your adventure in

Event Management

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Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.

The program offers study for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in event management. The program prepares undergraduate students for careers in leading event and meeting management businesses. To complete the program, a student combines general education, Event core classes, and a structure of focused courses to form an option in: (a) corporate/business events, (b) virtual events, (c) social events: weddings and nonprofit events, (d) sport events, or (e) innovative event experiences in retail. 

Through the major, students gain background and experiences in planning, budgeting, and implementing conferences, meetings, and other special events in the public or private sectors. Course work provides students with a general education plus professional preparation focusing on the concepts and principles involved in meeting and event planning strategy; special event management; stakeholder development; budgets and finance; site selection; contracts, vendors, and negotiations; marketing and promotions; food and beverage management; meeting technology; event evaluation; and hospitality law. Event electives include courses in event sustainability, event digital promotion, incentive meetings, and international conference planning. Supporting courses include foodservice, catering, promotion, brand management, trend analysis, fashion, and resource management.

The program also houses "The Meeting Room: Where Experiences and Technology Innovate," a lab designed to allow Event Management students to have hands-on access to a number of cutting-edge technology tools designed to let students focus on new and event disruptive ideas in events and meeting management. The lab is equipped with virtual reality headsets, event sound and lighting equipment, wireless connectivity to displays for BYOD, and group/collaboration furniture.

Graduates from this program are prepared for careers in event planning (corporate events, celebrations, education, promotions, commemorations, trade shows, weddings, conferences, association events, exhibitions, festivals, philanthropies, entertainment, fundraising, conventions, and sport events) and small business development (entrepreneurship). Graduates demonstrate leadership characteristics and make decisions based on integrating knowledge of financial, human resources, promotion, and event management principles. Students are required to complete an internship in event management prior to graduation. The student experience is enhanced through networking and development events with our Event Management Executive Advisory Council, meeting/event industry conferences and association meetings, and international experiences designed specifically for event management students.

Leading to the degree Bachelor of Science

Total credits required:  123, including a minimum of 18 credits from the AESHM Department at Iowa State University for the degree. 

The curriculum in event management prepares students for careers in leading event and meeting management businesses. Courses are required in general education, and the professional area.  Students majoring in Event Management are required to earn C- or better in all AESHM and EVENT courses, and all courses in the EVENT Core. 

Communication Proficiency Requirement:  Grade of C or better in ENGL 1500 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 2500 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

  1. Communication. Use clear and effective written, oral, verbal and electronic (WOVE) communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and engagement in apparel and related industries.
  2. Self-assessment/self-reflection. Analyze and evaluate one’s own knowledge, abilities, and actions relative to professional standards, seek opportunities to grow professionally, and utilize self-assessment and assessment of others to foster psychological, cognitive, social and emotional well-being.
  3. Critical thinking. Understand fundamental concepts of event management and apply critical thinking to solve problems from personal, scholarly, and professional perspectives.
  4. Ethics, Diversity, and Social Responsibility. Demonstrate leadership and social justice to improve quality of life for global citizens and encourage socially responsible decision-making for consumers and businesses.

Curriculum in Event Management

Administered by the Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management Department.

Leading to the degree Bachelor of Science.

Total credits required: 123 including a minimum of 18 credits from the AESHM Department at Iowa State University for the degree. The curriculum in event management prepares students for careers in leading event and meeting management businesses. Courses are required in general education, and the professional area. Students majoring in Event Management are required to earn C- or better in all AESHM and EVENT courses, and all courses in the EVENT Core. Communication Proficiency Requirement:  Grade of C or better in ENGL 1500 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 2500 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.

A minor in event management is available; see requirements under Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Courses and Programs.

 Degree Requirements

(13) Communications and Library

ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication *3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition *3
ENGL 3020Business Communication3
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
Select one (1) course from:3
Interpersonal Communication
Professional Communication
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Total Credits13

( 9-10) Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines

Select one (1) course from:3
Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Mathematical Ideas
College Algebra
Preparation for Calculus
Discrete Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
Survey of Calculus
Select one (1) course from:3-4
Principles of Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Business Statistics I
Select one (1) course from:3
Dept of ASTRO, BIOL, BBMB, CHEM, COMS, ENT, ENSCI, ENVS, GEN, GEOL, MTEOR, PHYS, FSHN, (1010,1150. or 1670), or FDM 2040
Total Credits9-10

(9) Social Sciences

ECON 1010Principles of Microeconomics3
Select two (2) courses from:6
Principles of Macroeconomics
Fashion, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society
Human Development
Introduction to American Government
Introduction to Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Total Credits9

(6) Humanities

AESHM 3420Aesthetics of Consumer Experience3
Select one (1) course from:3
Total Credits6

(8-9Cr) General Electives

(21Cr) EVENT Core Courses

EVENT 1710Introduction to Event Management3
EVENT 2120Digital Production in Event Management3
EVENT 2770Digital Promotion in the Service Industry3
EVENT 2780Sustainability Essentials for Service-Related Businesses3
EVENT 3670Event Sales3
EVENT 3710Conference and Meeting Planning3
EVENT 4710Event Production3
Total Credits21

(30-33) AESHM Business CORE

AESHM 1110Professional Development for AESHM1
AESHM 1110LAESHM Program Orientation and Learning Community1
AESHM 2110Leadership Experiences and Development (LEAD)3
AESHM 2380Human Resource Management3
AESHM 2870Principles of Management in Human Sciences3
AESHM 3110ESeminar on Careers and Internships: Event Management and Hospitality Management1
AESHM 3400Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies3
AESHM 4700FSupervised Professional Internship: Event Management3-6
AESHM 4740Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences3
ACCT 2840Financial Accounting3
HSPM 1010Introduction to the Hospitality Industry3
HSPM 3150Hospitality Law3
Total Credits30-33

(11-14) Event Management Elective Courses

EVENT 2030Event Management Sophomore Mentorship2
EVENT 3280Incentive Meeting Management3
EVENT 3330Entertainment Venue Management3
EVENT 4820Sport Event Marketing3
EVENT 3730Wedding Planning and Management3
EVENT 3790Nonprofit Fundraising Event Planning3
EVENT 3830Sports Event Management3
EVENT 3930Event Management Workshop1-3
EVENT 4230International Sports and Entertainment Event Management3
EVENT 4850Advanced Event Production: Special Event3
EVENT 4860Advanced Event Production3
AESHM 1700FSupervised Work Experience I: Event Management1
AESHM 1800EFirst Year Student Field Study: Hospitality and Event Management2
AESHM 2220Creativity on Demand3
AESHM 2700FSupervised Work Experience II: Event Management2
AESHM 2720Fashion Show Production and Promotion2
AESHM 2810Orientation to International Field Study1
AESHM 3450XRetail/Hospitality Experiences & Events1-3
AESHM 3650Event, Hospitality, and Retail Risk Management3
AESHM 3800FU.S. Field Study: Event Management1-3
AESHM 3810FInternational Field Study: Event Management1-3
AESHM 4210Developing Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential3
AESHM 4700FSupervised Professional Internship: Event Management3-6
AESHM 4790Data Analytics for Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management3
FDM 2750Retail Merchandising3
FDM 3750Omni-Channel Retailing3
FDM 3770Visual Presentation and Promotions3
HSPM 1330Food Safety Certification1
HSPM 2010Casino Management I3
HSPM 2600Global Tourism Management3
HSPM 2800Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Cafe Operations3
HSPM 2890Contemporary Club Management3
HSPM 3200Attractions and Amusement Park Administration3
HSPM 3800Food Production Management3
HSPM 3800LFood Production Management Experience3
HSPM 3830Wine and Spirits in Hospitality Management2
HSPM 3830LWine, Spirits, and Mixology Laboratory in Hospitality Management2
HSPM 3850Beer and Brewed Beverages in Hospitality Management1
HSPM 3930MHospitality Management Industry Workshop: Molecular Gastronomy3
HSPM 3930BHospitality Management Industry Workshop: Baking and Pastry Art3
HSPM 4200Fairs, Festivals, and Events Management3
HSPM 4370Hospitality Technology Applications3
HSPM 4870Fine Dining Management3
AGEDS 2270Fundamentals of Visual Communication for Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AGEDS 2630Communicate with Impact in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life Science3
AGEDS 3110Presentation and Sales Strategies for Agricultural Audiences3
AGEDS 3150Personal, Professional, and Entrepreneurial Leadership in Agriculture3
ADVRT 2300Advertising Principles3
ADVRT 3010Research and Strategic Planning for Advertising and Public Relations3
HORT 1310Floral Design2
HORT 1320Wedding and Event Floral Design2
JLMC 3070Fundamentals of Digital Video Production3
JLMC 4060Media Management3
KIN 3450Management of Health-Fitness Programs and Facilities3
KIN 3650Sport Psychology3
KIN 3990Recreational Sport Management3
PR 2200Principles of Public Relations3
PR 3050Publicity Methods3
SCM 3010Supply Chain Management3

(30CR) Primary Options:

Select one (1) primary professional option from the following choices:


EVENT 3280Incentive Meeting Management3
EVENT 4860Advanced Event Production3
AESHM 4790Data Analytics for Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management3
HSPM 4370Hospitality Technology Applications3
(18) Select courses from Event Management Electives
Total Credits12


EVENT 3330Entertainment Venue Management3
EVENT 3730Wedding Planning and Management3
EVENT 3790Nonprofit Fundraising Event Planning3
FDM 3770Visual Presentation and Promotions3
(18) Select courses from Event Managment Electives
Total Credits12


EVENT 3330Entertainment Venue Management3
EVENT 4820Sport Event Marketing3
EVENT 3830Sports Event Management3
EVENT 4230International Sports and Entertainment Event Management3
EVENT 4850Advanced Event Production: Special Event3
(18) Select courses from Event Managment Electives
Total Credits15

Event Management, B.S.

AESHM 11101AESHM 28703 
AESHM 1110L1ECON 10103 
ENGL 15003ENGL 25003 
EVENT 17103Humanities "Select from" Course3 
HSPM 10103LIB 16001 
Social Science "Select from" Course3Natural Sciences "Select from" Course3 
 14 16
AESHM 21103AESHM 34003 
AESHM 23803EVENT 27803 
EVENT 21203Event Management Electives course3 
Math "Select from" Course3Course #1 towards "Option"3 
Speech/Communication "Select from" Course3Social Science 'Select from' course3 
 15 15
ACCT 28403EVENT 27703AESHM 4700F3
AESHM 3110E or 3110N1Event Management Elective course3 
AESHM 34203Course #3 towards "Option"3 
EVENT 47103HSPM 31503 
EVENT 36703STAT 10104 
Course #2 towards "Option"3  
 16 16 3
AESHM 47403 "Option" Course #5 or Event Mgmt Elective 3 
ENGL 30203Event Management Electives course3 
EVENT 37103Event Management Electives course3 
Course #4 towards "Option"3General Elective course5 
Event Management Electives course3  
 15 14
Total Credits: 124

Event Management Minor

The AESHM Department offers a minor in Event Management.  The minor can be earned by successfully completing the following for a total of 15 credits. The minor must include at least six (6) credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at ISU. All course prerequisites must be completed prior to taking the course. All minor courses must be taken for a grade. The Event Management Minor requires students to complete EVENT 1710, EVENT 3710, and EVENT 4710. The remaining 6 credits may be selected from any courses listed below. **Only 12 total credits of EVENT classes can apply to the minor.     

9 credits are required:
EVENT 1710Introduction to Event Management3
EVENT 3710Conference and Meeting Planning3
EVENT 4710Event Production3
And 6 credits of the following: (only 1 additional course designated “EVENT” can apply towards your minor)
EVENT 2770Digital Promotion in the Service Industry3
EVENT 2780Sustainability Essentials for Service-Related Businesses3
EVENT 3280Incentive Meeting Management3
EVENT 3330Entertainment Venue Management3
EVENT 3730Wedding Planning and Management3
EVENT 3790Nonprofit Fundraising Event Planning3
EVENT 3830Sports Event Management3
AESHM 2870Principles of Management in Human Sciences3
AESHM 3400Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies3
AESHM 3420Aesthetics of Consumer Experience3
AESHM 4720Fashion Show Management2-3
AESHM 4740Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences3
HSPM 2890Contemporary Club Management3
HSPM 3200Attractions and Amusement Park Administration3
HSPM 4370Hospitality Technology Applications3
PR 2200Principles of Public Relations3

Event Management Master's Program

Event Management Core (required)

AESHM 5010Introduction to Scholarly Research for Graduate Students1
EVENT 5310Event Business Research Essentials3
EVENT 5610Advanced Topics in Event Management3
EVENT 5770Advanced Social Media Strategy3
EVENT 5780Advanced Event Sustainability Management3
EVENT 5990Creative Component3
EVENT 6340Theory and Research Seminar in Event Management3
Total Credits19

AESHM Electives

Select three (3) courses from:
AMD 5450Consumer Experience and Retail Branding3
AESHM 5740Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences3
AESHM 5790Data Analytics for Apparel, Event, and Hospitality Management3
AESHM 5800DU.S. Field Study: Hospitality Management1-3
or AESHM 5800F U.S. Field Study: Event Management
or AESHM 5800N U.S. Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design
AESHM 5810DInternational Field Study: Hospitality Management1-3
or AESHM 5810F International Field Study: Event Management
or AESHM 5810N International Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design
AESHM 6700ATeaching Practicum: Apparel Merchandising and Design1-3
or AESHM 6700B Teaching Practicum: Hospitality Management
or AESHM 6700C Teaching Practicum: Event Management
AMD 5450Consumer Experience and Retail Branding3
AMD 5650Sustainability: Theory and Practical Application3
AMD 5670Consumer Behavior and Apparel3
AMD 5770E-Commerce for Apparel and Hospitality Companies3
EVENT 5900Special Topics3
HSPM 5330Financial Decision Making in Hospitality Organizations3
HSPM 5380Human Resources Development in Hospitality Organizations3
HSPM 5400Strategic Marketing3
HSPM 5550Strategic Management in Hospitality Organizations3

Research Methods and Statistics

Select two (2) courses from
AESHM 5020Research Methods in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality3
AESHM 5100Quantitative Research Methods in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality3
AESHM 5120Qualitative Research Methods in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality3
RESEV 5500Introduction to Educational Research3
RESEV 5520Basic Educational Statistics3
RESEV 5800Introduction to Qualitative Research Methodology3
STAT 5101Statistical Methods for Data Analysis4