your adventure in

Animal Science

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The Department of Animal Science Undergraduate Program intends for its graduates to be able to explain the symbiotic relationship of animals and humans, to contribute to the solution of complex problems of animal enterprise management, and to apply their knowledge and skills in a technically demanding global community. Graduates of our program will be knowledgeable about sustainable animal production practices that also ensure animal health and well-being and stewardship of natural resources.

To enable learners to pursue a wide array of career interests, the department offers learning experiences ranging from the basic to the applied sciences. Learner outcomes for these goals, for each of our courses, and other information defining the program can be found at our web site: Our program is designed to provide career skills appropriate to job market needs. Our faculty goals include providing superior academic advising to enable students to fulfill their objectives.

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the Animal and Dairy Science majors dictate that, upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply scientifically based practices for the care, management, and study of managed animals and animal products. 
  • Communicate in oral and written formats.
  • Describe the contemporary domestic and global issues impacting animal science.
  • Contribute or lead team efforts to achieve group goals. 
  • Utilize effective life-long learning skills.
  • Evaluate the impacts of animal management practices on economic, sociological, and environmental sustainability.

The department offers the degrees Bachelor of Science in animal science and Bachelor of Science in dairy science. A double major in animal and dairy science is not permitted. However, combining either the animal science or dairy science majors with other curricula is permitted. A limit of 6 credits each in Intercollegiate Judging (Animal Science 4750), or any independent study course (4900 courses) can be applied toward a degree. A limit of 4 credits of Undergraduate Teaching Experience (Animal Science 4970) can be applied toward a degree.

The department offers a minor in Animal Science and a minor in Meat Science. Certificates in Beef Cattle Production Management, Dairy Cattle Management, Swine Production Management, Poultry Production Management, and Equine Science and Management are also offered. Both the animal science curricula and dairy science curricula allow complementary work toward admission to veterinary medical school and other professional schools, which may be done while satisfying requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. A program that combines Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in animal science is offered. In addition, a program that combines a Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration is offered. The Department facilitates student participation in the Midwest Poultry Consortium and the Swine Science Online program to offer additional training in poultry and swine production, respectively.

Curriculum in Animal Science

Students majoring in animal science will complete the degree requirements listed below. If desired, a student may also choose a specialized option. To earn a degree in Animal Science from Iowa State University a minimum of 15 credits in Animal Science must be earned from courses taught in the Animal Science department at ISU. A minimum of 15 credits of animal science coursework must be earned at Iowa State University.

Total Degree Requirement: 128 cr.

Only 65 cr. from a two-year institution may apply which may include up to 16 technical cr.; 9 P-NP cr. of free electives; 2.00 minimum GPA.

International Perspectives

Approved International Perspectives course3

U.S. Cultures and Communities

Approved U.S. Cultures and Communities course3

 Communications Proficiency (with a C or better)

English composition6
Speech fundamentals3
Total Credits9


ENGL 1500Critical Thinking and Communication3
ENGL 2500Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition3
LIB 1600Introduction to College Level Research1
One course from the following: 3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Presentation and Sales Strategies for Agricultural Audiences
Professional Communication
One course from the following:3
Business Communication
Proposal and Report Writing
Communicating Science and Public Engagement
Technical Communication
Survey of Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication
Total Credits13

 Humanities and Social Sciences

Approved Humanties course3
Approved Social Science course3
Total Credits6


Approved Ethics course3

 Mathematical Sciences

One course from the following:3-4
College Algebra
Preparation for Calculus
Discrete Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
Survey of Calculus
Calculus I
One course from the following:3-4
Principles of Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Business Statistics I
Total Credits6-8

Physical Sciences

A minimum of 8 credits are required. These requirements are specific to option and are listed with each option below.

Biological Sciences

BIOL 2120Principles of Biology II3
BIOL 2120LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory II1
ANS 3510Principles of Domestic Animal Genetics3
or BIOL 3130 Principles of Genetics
or GEN 3200 Genetics, Agriculture and Biotechnology
MICRO 2010
Introduction to Microbiology
and Introductory Microbiology Laboratory
or MICRO 3020
Biology of Microorganisms
and Microbiology Laboratory
Total Credits10-11


One course from the following:3
Financial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Total Credits3

Animal Science Core 

ANS 1010Working with Animals2
ANS 1100Orientation in Animal Science and ISU1
ANS 1140Survey of the Animal Industry2
ANS 2100Career Preparation in Animal Science1
ANS 2110Issues Facing Animal Science1
ANS 2140Domestic Animal Physiology3
ANS 2140LDomestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology Lab1
ANS 2700Foods of Animal Origin2
ANS 3190Animal Nutrition3
ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3
ANS 3520Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals3
ANS 4110Addressing Issues in Animal Science1
Total Credits26

 General Animal Science 

CHEM 1630
College Chemistry
and Laboratory in College Chemistry
or CHEM 1770
General Chemistry I
and Laboratory in General Chemistry I
CHEM 3310Organic Chemistry I3
or BBMB 2210 Structure and Reactions in Biochemical Processes
Three courses from the following:9
Equine Science
Poultry Science
Companion Animal Science
Swine Science
Beef Cattle Science
Laboratory Animal Science
Sheep Science
Dairy Cattle Science
One course from the following:2-4
Exercise Physiology of Animals
Food Processing for Companion Animals
Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being
Growth and Development of Domestic Animals
Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology
Principles of Molecular Cell Biology
Vertebrate Histology
Introductory Parasitology
Livestock Entomology
Insects and Our Health
Medical Microbiology
Livestock Disease Prevention
Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management
Forage Crop Management
One course from the following:3
Equine Systems Management
Companion Animal Systems Management
Swine Systems Management
Beef Cattle Systems Management
Sheep Systems Management
Dairy Systems Management
One course from the following:2-3
Equine Systems Management
Advanced Animal Nutrition
Companion Animal Systems Management
Swine Systems Management
Beef Cattle Systems Management
Sheep Systems Management
Dairy Systems Management
Science and Technology of Value Added Meat Products
Food Analysis
Food Microbiology
Microbiological Safety of Foods of Animal Origins
Total Credits24-27
Additional free electives required for Animal Science 23-29

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option

BIOL 2110Principles of Biology I3
BIOL 2110LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory I1
CHEM 1770General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1770LLaboratory in General Chemistry I1
CHEM 1780General Chemistry II3
CHEM 3310Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 3310LLaboratory in Organic Chemistry I1
BBMB 3010Survey of Biochemistry3
or BBMB 3160 Principles of Biochemistry
or BBMB 4040 Biochemistry I
or BBMB 4200 Mammalian Biochemistry
PHYS 1310
General Physics I
and General Physics I Laboratory
9 credits of upper-level biomedical science courses (refer to the College of Veterinary Medicine for complete list:
Three courses from the following:9
Equine Science
Poultry Science
Companion Animal Science
Swine Science
Beef Cattle Science
Laboratory Animal Science
Sheep Science
Dairy Cattle Science
One course from the following:2-4
Exercise Physiology of Animals
Food Processing for Companion Animals
Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being
Growth and Development of Domestic Animals
Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology
Principles of Molecular Cell Biology
Vertebrate Histology
Introductory Parasitology
Livestock Entomology
Insects and Our Health
Medical Microbiology
Livestock Disease Prevention
Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management
Forage Crop Management
One course from the following:3
Equine Systems Management
Companion Animal Systems Management
Swine Systems Management
Beef Cattle Systems Management
Sheep Systems Management
Dairy Systems Management
One course from the following:2-3
Equine Systems Management
Advanced Animal Nutrition
Companion Animal Systems Management
Swine Systems Management
Beef Cattle Systems Management
Sheep Systems Management
Dairy Systems Management
Science and Technology of Value Added Meat Products
Food Analysis
Food Microbiology
Microbiological Safety of Foods of Animal Origins
Total Credits49-52
Additional free electives required for the Pre-veterinary Medicine Option8-14

* The Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine academic requirements are met by completion of this option (


ANS 11001ANS 11402
ANS 10102CHEM 1770 or 16304
ENGL 15003CHEM 1770L or 1630L1
BIOL 21203Humanities - elective list3
BIOL 2120L1SPCM 2120, COMST 2140, or AGEDS 31103
LIB 16001STAT 1010, 1040, or 22603-4
MATH 1400, 1430, 1500, 1600, or 16503-4 
Soc. Sci. - elective list3 
 17-18 16-17
ANS 21101ANS 21001
ANS 2000 - elective list3ANS 21403
ANS 2000 - elective list3ANS 2140L1
BBMB 22103ANS 2000 - elective list3
ANS 27002ENGL 25003
ANS 2700L1MICRO 2010 or 30202-3
ECON 1010, 1020, or ACCT 28403MICRO 2010L or 3020L1
 Free elective3
 16 17-18
ANS 31903ANS 32003
ANS 33103ANS 35203
ANS 35103ANS 3000 - elective list3
undefined Ethics -elective list3
undefined Free elective3
 9 15
ANS 41101ANS 4000 - Option 23
ANS 4000 - Option 13International Perspective - elective list3
ENGL 3020, 3090, 3120, 3140, or AGEDS 32703Free elective3
Free elective3Free elective3
Free elective3Free elective4
Free elective3 
 16 16
Important Note:

This is only one of many equally-sound schedule sequences.


Free electives and specified group electives are often chosen to complement the student's career focus. The student's academic advisor assists with developing scheduling schemes that prepare students individually for careers in the animal industry. They are explained fully in ANS 1100 and through appointments with the student's advisor.

Animal Science, B.S.  - PRE-VETERINARY FOCUS

ANS 11001ANS 11402
ANS 10102CHEM 17704
BIOL 21103CHEM 1770L1
BIOL 2110L1Humanities - elective list3
ENGL 15003SPCM 2120, AGEDS 3110, or COMST 21403
LIB 16001STAT 1010, 1040, or 22603-4
MATH 1400, 1430, 1500, 1600, or 16503-4 
Soc. Sci. - elective list3 
 17-18 16-17
ANS 21101ANS 21403
ANS 2000 - elective list3ANS 2140L1
ANS 2000 - elective list3ANS 2000 - elective list3
BIOL 21203CHEM 33103
BIOL 2120L1CHEM 3310L1
CHEM 17803ENGL 25003
ECON 1010, 1020, or ACCT 28403ANS 27002
 ANS 2700L1
 17 17
ANS 21001ANS 32003
ANS 31903ANS 35203
ANS 33103ANS 3000 - elective list3
GEN 3200 or BIOL 31303BBMB 3010, 3160, 4040, or 42003
MICRO 2010 or 30202-3U.S. Cultures and Communities - elective list3
MICRO 2010L or 3020L1 
Ethics - electives list3 
 16-17 15
ANS 41101ANS 4000 - Option 23
ANS 4000 - Option 13International Perspective - elective list3
ENGL 3020, 3090, 3120, 3140, or AGEDS 32703Free elective3
PHYS 13104Free elective3
PHYS 1310L1Free elective3
Free elective3 
Free elective2 
 17 15
Important Note:

This is only one of many equally-sound schedule sequences.


Credits currently required for application to Veterinary Medicine program at ISU (55 credits)


General Chemistry with lab (7)

Organic Chemistry with lab (4)

Biochemistry (3)

General Physics with lab (4)

General Biology with lab (8)

Genetics/Animal Breeding (3)

Mammalian Anatomy and/or Physiology (3)

Biomedical Sciences (9)

English Composition (6)

Oral Communication (3)

Humanities and/or Social Sciences (6)

Other Electives (8)

Minors: Animal Science and Meat Science

All minors require at least 15 credits, including at least 6 credits in courses numbered 3000 or above taken at Iowa State University. The minor must include at least 3 credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.

The department offers a minor in Animal Science. The minor requires:

ANS 1010Working with Animals2
ANS 1140Survey of the Animal Industry2
ANS 2140Domestic Animal Physiology3
ANS 2140LDomestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology Lab1
One course from the following:3
Equine Science
Poultry Science
Companion Animal Science
Swine Science
Beef Cattle Science
Sheep Science
Dairy Cattle Science
Foods of Animal Origin
and Foods of Animal Origin Laboratory
One course from the following:3
Exercise Physiology of Animals
Animal Nutrition
Domestic Animal Reproduction
Growth and Development of Domestic Animals
Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals
One course from the following:2-3
Animal Nutrition
Animal Feeds and Feeding
Domestic Animal Reproduction
Food Processing for Companion Animals
Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being
Growth and Development of Domestic Animals
Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals
Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology
Advanced Animal Nutrition
Total Credits16-17

A total of 9 credits must be earned at Iowa State University in animal science coursework. Students interested in the Animal Science minor should contact an Animal Science advisor.

Minor - Meat Science

The department offers a minor in Meat Science. The minor requires:

ANS 2700Foods of Animal Origin2
ANS 2700LFoods of Animal Origin Laboratory1
ANS 3600Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology3
ANS 4600Science and Technology of Value Added Meat Products3
One course from the following:1
Independent Study: Meat Science
5-6 Credits from the following5-6
Food Processing for Companion Animals
Food Quality Management and Control
Food Chemistry
Food Laws and Regulations
Sensory Evaluation of Food
Food Analysis
Food Product Development
Food Microbiology
Food Processing
Microbiological Safety of Foods of Animal Origins
Total Credits15-16

Students interested in the Meat Science minor should contact an Animal Science advisor.

The Department of Animal Science offers certificates in:

All certificates require at least 24 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level. All courses applied to the certificate must be taken for a grade. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required to complete the program and receive the certificate. 

Beef Cattle Production Management

Foundation Course (3 credits)

ANS 2260Beef Cattle Science3

Fundamental Disciplines in Animal Science (9 credits)

ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3
ANS 3520Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals3

Expertise Expansion (3 credits)

AGRON 2800Crop Development, Production and Management3
AGRON 3340Forage Crop Management3
ANS 3330Embryo Transfer and Related Technologies3
ANS 3360Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being *3
ANS 3450Growth and Development of Domestic Animals *3
ANS 3600Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology *3
TSM 3270Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management *3
TSM 4550Feed Processing and Technology3
TSM 4570Feed Safety, Ingredient Quality and Analytics3
VDPAM 4870Livestock Disease Prevention3

Course fulfills the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate

Enterprise Management (3 credits)

AGEDS 4510Agricultural Law3
ECON 2300Farm Business Management ^3
ECON 2350Introduction to Agricultural Markets3
ECON 3320Cooperatives3
ECON 3340Entrepreneurship in Agriculture3

Course is a prerequisite for ANS 4260

Beef Cattle Production Emphasis (6 credits)

ANS 4260Beef Cattle Systems Management3
ANS 3990AAnimal Science Internship: Graded Internship Experience3

Dairy Cattle Production Management Certificate

Foundation Course (3 credits)

ANS 2350Dairy Cattle Science3

Fundamental Disciplines in Animal Science (9 credits)

ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3
ANS 3370Lactation3

Expertise Expansion (3 credits)

AGRON 2800Crop Development, Production and Management3
AGRON 3340Forage Crop Management3
ANS 3330Embryo Transfer and Related Technologies3
ANS 3350Dairy Cattle Evaluation3
ANS 3450Growth and Development of Domestic Animals *3
ANS 3520Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals3
ANS 4190Advanced Animal Nutrition2
FSHN 4070Microbiological Safety of Foods of Animal Origins3
MICRO 3020Biology of Microorganisms3
TSM 3270Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management *3
TSM 4550Feed Processing and Technology *3
TSM 4570Feed Safety, Ingredient Quality and Analytics *3

Courses fulfill the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate

Enterprise Management (3 credits)

AGEDS 4510Agricultural Law3
ECON 2300Farm Business Management ^3
ECON 2350Introduction to Agricultural Markets3
ECON 3320Cooperatives3
ECON 3340Entrepreneurship in Agriculture3
ECON 3370Agricultural Marketing3

Course is a prerequisite for ANS 4340

Dairy Cattle Production Emphasis (6 credits)

ANS 4340Dairy Systems Management3
or ANS 4350 Applied Dairy Farm Evaluation
ANS 3990AAnimal Science Internship: Graded Internship Experience3

Equine Science and Management Certificate

Foundation Course (3 credits)

ANS 2160Equine Science3

Fundamental Disciplines in Animal Science (6 credits)

ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3

Equine Expertise Expansion (6 credits)

ANS 2170Equine Farm Practicum2
ANS 3060Equine Evaluation3
ANS 3130Exercise Physiology of Animals *3
ANS 3160Equine Reproduction Lab3
ANS 3170AFundamentals of Equine Behavior and Training: Young Horses at Halter1
ANS 3170BFundamentals of Equine Behavior and Training: Yearlings3

Courses fulfill the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate

Expertise Expansion (3 credits)

ACCT 2150Legal Environment of Business3
AGEDS 4510Agricultural Law3
AGRON 3340Forage Crop Management3
ANS 3330Embryo Transfer and Related Technologies3
ANS 3360Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being *3
ANS 3370Lactation3
ANS 3450Growth and Development of Domestic Animals *3
ECON 3200Labor Economics3
ECON 3340Entrepreneurship in Agriculture3

Courses fulfill the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate

Equine Management Emphasis (6 credits)

ANS 4150Equine Systems Management3
ANS 3990AAnimal Science Internship: Graded Internship Experience3

Poultry Production Management Certificate

Foundation Course (3 credits)

ANS 2230Poultry Science3

Fundamental Disciplines in Animal Science (9 credits)

ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3
ANS 3520Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals3

Expertise Expansion (3 credits)

ANS 3360Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being *3
ANS 3450Growth and Development of Domestic Animals *3
ANS 3600Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology *3
TSM 3270Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management *3
TSM 4550Feed Processing and Technology3
TSM 4570Feed Safety, Ingredient Quality and Analytics3
VDPAM 4870Livestock Disease Prevention3
ANS 3730APoultry Products Technology #3
ANS 3730BApplied Avian Physiology #3
ANS 3730CAvian Health #3
ANS 3730DPoultry Nutrition #3

Courses fulfill the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate


Courses are held as part of the Midwest Poultry Consortium COE courses during the summer

Enterprise Management (3 credits)

AGEDS 4510Agricultural Law3
ECON 2300Farm Business Management3
ECON 2350Introduction to Agricultural Markets3
ECON 3320Cooperatives3
ECON 3340Entrepreneurship in Agriculture3

Poultry Production Emphasis (6 credits, to include ANS 3990 and choice of one 4000-level management)

ANS 3990AAnimal Science Internship: Graded Internship Experience3
ANS 4730APoultry Enterprise Management #3
ANS 4730BBreeder Flock and Hatchery Management #3

Courses are held as part of the Midwest Poultry Consortium COE courses during the summer

Swine Production Management Certificate

Foundation Course (3 credits)

ANS 2250Swine Science3

Fundamental Disciplines in Animal Science (9 credits)

ANS 3200Animal Feeds and Feeding3
ANS 3310Domestic Animal Reproduction3
ANS 3520Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animals3

Expertise Expansion (3 credits)

AGRON 2800Crop Development, Production and Management3
ANS 3330Embryo Transfer and Related Technologies3
ANS 3360Domestic Animal Behavior and Well-Being *3
ANS 3450Growth and Development of Domestic Animals *3
ANS 3600Fresh Meat Science and Applied Muscle Biology *3
ANS 3800CEmployee Management for the Swine Industry1
ANS 3800DFarrowing Management1
ANS 3800ESwine Feed Mill Management1
ANS 3800FMarketing and Risk Management in the Swine Industry1
ANS 3800GSwine Nursery and Finishing Management1
ANS 3820Swine Ventilation Systems and Management1
ANS 3830Swine Manure and Nutrient Management1
ANS 3840Swine Health and Biosecurity1
TSM 3270Livestock and Poultry Production: Facilities, Technology, and Management *3
TSM 4550Feed Processing and Technology3
TSM 4570Feed Safety, Ingredient Quality and Analytics3
VDPAM 4870Livestock Disease Prevention3

Courses fulfill the Animal Science degree discipline expansion requirement unless designated as a unique course in the certificate

Enterprise Management (3 credits)

AGEDS 4510Agricultural Law3
ECON 2300Farm Business Management3
ECON 2350Introduction to Agricultural Markets3
ECON 3320Cooperatives3
ECON 3340Entrepreneurship in Agriculture3

Swine Production Emphasis (6 credits)

ANS 4250Swine Systems Management3
ANS 3990AAnimal Science Internship: Graded Internship Experience3

Graduate Study

The department offers work for the degrees Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy with majors in animal breeding and genetics; meat science; animal physiology; animal science; and an interdepartmental program in nutritional sciences which has an option in animal nutrition. Minor work is offered in these areas to students taking major work in other departments.

A strong undergraduate program is required for students interested in graduate study. Fundamental training in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and statistics is requisite to a satisfactory graduate program. Graduate programs in animal science include supporting work in areas such as agricultural engineering, agronomy; anatomy; biochemistry; chemistry; economics; environmental science; food science and human nutrition; genetics; microbiology; physics; physiology; and statistics. Students may choose graduate programs involving a co-major with one of these areas. Graduate work in meat science is offered as a co-major in animal science and food science and human nutrition.

The department also cooperates in the interdepartmental program in professional agriculture and interdepartmental majors in genetics, immunobiology, microbiology, MCDB (molecular, cellular, and developmental biology), neuroscience, nutritional sciences, and toxicology (see Index).

The foreign language requirement, if any, is established on an individual basis by the program-of-study committee appointed to guide the work of the student.