your adventure in

Healthcare Management

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Working in the healthcare sector provides an unparalleled opportunity to promote individual and societal well-being. Industry-specific issues associated with highly specialized human capital, extensive regulation, complex organizational structures, rapid technological change, etc. demand an education tailored to understanding and excelling in healthcare management. A degree in healthcare management prepares students to help facilitate the sustainable delivery of high-quality patient care in a variety of healthcare contexts. The healthcare management program incorporates a robust, industry-specific curriculum taught by recognized scholars and industry professionals, all designed to provide students with the business acumen needed to successfully manage in the healthcare industry. Accounting for more than 15% of GDP, the healthcare sector is a large and growing driver of U.S. economic activity, and the opportunities to make an impactful difference in healthcare management are immense. The healthcare management program is designed to ensure you're ready to capitalize on these possibilities.

Undergraduate Major in Healthcare Management

For undergraduate curriculum in business, major in healthcare management.

The department of Management and Entrepreneurship offers a major in healthcare management. Students will complete the general education requirements (including business foundation courses), supporting courses/major prerequisites, business core requirements for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, and 24 additional credits in the major, which includes an experiential learning requirement, such as an internship or co-op.

Our curriculum is designed to prepare you to make a positive impact in healthcare management. Built on a foundation of knowledge about the healthcare management field, our interdisciplinary learning environment is also designed to facilitate development of comprehensive business skills including leadership, teamwork, evidence-based decision-making, and strategy formulation and implementation. The collaborative nature of the program provides a holistic approach to healthcare management issues and facilitates a diverse educational experience. A structured experiential learning component complements the classroom portion of the program by providing you with the opportunity to apply material from the HCM curriculum and build additional skills by gaining real work experience in a healthcare organization, helping ensure that you're ready to launch your career immediately upon graduation.

For more information on the undergraduate major in Healthcare Management, please visit: 

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, undergraduate students majoring in Healthcare Management will:

  1. Be effective communicators.
  2. Be effective collaborators.
  3. Be problem solvers.
  4. Understand business concepts.
  5. Recognize ethical and legal responsibilities to organizations.


In addition to the basic business degree requirements (, healthcare management majors must also complete:

Required Courses:
HCM 3010Introduction to the US Healthcare Industry3
HCM 3020Economics for Healthcare Managers3
HCM 3030Healthcare Quality Management3
HCM 4010Financial Management for Healthcare Organizations3
HCM 4020Law and Regulatory Environment in Healthcare3
HCM 4030Healthcare Information Systems3
Experiential Learning (choose one):
HCM 3910Internship in Healthcare Management3
HCM 3980Cooperative Education *R
HCM 4900Independent Study in Healthcare Management §3
Elective Courses (choose one or two): *
ACCT 4880Governmental and Non-profit Institution Accounting3
HCM 4040XCost-Effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare3
MGMT 4220Negotiation and Conflict Resolution3
MGMT 4700Leadership and Change Management3
MGMT 4710Introduction to Human Resource Management3
MGMT 4720Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations3
ENTSP 4100Social Entrepreneurship3
MKT 3510Services Marketing3
SCM 4240Process Management, Analysis, and Improvement3
SCM 4860Principles of Purchasing and Supply Management3
COMST 4120Health Communication3
GLOBE 3300Global Health Disparities3
HS 3100Community and Public Health3
PSYCH 4850Health Psychology3

If HCM 3980 is taken for your experiential learning component, you must choose TWO elective courses from the list to fulfill the requirements for the major.


Course not offered on a regular basis.  Students should consult with their academic advisor about terms of offering.

Total Credits: 24

The X designation after a course number indicates this is an experimental course offered by the Department.  Although in an experimental phase, these courses are open for registration just the same as permanent courses listed in the course catalog and count as elective choices in the major.

Students are limited to three business majors/degrees/certificates/minors within the Ivy College of Business. This limit is on business majors/degrees/certificates/minors only and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/certificates/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business. 

Healthcare Management, B.S.

Sample 4-Year Plan (Your plan may differ)

BUSAD 1020 or 10301ECON 10203
ECON 10103STAT 22603
ENGL 15003ACCT 28403
MATH 15003Global/International Perspective@3
LIB 16001BUSAD 20301
 14 16
ACCT 28503SPCM 31203
MKT 34003ACCT 21503
MATH 15103PHIL 23003
ENGL 25003MGMT 37103
Natural Science3ENTSP 31003
 15 15
ENGL 30203HCM 30303
FIN 30103HCM 40103
SCM 30103MIS 30103
HCM 30103MGMT 37203
HCM 30203U.S. Cultures and Communities#3
 15 15
Global/International Perspective@3HUM/SOC SCI3
HCM 40203HCM 40303
HCM 39103HCM Elective3
General Elective5General Electives3
 17 15
Total Credits: 122

Courses in these requirements may also be used as Global Perspective.


U.S. Cultures and Communities courses may be used to satisfy HUM/SOC SCI.


Must have credit or enrollment in all core courses listed above, except for MGMT 3720, plus senior standing, in order to enroll in MGMT 4780.

Graduation Requirements:

        1.  Grade of “C” or higher in at least 30 credits of Core and Major courses.

        2.  42 credits of 3000+ level courses from a four-year institution.

        3.  50% of required Business courses must be earned at ISU.

        4.  At least 32 credits and the LAST 32 credits must be earned at ISU (exceptions for study abroad and internship may be requested).

        5.  122 Credits minimum and a Cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 with no quality point deficiencies.

        6.  A grade of C or better in ENGL 2500 required, and also in one other required ENGL course.

        7.  All 3000-level and higher business credits must be earned at a four-year college.

        8.  Multiple business majors must have at least 15 distinct credits in each of the major requirements; when applicable, one course can be shared between business majors; see your advisor regarding multiple business degree requirements.

Undergraduate Certificate in Healthcare Management

The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship also offers a certificate in healthcare management that is open to all Iowa State University students. The certificate provides students with access to the same sort of robust, interdisciplinary curriculum that comprises the major in a more approachable format. Students will still learn valuable healthcare management skills and knowledge that complements their primary area of study. Built around a foundation of four required classes, the certificate includes elective courses from a wide variety of healthcare-related programs across campus, making it synergistic for students from a wide variety of majors. For students who want to work in a healthcare related field and do not want to major in healthcare management, earning the healthcare management certificate provides a recognizable credential that can help position them for success upon graduation and beyond.


The Healthcare Management Certificate requires a minimum of 20 credits, including 11-12 required credits and 8-9 electives.  At least 12 credits must be taken at Iowa State University.

Required Courses: (11-12 credits)
HCM 3010Introduction to the US Healthcare Industry3
or FSHN 4300 U.S. Health Systems and Policy
HCM 3020Economics for Healthcare Managers3
HCM 3030Healthcare Quality Management3
HCM 4020Law and Regulatory Environment in Healthcare3
Elective Courses: (8-9 credits)
BIOL 2550Fundamentals of Human Anatomy3
BIOL 2560Fundamentals of Human Physiology3
BIOL 3280Molecular and Cellular Biology of Human Diseases3
BIOL 3350Principles of Human and Other Animal Physiology3
BIOL 3440Human Reproduction3
BIOL 4210Biological Principles of Aging3
BIOL 4230Developmental Biology3
BBMB 1210Medicines, Drugs and You2
BME 3520Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics3
BME 4400Biomedical Applications of Chemical Engineering3
COMST 4120Health Communication3
ENTSP 3100Entrepreneurship and Innovation3
FSHN 3600Advanced Nutrition and the Regulation of Metabolism in Health and Disease3
FSHN 3640Nutrition and Prevention of Chronic Disease3
FSHN 3650Obesity and Health3
FSHN 3670Medical Terminology for Health Professionals1
FSHN 4600Global Nutrition, Health and Sustainability3
FSHN 4610Medical Nutrition and Disease I4
FSHN 4630Community Nutrition and Health3
GEN 3400Human Genetics3
GEN 3490The Genome Perspective in Biology4
GEN 4620Evolutionary Genetics3
GLOBE 3300Global Health Disparities3
GLOBE 3600Global Health3
HDFS 3670Family Stress, Abuse, and Resilience3
HDFS 3730Death as a Part of Living3
HDFS 3770Aging and the Family3
HDFS 3870Trauma-Informed Practice3
HDFS 3950Children, Families, and Public Policy3
HDFS 4860Human Services Management II3
HS 3100Community and Public Health3
HS 3500Human Diseases3
HS 3800Worksite Health Promotion3
HS 4300Community Health Program Development3
KIN 3450Management of Health-Fitness Programs and Facilities3
KIN 3650Sport Psychology3
or KIN 3660 Exercise Psychology
MGMT 3700Managing Organizations3
MGMT 3710Organizational Behavior3
MGMT 3720Ethical and Responsible Management3
MICRO 4280Principles of Epidemiology and Population Health3
NRS 3600Nursing Leadership and Management3
NRS 4200Promoting a Culture of Health and Wellness3
NRS 4400Population Health Nursing3
PHIL 3310Moral Problems in Medicine3
POLS 3370XHealth Politics and Policy3
PSYCH 2500Psychology of the Workplace3
PSYCH 3100Brain and Behavior3
PSYCH 3140Motivation3
PSYCH 3150Drugs and Behavior3
PSYCH 3160Cognitive Psychology3
PSYCH 3500Human Factors in Technology3
PSYCH 3600Personality Psychology3
PSYCH 4850Health Psychology3
RELIG 3610XReligion, Health, and Medicine3
SOC 2350Social Problems and American Values3
SOC 3050Social Psychology: A Sociological Perspective3
SOC 3270Gender and Sexualities in Society3
SOC 3300Ethnic and Race Relations3
SOC 3310Social Class and Inequality3
SOC 3450Population and Society3
SOC 3480Global Poverty, Resources and Sustainable Development3
SOC 4100Human Trafficking3

Students are responsible for meeting the prerequisites or any enrollment restrictions when registering for the elective courses from the approved list.

The X designation after a course number indicates this is an experimental course offered by the Department. Although in an experimental phase, these courses are open for registration just the same as permanent courses listed in the course catalog and count as elective choices in the major.

Students are limited to three business majors/degrees/certificates/minors within the Ivy College of Business. This limit is on business majors/degrees/certificates/minors only and does not apply to multiple majors/degrees/certificates/minors taken outside the Ivy College of Business.

Students need to fulfill the course prerequisites set by the Ivy College of Business.

A student may not receive both an undergraduate major and a certificate of the same name (ie. healthcare management majors cannot pursue the healthcare management certificate and the major at the same time).

Courses taken for the certificate may not be taken on a pass/not-pass basis.

The certificate is intended for students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at Iowa State University or that currently hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.  Students holding a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution must meet admission requirements to be enrolled at Iowa State University.

A certificate is not awarded until baccalaureate requirements are fulfilled.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 is required in courses taken for the certificate.

For more information on the undergraduate certificate in healthcare management, please visit: