your adventure in

Animal Science

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The Department of Animal Science Undergraduate Program intends for its graduates to be able to explain the symbiotic relationship of animals and humans, to contribute to the solution of complex problems of animal enterprise management, and to apply their knowledge and skills in a technically demanding global community. Graduates of our program will be knowledgeable about sustainable animal production practices that also ensure animal health and well-being and stewardship of natural resources.

To enable learners to pursue a wide array of career interests, the department offers learning experiences ranging from the basic to the applied sciences. Learner outcomes for these goals, for each of our courses, and other information defining the program can be found at our web site: Our program is designed to provide career skills appropriate to job market needs. Our faculty goals include providing superior academic advising to enable students to fulfill their objectives.

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the Animal and Dairy Science majors dictate that, upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply scientifically based practices for the care, management, and study of managed animals and animal products. 
  • Communicate in oral and written formats.
  • Describe the contemporary domestic and global issues impacting animal science.
  • Contribute or lead team efforts to achieve group goals. 
  • Utilize effective life-long learning skills.
  • Evaluate the impacts of animal management practices on economic, sociological, and environmental sustainability.

The department offers the degrees Bachelor of Science in animal science and Bachelor of Science in dairy science. A double major in animal and dairy science is not permitted. However, combining either the animal science or dairy science majors with other curricula is permitted. A limit of 6 credits each in Intercollegiate Judging (Animal Science 4750), or any independent study course (4900 courses) can be applied toward a degree. A limit of 4 credits of Undergraduate Teaching Experience (Animal Science 4970) can be applied toward a degree.

The department offers a minor in Animal Science and a minor in Meat Science. Certificates in Beef Cattle Production Management, Dairy Cattle Management, Swine Production Management, Poultry Production Management, and Equine Science and Management are also offered. Both the animal science curricula and dairy science curricula allow complementary work toward admission to veterinary medical school and other professional schools, which may be done while satisfying requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. A program that combines Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in animal science is offered. In addition, a program that combines a Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration is offered. The Department facilitates student participation in the Midwest Poultry Consortium and the Swine Science Online program to offer additional training in poultry and swine production, respectively.