leadership characteristics and make decisions based on integrating knowledge of financial, human resources, marketing, and operational principles for managing hospitality operations. They demonstrate best practices in meeting customer expectations and use of technology (e.g., Point-of-Sales systems, property management systems, and revenue management systems) to achieve operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Learning experiences are provided in the food and beverage, casino, lodging, senior living, and tourism industries and other approved establishments. Students are required to have a total of at least 800 hours of relevant work experience prior to graduation. Of the 800 hours, 200 hours are required prior to completing one year in the program.
The program offers a concurrent B.S. and M.S. degree that allows students to obtain a B.S. and M.S. degree in hospitality management in five years. Application for admission to the Graduate College should be made in the junior year.
Curriculum in Hospitality Management
Administered by the Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management Department. Leading to the Bachelor of Science degree.
The curriculum in Hospitality Management develops students as leaders for the hospitality professions.
A minor in Hospitality Management is available; see requirements under Hospitality Management, Courses and Programs.
Students majoring in Hospitality Management are required to earn C- or better in all AESHM and HSP M courses. Communication Proficiency Requirement: Grade of C or better in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.
Degree Requirements
10 Communications and Library
ENGL 150 | Critical Thinking and Communication (Grade of C or better required in ENGL 150) | 3 |
ENGL 250 | Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition (Grade of C or better required in ENGL 250) | 3 |
LIB 160 | Information Literacy | 1 |
Select one (1) course: | 3 | |
Interpersonal Communication | ||
Professional Communication | ||
Fundamentals of Public Speaking | ||
Total Credits | 10 |
9-10 Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines
Select one (1) course: (AESHM 175D required if C+ or lower in MATH credits) | 3 | |
Introduction to Probability | ||
Introduction to Mathematical Ideas | ||
College Algebra | ||
Discrete Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences | ||
Survey of Calculus | ||
FS HN 167 | Introduction to Human Nutrition | 3 |
Select one (1) course: | 3-4 | |
Principles of Statistics | ||
Introduction to Statistics | ||
Total Credits | 9-10 |
9 Social Sciences
ECON 101 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Select two (2) courses: | 6 | |
Individual and Family Development, Health, and Well-being (Senior living management required to take this course) | ||
Introduction to Psychology | ||
Introduction to Sociology | ||
Total Credits | 9 |
6 Humanities
AESHM 342 | Aesthetics of Consumer Experience | 3 |
Select one (1) course: | 3 | |
Introduction to African American Studies | ||
Africa to 1880 | ||
Africa under Colonial Rule | ||
Peoples and Cultures of Africa. | ||
Ethnic and Race Relations | ||
Africana Religions | ||
Race, Ethnicity, and the US Criminal Justice System | ||
Studies in African American Literature | ||
Women of Color in the U.S | ||
History of African Americans I | ||
History of African Americans II | ||
Seminar in African American Culture | ||
Civil Rights and Ethnic Power | ||
Museum Studies | ||
History of European and North American Dress | ||
Introduction to American Indian Studies | ||
American Indian Literature | ||
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | ||
Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology | ||
Introduction to Asian American Studies | ||
Globalization and Sustainability | ||
American Indians of Iowa | ||
Globalization and the Human Condition | ||
Cultural Anthropology | ||
Biological Anthropology | ||
Archaeology | ||
Introduction to Culture and Language | ||
Kinship and Marriage in a Global Perspective | ||
Archaeology of North America | ||
Peoples and Cultures of Native North America | ||
Topics in Latin American Anthropology | ||
Latin American Anthropology: Violence and Memory | ||
Latin American Anthropology: Social movements and Democracy | ||
Latin American Anthropology: Race, Class and Gender | ||
Latin American Anthropology: Regional Focus | ||
Latin American Anthropology: Culture and Sport. | ||
Health and Native American Communities | ||
Peoples and Cultures of Africa. | ||
Current Issues in Native North America | ||
Current Issues in Native North America: Gender and Family | ||
Current Issues in Native North America: Indigenous Ecologies and Geographies | ||
Current Issues in Native North America: Cultural and Political Movements | ||
Current Issues in Native North America: Regional Focus | ||
Global Development | ||
Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion | ||
War and the Politics of Humanitarianism | ||
Ancient Egypt | ||
Art History | ||
Classical Studies | ||
Greek and Roman Mythology | ||
Greek and Roman Mythology: Honors | ||
The Ancient City | ||
Ancient Philosophy | ||
Rhetorical Traditions | ||
World Literature: Western Foundations through Renaissance | ||
Christianity in the Roman Empire | ||
Religions of Ancient Greece and Rome | ||
Ancient Egypt | ||
Greek and Roman Tragedy and Comedy | ||
Greek and Roman Tragedy and Comedy: Honors | ||
Heroes of Greece, Rome, and Today | ||
Heroes of Greece, Rome, and Today: Honors | ||
Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean World | ||
Classical Archaeology | ||
Classical Archeology: Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Greece | ||
Classical Archeology: Archaic through Hellenistic Greece (ca 700-30 BCE) | ||
Classical Archaeology: Roman Archaeology (ca 1000 BCE-400 CE) | ||
Greek and Roman Art | ||
Greek and Roman Art: Honors | ||
Roman Italy: An Introduction | ||
Study Abroad: Roman Italy: Building the Empire | ||
The Archaeology of Greece: An Introduction | ||
Study Abroad: The Archaeology of Greece | ||
Greek Civilization. | ||
Roman Civilization. | ||
Foundations of Western Political Thought | ||
Introduction to Communication Disorders | ||
Communicating with the Deaf | ||
Introduction to Communication Studies | ||
Communication and U.S. Diversity | ||
Interpersonal Communication | ||
Professional Communication | ||
Conflict Management | ||
Human Communication Theory | ||
Intercultural Communication | ||
Relational Communication | ||
Leadership Communication Theories | ||
Organizational Communication | ||
Small Group Communication | ||
Communication Training and Development | ||
Nonverbal Communication | ||
Applied Organizational Communication | ||
Dance Appreciation | ||
History and Philosophy of Dance | ||
Design in Context | ||
Foreign Languages | ||
History | ||
Literature for Children | ||
Introduction to International Studies | ||
History of Modern Landscapes, 1750 to Present | ||
Literature (Except ENGL 205) | ||
Introduction to Music Listening | ||
Masterpieces of Music and Art in Western Culture. | ||
History of American Rock 'n' Roll | ||
History of Music I | ||
History of Music II | ||
Seapower and Maritime Affairs | ||
Philosophy of Technology | ||
Religious Studies | ||
Introduction to the Performing Arts | ||
Theatre and Society | ||
Theatre History: Ancient to 19th Century | ||
Theatre History: 19th Century to Present | ||
Gender Justice | ||
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | ||
Introduction to Lesbian Studies | ||
Introduction to Queer Studies | ||
Gender and Sexuality in American Pop Culture | ||
International Perspectives on Women and Gender | ||
Women in Science and Engineering | ||
Write Like a Woman | ||
Ecofeminism | ||
Economics of Discrimination | ||
Gender and Communication | ||
Portrayals of Gender and Sexualities in the Media | ||
Sex and Gender in Society | ||
Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood | ||
Women and Leadership | ||
Religion and Gender | ||
Feminist Philosophy | ||
Goddess Religions | ||
Women's Literature | ||
Human Reproduction | ||
Women and Literature: Selected Topics | ||
Psychology of Women | ||
Women of Color in the U.S | ||
Gay and Lesbian Literature | ||
Studies in English Translation | ||
Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean World | ||
History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine | ||
Women in Politics | ||
History of Women in America | ||
Feminist Theories | ||
Feminist Research in Action | ||
Women, Men, and the English Language | ||
Intersections of Race, Class and Gender | ||
Gender and Consumer Culture | ||
Gender, Globalization and Development | ||
Gender Issues in Sports | ||
Cross-cultural Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality | ||
Topics in Women's and Gender Studies | ||
History of American Sexualities | ||
Women/Gender in Art | ||
Total Credits | 6 |
18 Professional Core Courses
ACCT 284 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
AESHM 111X | Professional Development for AESHM | 1 |
AESHM 111L | AESHM Program Orientation, Careers, and Learning Community | 1 |
AESHM 170D | Supervised Work Experience I: Hospitality (Can be substituted with Field Experience or Study Abroad) | 1 |
AESHM 211 | Leadership Experiences and Development (LEAD) | 3 |
AESHM 270D | Supervised Work Experience II: Hospitality (Must be in the area of your selected option) | 2 |
AESHM 311 | Seminar on Careers and Internships | 1 |
FS HN 111 | Fundamentals of Food Preparation Spring | 2 |
FS HN 115 | Food Preparation Laboratory Spring | 1 |
HSP M 470 | Supervised Professional Internship | 3 |
Total Credits | 18 |
40 Hospitality Management Professional Core
AESHM 238 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
AESHM 287 | Principles of Management in Human Sciences | 3 |
AESHM 340 | Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies | 3 |
HSP M 101 | Introduction to the Hospitality Industry | 3 |
HSP M 133 | Food Safety Certification | 1 |
HSP M 230 | Introduction to Hospitality Performance Analysis | 3 |
HSP M 233 | Hospitality Sanitation and Safety | 3 |
HSP M 315 | Hospitality Law Spring | 3 |
HSP M 333 | Hospitality Operations Cost Controls Fall | 3 |
HSP M 352 | Lodging Operations Management I Fall | 3 |
HSP M 380 | Food Production Management | 3 |
HSP M 380L | Food Production Management Experience | 3 |
HSP M 433 | Hospitality Financial Management Spring | 3 |
HSP M 455 | Strategic Management in Hospitality and Event Spring | 3 |
Total Credits | 40 |
8-9 Hospitality Management electives
Select from: | 8-9 | |
First Year Student Field Study | ||
Creativity on Demand Spring | ||
Orientation to International Field Study | ||
U.S. Field Study | ||
International Field Study | ||
Developing Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential Spring | ||
Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences | ||
Omni-Channel Retailing | ||
Casino Management I Fall | ||
HSP M 225X | Introduction to Food Service Operations Spring | |
HSP M 248X | Introduction to Senior Living Management | |
Global Tourism Management | ||
Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Café Operations | ||
Contemporary Club Management Spring | ||
Hospitality Revenue Management Fall | ||
Attractions and Amusement Park Administration Spring | ||
HSP M 358X | Economics of Senior Living Management | |
Wine and Spirits in Hospitality Management | ||
Wine, Spirits, and Mixology Laboratory in Hospitality Management | ||
Beer and Brewed Beverages in the Hospitality Industry | ||
HSP M 420X | Fairs, Festivals, & Event Management | |
HSP M 431X | Case Studies in Event Management Spring | |
Hospitality and Event Technology Applications Fall | ||
HSP M 452X | Lodging Operations Mgmt. II Spring | |
Fine Dining Event Management Fall | ||
EVENT | Only 3 credits of EVENT courses may apply | |
Total Credits | 8-9 |
Primary Options:
Select one HSP M professional primary option from the following 5 choices:
HSP M 225X | Introduction to Food Service Operations Spring | 3 |
HSP M 280 | Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Café Operations | 3 |
HSP M 487 | Fine Dining Event Management Fall | 3 |
Total Credits | 9 |
HSP M 301 | Hospitality Revenue Management Fall | 3 |
HSP M 437 | Hospitality and Event Technology Applications Fall | 3 |
HSP M 452 | Lodging Operations Management II Spring | 3 |
Total Credits | 9 |
HSP M 248X | Introduction to Senior Living Management | 3 |
HSP M 358X | Economics of Senior Living Management | 3 |
HD FS 234 | Adult Development | 3 |
Total Credits | 9 |
HSP M 260 | Global Tourism Management | 3 |
HSP M 320 | Attractions and Amusement Park Administration Spring | 3 |
HSP M 420X | Fairs, Festivals, & Event Management | 3 |
Total Credits | 9 |
Select nine (9) credits from the following: | 9 | |
Casino Management I | ||
HSP M 225X | Introduction to Food Service Operations | |
HSP M 248X | Introduction to Senior Living Management | |
Global Tourism Management | ||
Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Café Operations | ||
Hospitality Revenue Management Fall | ||
Attractions and Amusement Park Administration Spring | ||
HSP M 420X | Fairs, Festivals, & Event Management | |
Hospitality and Event Technology Applications Fall | ||
Lodging Operations Management II Spring | ||
Total Credits | 9 |
* A student who has not had high school chemistry is required to take CHEM 160 Chemistry in Modern Society | |
* Grade of C or better required in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication and ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition * Grade of C– or better required in all AESHM and HSP M courses. * BIOL 101 Introductory Biology required if student has not completed high school biology. * CHEM 160 Chemistry in Modern Society required if student has not completed high school chemistry. * AESHM 175D Financial Applications for Retail and Hospitality Industries: Hospitality Management required if C+ or lower in MATH credits |
9-11 Electives
123.0 Total credits
**A student who has not had high school biology is required to take BIOL 101 Introductory Biology.
Hospitality Management, B.S.
Freshman | |||||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits | ||
AESHM 111:: Professional Development for AESHM | 1 | AESHM 211 | 3 | ||
AESHM 111L | 1 | HSP M 133 | 1 | ||
AESHM 170D | 1 | HSP M 233 | 3 | ||
HSP M 101 | 3 | HSP M Elective Course | 3 | ||
ENGL 150 | 3 | ECON 101 | 3 | ||
FS HN 167 | 3 | Social Science Option | 3 | ||
Social Science Option | 3 | ||||
15 | 16 | ||||
Sophomore | |||||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits | ||
AESHM 287 | 3 | AESHM 340 | 3 | ||
ACCT 284 | 3 | HSP M 230 | 3 | ||
ENGL 250 | 3 | HSP M "Option" Course | 3 | ||
LIB 160 | 1 | FS HN 111 | 2 | ||
General Elective | 3 | FS HN 115 | 1 | ||
Humanities | 3 | MATH | 3 | ||
16 | 15 | ||||
Junior | |||||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits | Summer | Credits |
AESHM 270D | 1-2 | AESHM 342 | 3 | HSP M 470 | 3 |
AESHM 311 | 1 | HSP M 315 | 3 | ||
HSP M 333 | 3 | HSP M Elective Course | 3 | ||
HSP M 352 | 3 | HSP M "Option" Course | 3 | ||
HSP M 380 | 3 | Statistics | 3-4 | ||
HSP M 380L | 3 | ||||
14-15 | 15-16 | 3 | |||
Senior | |||||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits | ||
AESHM 238 | 3 | HSP M 433 | 3 | ||
HSP M 487 | 3 | HSP M 455 | 3 | ||
HSP M "Option" Course | 3 | HSP M Electives Course | 3 | ||
General Electives | 3 | General Elective Course | 3-4 | ||
Speech or Communications Course | 3 | ||||
15 | 12-13 | ||||
Total Credits: 121-124 |
US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in HSP M fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements by choosing 3 credits of coursework from each of the University-approved lists. | |
Note: | This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration. |
1 | BIOL 101 required if student has not completed high school biology |
2 | When the 4-year plan indicates HSP M Group or General Electives, choice depends on courses available. However, you must have a total of 13-15 credits of HSP M electives and 11-17 credits of General Electives (HSP M courses may be taken to meet General Electives requirements). |
3 | CHEM 160 required if student has not completed high school chemistry |
Hospitality Management Minor
A minor in Hospitality Management can be earned by successfully completing the following for a total of 15 credits. The minor must include at least six (6) credits in courses numbered 300 or above taken at Iowa State University. All course prerequisites must be completed prior to take the course. All minor courses must be taken for a grade.
The Hospitality Minor requires students to complete the following courses:
HSP M 101 | Introduction to the Hospitality Industry | 3 |
HSP M 133 | Food Safety Certification | 1 |
HSP M 233 | Hospitality Sanitation and Safety | 3 |
Total Credits | 7 |
The remaining eight (8) credits may be selected from the following:
AESHM 238 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
AESHM 287 | Principles of Management in Human Sciences | 3 |
AESHM 340 | Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies | 3 |
AESHM 474 | Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences | 3 |
HSP M 189 | Introduction to University Dining Services Management | 1 |
HSP M 201 | Casino Management I | 3 |
HSP M 230 | Introduction to Hospitality Performance Analysis | 3 |
HSP M 260 | Global Tourism Management | 3 |
HSP M 280 | Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Café Operations | 3 |
HSP M 289 | Contemporary Club Management | 3 |
HSP M 301 | Hospitality Revenue Management | 3 |
HSP M 315 | Hospitality Law | 3 |
HSP M 320 | Attractions and Amusement Park Administration | 3 |
HSP M 352 | Lodging Operations Management I | 3 |
HSP M 383 | Wine and Spirits in Hospitality Management | 2 |
HSP M 383L | Wine, Spirits, and Mixology Laboratory in Hospitality Management | 1 |
HSP M 385 | Beer and Brewed Beverages in the Hospitality Industry | 1 |
HSP M 433 | Hospitality Financial Management | 3 |
HSP M 437 | Hospitality and Event Technology Applications | 3 |
HSP M 439 | Advanced Hospitality Human Resource Management | 3 |
HSP M 452 | Lodging Operations Management II | 3 |
HSP M 455 | Strategic Management in Hospitality and Event | 3 |
Beverage Management Minor
The AESHM Department offers a minor in Beverage Management through the Hospitality Management program. The minor can be earned by successfully completing the following for a total of 15 credits. The minor must include at least six (6) credits in HSP M courses and six (6) credits in courses numbered 300 or above taken at ISU. All course prerequisites must be completed prior to taking the course. All minor courses must be taken for a grade.
The Beverage Management Minor requires students to complete the following courses:
HSP M 101 | Introduction to the Hospitality Industry | 3 |
HSP M 133 | Food Safety Certification | 1 |
Total Credits | 4 |
The remaining eleven (11) credits may be selected from the following:
BBMB 120 | The Biochemistry of Beer | 2 |
BBMB 120L | Biochemistry of Beer Laboratory | 1 |
HORT 276 | Understanding Grape and Wine Science | 3 |
FS HN 509 | Sensory Evaluation of Wines | 2 |
HSP M 280 | Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Café Operations | 3 |
HSP M 383 | Wine and Spirits in Hospitality Management | 2 |
HSP M 383L | Wine, Spirits, and Mixology Laboratory in Hospitality Management | 1 |
HSP M 385 | Beer and Brewed Beverages in the Hospitality Industry | 1 |
HSP M 487 | Fine Dining Event Management | 3 |
Graduate Study
The Hospitality Management program offers work for the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in hospitality management. Graduates of the program are able to interpret trends and adapt operating practices of hospitality organizations to changing economic, social, political, technological, and environmental conditions. The Master's degree program is designed to prepare individuals for managerial and leadership positions in industry, business, and non-profit organization; teaching careers; and continued graduate study.
The doctoral program is designed to prepare individuals to teach in programs at the university lefel; provide leadership in non-profit organizations; and/or conduct advanced research at the corporate level or with research firms.
A degree in hospitality management is the usual background for graduate study; however, applicants with preparation in dietetics, business, or closely related fields are encouraged to apply. PhD applicants must have two (2) years of professional work experience in the field.
The Master of Science degree requires either a thesis or non-thesis (creative component) project. Students also are required to take three core courses out of the four offered in the core areas (human resources, financial management, marketing, and strategic management).
The PhD program requires a minimum of 72 credits, up to 30 of which may be applied from the Master’s degree. All PhD students take a minimum of 15 research/dissertation credits.
Courses primarily for undergraduates:
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Introduction to the foodservice, lodging, and tourism components of the hospitality industry. Background information, current issues, and future challenges in various segments of the industry.
(1-0) Cr. 1. F.S.
Introduction to safety and sanitation principles in foodservice operations. Characteristics of food, supplies, and equipment as related to quality, sanitation, and safety are discussed. Application of sanitation principles in restaurants are covered as well. Students must pass a National Sanitation Certification Examination to receive credit.
Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
(1-0) Cr. 1. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Overview of management concepts and distinct features of university dining services.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
An overview of the casino gaming industry. Emphasis will be placed on examination of the history and development of gaming, casino operations, casino games, marketing of the core gaming products, and social and economic impacts of the gaming industry.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Introduction to Uniform Systems of Accounts for hospitality industry, profitability, income statements, budgeting, managing cash, accounts receivable and payable, costs control, pricing, and evaluation related to restaurant, lodging, and club industry. Preparation for a hospitality accounting certification exam.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Sanitation and safety principles in hospitality operations. Issues impacting consumers and operators.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Overview of the global tourism industry: hospitality and related services, destination/ attractions, tourist behaviors, and destination marketing. Introduction to destination mix, socio-economic and cultural impacts of tourism, destination organizations, tourist motivations, destination image, marketing, promotions, tourism distribution system, and the future of tourism.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Cross-listed with EVENT). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: HSP M 101
Organization and management of private clubs including city, country, and other recreational and social clubs. Field trip may be required.
Cr. 1-2. Repeatable, maximum of 4 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Freshman or Sophomore classification. Permission of instructor, advisor, and department chair.
Independent study on topics of special interest to the student, facilitated by approved faculty member.
Maximum of 9 credits combined of HSP M 290 and HSP M 490 can be applied to graduation.
Cr. 3.
An overview of the revenue management in the lodging and food service industry will be provided. Emphasis will be placed on the application of analytical and forecasting techniques to formulate and implement pricing strategies in responses to daily operation complexities.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: HSP M 101
Laws relating to ownership and operation of hospitality organizations. The duties and rights of both hospitality business operators and customers. Legal implications of various managerial decisions.
(Cross-listed with EVENT). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: HSP M 101 or permission of instructor
Examination of current issues in the attractions and amusement park industry. Emphasis will be placed on development and design along with the functional departments of modern amusement parks and themed attractions.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: Credit or enrollment in HSP M 380, HSP M 380L; 3 credits MATH and HSP M 230
Introduction to revenue and cost systems in the hospitality industry. Application of principles related to procurement, production, and inventory controls.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: Credit or enrollment in HSP M 101
Introduction to functional department activities and current issues of lodging organizations with emphasis on front office operations and guest services including reservation activities, forecasting, and auditing exercises.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.
Prereq: HSP M 133 or 2 cr MICRO; FS HN 111 or FS HN 214; FS HN 115 or FS HN 215; at least junior classification; enrollment in HSP M 380L
Principles of and procedures used in food production management including menu planning, costing, work methods, food production systems, quality control, and service.
(2-0) Cr. 2. F.S.
Prereq: Must be at least 21 years old
Introduction to history and methods of production for a variety of wines and spirits. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis; product knowledge; service techniques; sales; and alcohol service related to the hospitality industry. Field trip.
(0-2) Cr. 1. F.S.
Prereq: HSP M 383 or concurrent enrollment. Must be at least 21 years old.
The application of the management principles and procedures related to the sale and service of alcohol, specialty beverages, and cocktails served in the beverage and hospitality industry. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis of products commonly served in the beverage industry.
Cr. 1. F.S.
Prereq: HSP M 383 or concurrent enrollment. Must be at least 21 years old.
Introduction to history and methods of production for a variety of beer, cider, perry, mead, sake and other brewed alcoholic beverages. Beverage tasting and sensory analysis; product knowledge; and service techniques related to the beverage and hospitality industry. Field trip.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: Credit or enrollment in HSP M 380, HSP M 380L
Principles and techniques related to basic management, leadership, and human resource management of foodservices in health care and other on-site foodservice settings. Food safety and sanitation for on-site foodservice operations.
Credit for either HSP M 391 or AESHM 287 and AESHM 438 may count toward graduation. Not accepted for credit toward a major in Hospitality Management.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: HSP M 391
Introduction to cost control in foodservice departments: procedures for controlling food, labor, and other variable costs. Application of principles related to food product selection, specification, purchase, and storage in health care and other onsite operations.
Credit for either HSP M 392 or HSP M 233 and HSP M 333 may count toward graduation. Not accepted for credit toward a major in Hospitality Management.
Cr. 1-3. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: HSP M Junior or Senior Classification and Permission of Instructor.
Intensive 2 to 8 week workshop exploration. Topics vary each time offered.
Maximum of 6 credits of HSPM 393 can be applied toward graduation.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: HSP M 101
Introduction to hospitality and event technology. Emphasis will be placed on basic computer software and hardware components, property managements, point-of-sales systems; customer relationship management, selecting and purchasing computer systems, electronic distribution systems, and communication networks.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: AESHM 238
Emphasis on development of management personnel in hospitality organizations. Case studies.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: HSP M 352
Development of business plan and evaluation of business performance in a simulated environment. Operational decision making practices by applying concepts of management, operations, marketing, and finance for a computer-mediated environment.
Cr. 3. Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: AESHM 270, AESHM 211, 9 credits in HSP M, and minimum 2.0 GPA; permission by application; junior or senior classification; employer location should be different than employer/location used for AESHM 170 and AESHM 270
Supervised work experience with a cooperating firm or organization.
No more than 12 credits from AESHM 170, AESHM 270, and HSP M 470 may be applied toward graduation.
(Dual-listed with HSP M 587). (2-3) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: HSP M 380, HSP M 380L, and HSP M 133, or ServSafe(r) Certification
Exploration of the historical and cultural development of the world food table. Creative experiences with U.S. regional and international foods. Application of management and financial principles in food preparation and service in fine dining settings.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
(Cross-listed with AN S, FS HN, VDPAM). (1-0) Cr. 1. S.
Prereq: Credit or enrollment in FS HN 101 or FS HN 272 or HSP M 233; FS HN 419 or FS HN 420; FS HN 403
Capstone seminar for the food safety minor. Case discussions and independent projects about safety issues in the food system from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Prereq: Sections B-E: Program approval; Section H: Full membership in Honors Program
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Prereq: Sections B-E: Program approval
Independent Study in Hospitality Management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Prereq: Sections B-E: Program approval; Section H: Full membership in Honors Program
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Prereq: Sections B-E: Program approval; Section H: Full membership in Honors Program
Cr. arr. Repeatable.
Prereq: Sections B-E: Program approval; Section H: Full membership in Honors Program
Courses primarily for graduate students, open to qualified undergraduates:
(0-1) Cr. 1. F.SS.
Focus on teaching and research scholarship involving the hospitality industry.
(0-1) Cr. 1. Repeatable. S.SS.
Focus on current issues related to the hospitality industry.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: HSP M 433
Concepts of financial management applied to strategic decision making.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: AESHM 238
Theories of human resources management. Practices and principles related to development of management personnel.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: AESHM 340
Application of marketing principles in developing effective marketing strategies for hospitality, apparel, and retail organizations. Evaluation of multi-dimensional marketing functions in hospitality organizations.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: Courses in MKT, FIN, MGMT, and HSP M. Permission of instructor
Strategic management process as a planning and decision-making framework; integration of human resources, operations, marketing, and financial management concepts.
Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: HSP M 260 or equivalent
Tourism theories and research. Overview of tourism industry, tourism theories, methods, and current issues in destination marketing and management and travel behavior. Evaluation of tourism and destination research.
(Dual-listed with HSP M 487). (2-3) Cr. 3. F.
Prereq: HSP M 380, HSP M 380L, and HSP M 133, or ServSafe(r) Certification
Exploration of the historical and cultural development of the world food table. Creative experiences with U.S. regional and international foods. Application of management and financial principles in food preparation and service in fine dining settings.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process
Topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process
Special topics in tourism.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 3 credits.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M at 400 level or above; application process.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: 9 credits in HSP M or EVENT at 500 level or above; application process
Special Topics in Event Management.
Only 6 credits of HSP M 590G can be applied toward graduation.
Cr. arr.
Creative component as arranged with instructor.
Courses for graduate students:
(2-0) Cr. 2. S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program
Development of professional written communication with emphasis on abstracts, proposals, and manuscripts.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 4 credits. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Permission of instructor; enrollment in PhD program
Advanced administrative problems; case studies in foodservice and lodging organizations.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: HSP M 433; Enrollment in PhD program
Theories and research in financial management with emphasis on financial performance and financing decisions.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.Alt. SS., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: HSP M 538; Enrollment in PhD program
Research in human resources management with an emphasis on organization or unit administration.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.Alt. SS., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: HSP M 540; STAT 401. Enrollment in PhD program
Conceptual and theoretical development of marketing strategies. Analytical and critical review of marketing research and industry practices.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered odd-numbered years.Alt. SS., offered even-numbered years.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program
Analysis and applications of concepts and theories of operations research for lodging operations.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., offered even-numbered years.Alt. SS., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program
Advanced graduate course on tourism and destination theories and research. Analysis and application of theories, research findings, and research methods in tourism and destination management.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years.Alt. SS., offered odd-numbered years.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program
Analysis and application of theories, research, and research methods in foodservice operations.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable, maximum of 2 times. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program, application process
Advanced study of current topics in event management and hospitality management.
Cr. arr. Repeatable. F.S.SS.
Prereq: Enrollment in PhD program