your adventure in

Event Management

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Administered by the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.

The program offers study for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in event management. The program prepares undergraduate students for careers in leading event and meeting management businesses. To complete the program, a student combines general education, Event core classes, and a structure of focused courses to form an option in: (a) corporate/business events, (b) virtual events, (c) social events: weddings and nonprofit events, (d) sport events, or (e) innovative event experiences in retail. 

Through the major, students gain background and experiences in planning, budgeting, and implementing conferences, meetings, and other special events in the public or private sectors. Course work provides students with a general education plus professional preparation focusing on the concepts and principles involved in meeting and event planning strategy; special event management; stakeholder development; budgets and finance; site selection; contracts, vendors, and negotiations; marketing and promotions; food and beverage management; meeting technology; event evaluation; and hospitality law. Event electives include courses in event sustainability, event digital promotion, incentive meetings, and international conference planning. Supporting courses include foodservice, catering, promotion, brand management, trend analysis, fashion, and resource management.

The program also houses "The Meeting Room: Where Experiences and Technology Innovate," a lab designed to allow Event Management students to have hands-on access to a number of cutting-edge technology tools designed to let students focus on new and event disruptive ideas in events and meeting management. The lab is equipped with virtual reality headsets, event sound and lighting equipment, wireless connectivity to displays for BYOD, and group/collaboration furniture.

Graduates from this program are prepared for careers in event planning (corporate events, celebrations, education, promotions, commemorations, trade shows, weddings, conferences, association events, exhibitions, festivals, philanthropies, entertainment, fundraising, conventions, and sport events) and small business development (entrepreneurship). Graduates demonstrate leadership characteristics and make decisions based on integrating knowledge of financial, human resources, promotion, and event management principles. Students are required to complete an internship in event management prior to graduation. The student experience is enhanced through networking and development events with our Event Management Executive Advisory Council, meeting/event industry conferences and association meetings, and international experiences designed specifically for event management students.

Leading to the degree Bachelor of Science

Total credits required:  123, including a minimum of 18 credits from the AESHM Department at Iowa State University for the degree. 

The curriculum in event management prepares students for careers in leading event and meeting management businesses. Courses are required in general education, and the professional area.  Students majoring in Event Management are required to earn C- or better in all AESHM and EVENT courses, and all courses in the EVENT Core. 

Communication Proficiency Requirement:  Grade of C or better in ENGL 1500 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 2500 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

  1. Communication. Use clear and effective written, oral, verbal and electronic (WOVE) communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and engagement in apparel and related industries.
  2. Self-assessment/self-reflection. Analyze and evaluate one’s own knowledge, abilities, and actions relative to professional standards, seek opportunities to grow professionally, and utilize self-assessment and assessment of others to foster psychological, cognitive, social and emotional well-being.
  3. Critical thinking. Understand fundamental concepts of event management and apply critical thinking to solve problems from personal, scholarly, and professional perspectives.
  4. Ethics, Diversity, and Social Responsibility. Demonstrate leadership and social justice to improve quality of life for global citizens and encourage socially responsible decision-making for consumers and businesses.