your adventure in

Culinary Food Science (HHSCI)

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The Culinary Food Science degree is an interdisciplinary program that combines the principles of food science and culinary skills development. As a graduate, you’ll combine food product development skills and entrepreneurial talents with scientific knowledge, to create new innovative food products and recipes.

The Culinary Food Science major is an approved Culinology® program through the Research Chefs Association.

The department also offers a culinary food science minor.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to: 

  • Communicate effectively in their field of study using written, oral, visual and/or electronic forms.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in ethical data collection and interpretation, literature review and citation, critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Participate effectively in a group or team.
  • Integrate creativity, innovation, or entrepreneurship in ways that produce value.
  • Explain how human activities impact the natural environment and how societies are affected.
  • Meet program specific learning outcomes for the Culinary Food Science major.

Degree Requirements

Administered by the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition

Total Degree Requirement: 120 cr.

Students must fulfill International Perspectives and U.S. Cultures and Communities requirements by selecting coursework from approved lists. These courses may also be used to fulfill other area requirements. Only 65 cr. from a two-year institution may apply to the degree which may include up to 16 technical cr.; 9 P-NP cr. of electives; 2.00 minimum GPA.

International Perspectives: 3 cr.

U.S. Cultures and Communities: 3 cr.

Communications and Library: 10 cr.

ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
SPCM 2120Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
Total Credits10

Humanities and Social Sciences: 9-15 cr.

FSHN 2200American Food and Culture3
ECON 1010Principles of Microeconomics3
If a Culinary Food Science student in the College of Health and Human Sciences, select:6
Additional Humanities course
Additional Humanities or Social Science course

Ethics: 3 cr. (Included as part of the Humanities and Social sciences requirement)

FSHN 3420World Food Issues: Past and Present3

Mathematical Sciences: 6-8 cr.

Select at least 3 credits from: 3-4
College Algebra
Preparation for Calculus
Survey of Calculus
Calculus I
Select at least 3 credits from: 3-4
Principles of Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Total Credits6-8

Physical Sciences: 9 cr.

CHEM 1630College Chemistry4
or CHEM 1770 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1630LLaboratory in College Chemistry1
or CHEM 1770L Laboratory in General Chemistry I
CHEM 2310Elementary Organic Chemistry3
CHEM 2310LLaboratory in Elementary Organic Chemistry1
Total Credits9

Biological Sciences: 10-11 cr.

BBMB 3010Survey of Biochemistry3
BIOL 2120Principles of Biology II3
BIOL 2120LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory II1
MICRO 2010Introduction to Microbiology2-3
or MICRO 3020 Biology of Microorganisms
MICRO 2010LIntroductory Microbiology Laboratory1
or MICRO 3020L Microbiology Laboratory
Total Credits10-11

Animal Science Coursework: 6 cr.

ANS 2700Foods of Animal Origin2
ANS 2700LFoods of Animal Origin Laboratory1
ANS 4600Science and Technology of Value Added Meat Products3
Total Credits6

Food Science and Human Nutrition: 42 cr.

FSHN 1010Food and the Consumer3
FSHN 1040Introduction to Professional Skills in Culinary Science2
FSHN 1100Professional and Educational Preparation1
FSHN 1670Introductory Human Nutrition and Health3
FSHN 2030Contemporary Issues in Food Science and Human Nutrition1
FSHN 2140Scientific Study of Food3
FSHN 2150Advanced Food Preparation Laboratory2
FSHN 3050Food Quality Management and Control2
FSHN 2070Processing of Foods: Basic Principles and Applications3
FSHN 3110Food Chemistry3
FSHN 3110LFood Chemistry Laboratory1
FSHN 3140Professional Development for Culinary Food Science and Food Science Majors1
FSHN 4030Food Laws and Regulations2
FSHN 4060Sensory Evaluation of Food3
FSHN 4070Microbiological Safety of Foods of Animal Origins3
FSHN 4110Food Ingredient Interactions and Formulations2
FSHN 4120Food Product Development3
FSHN 4200Food Microbiology3
Take one of the following courses for 2 credits:2
Supervised Work Experience: Food Science
Supervised Work Experience: Culinary Science
Total Credits43

Hospitality Management: 12 cr.

HSPM 1330Food Safety Certification1
HSPM 3800Food Production Management3
HSPM 3800LFood Production Management Experience3
HSPM 3830Wine and Spirits in Hospitality Management2
or FSHN 5090 Sensory Evaluation of Wines
HSPM 4870Fine Dining Management3
Total Credits12

Electives 1-13 cr. Select from any university coursework to earn at least 120 total credits.

Go to FSHN courses.

Culinary Food Science, B.S.

First Year
FSHN 11001FSHN 10402 
CHEM 1630 or 17704FSHN 16703 
CHEM 1630L or 1770L1FSHN 20703 
FSHN 10103BIOL 21203 
MATH 1400, 1430, 1600, or 16503-4BIOL 2120L1 
ENGL 15003ECON 10103 
LIB 16001  
 16-17 15
Second Year
CHEM 23103FSHN 21403 
CHEM 2310L1FSHN 21502 
ENGL 25003BBMB 30103 
FSHN 20301MICRO 2010 or 30202-3 
FSHN 22003MICRO 2010L or 3020L1 
HSPM 13301STAT 1040 or 10103-4 
SPCM 21203  
 15 14-16
Third Year
ANS 27002FSHN 30502FSHN 4910B or 4910D2
ANS 2700L1FSHN 40302 
FSHN 31103HSPM 38003 
FSHN 3110L1HSPM 3800L3 
FSHN 31401Humanities or social science (CHHS) or elective (CALS)3 
FSHN 41102Elective*3 
FSHN 42003  
 14-16 16 2
Fourth Year
FSHN 40603ANS 46003 
FSHN 40703FSHN 34203 
FSHN 4910B or 4910D (if not yet completed)2FSHN 41203 
HSPM 3830 (if not taking FSHN 5090 Spring)2Humanities (CHHS) or Elective (CALS)3 
HSPM 48703Elective*3 
U.S. Cultures and Communities3  
 16 15

Choose elective courses to total equal to or greater than 120 credits. 


Planned course offerings may change and students need to check the online Schedule of Classes each term to confirm course offerings:

This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student's situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point consideration.

More information on the Culinary Food Science minor can be found here: